Shadow|Bill Kaulitz

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The dark room lit only by candlelight, her eyes fixed on the picture in front of her and the needle on the thread in her hand scattering in all directions. He is here.

Y/N didn't even dare to take a breath to avoid moving the needle. The candles were slowly extinguished, but after pulling her hand a little to the side and saying: 'stop', the flame of the candles increased and the flame began to slowly rise.

There are times when
Y/N needs Bill and he shows up by her side and there are times when he isn't there.

Reaching her hand towards the picture in front of her, she moved the needle thread a little to get some sort of response from Bill.

The lights finally went out and as the darkness engulfed her, she just lowered her hand with a sigh. As much as Y/N was afraid of the dark, knowing that Bill was with her in this blinding darkness Y/N got up from her chair and found the light switch and turned on the light.

"Come on, don't look back at me" Y/N whispered so Bill could hear her and went to the window and opened it. The cold shook her, he stepped over her and left her.

After Bill's death, everyone thought she was going to be weird, but not so weird that she would summon his spirit every time she missed him.

Y/N was having a hard time dealing with the idea that Bill had died, leaving her with a deep wound in her heart, so she took some extreme measures.

"I'm losing my patience" Y/N growled as she ran her hands through her hair. It was a rough night, especially when Bill appeared in her dream, inviting her to his place. She knew such dreams didn't mean anything good, but his pleas were heartbreaking.

Y/N walked around the church and took slow steps towards the altar where Bill lit a candle in his black robes. The church was dark, but not too dark, and it had a cozy atmosphere.

"Bill, what are we doing here?" She said in a soft voice as she walked towards him while Bill held the black candle in his velvety hands muttering something to himself that Y/N couldn't understand.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Y/N said again. It was strange to see him in all black in church.

"Y/N" Bill turned to her. His face was so white and his lips blue, he was shivering with cold. "Please come to me"

Y/N gasped, she shook her head as she started to back away from him, but he took slow, heavy steps towards her. He looked like the living dead. The movements are slow, full of agony of pain, and the eyes are gray with no sign of life.

"I'm cold Y/N" Bill shivered as he held out his hand to her, slowly approaching her. "please warm me up"

Y/N was still shaking her head, she was scared but how can she push her lover away when he calls out to her, he wants her warmth, she can't leave him alone to suffer the eternal cold.

"I'm so cold in here" Bill's blue lips moved slowly. "give me your hand"

Y/N felt like she shouldn't walk towards him when he invites her to him, she shouldn't take his hand because it's a bad sign.

"Don't leave me here to suffer"

Their hands touched. She is cursed.

Grabbing the keys from the hanger, she left the house, quickly locking them. Getting into the car, she started it and drove out of her yard towards the cemetery through the greedy, silent and blinding darkness.

After stopping the car, she got out of it and looked around. Many candles were burning on the graves, animals were running around the gates of the cemetery. Sighing deeply, she walked over to them and walked towards Bill's grave.

Kneeling by Bill's grave, she touched the soil of the grave with her hands, gently inserting her hand so that her hand could feel the cold dirt beneath which he lay.

"I will love you from the grave" Y/N whispered as she cupped the dirt in her hands and walked out of the cemetery holding it.

After getting in, she started the car and, pressing hard on the dirt with her palm, drove at high speed on a narrow road surrounded by many trees.

The speed got out of control, Y/N panicked and tried to stop the car, but his shadow stood in her way and she turned the steering wheel in a panic, straight into the trees, crashing into them at an inhuman speed.

His shadow disappeared before her eyes and the darkness engulfed her as her breathing stopped.


Inspired by: Crystal Castles - Leni.

I got so fucking scared when i saw that Bill photo, but that's how imagined Bill's shadow in my head when I was writing this one shot:

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