Chapter 1

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I opened the bathroom door and let the steam and music spread throughout the studio apartment. I sang along to the newest pop song that played. 

"Why do you insist on playing your music at full blast,"  Mason covered his ears with the sides of his pillow.

"I just want to share my amazing music taste and vocals with you. I also wouldn't have to if you didn't cut my earphones," I winked and then began to sing again. 

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have ignored me when I was trying to talk to you," he ranted.

"Talk to me? You mean yell at me?"

"You left your camera on the floor!"

"It was not on the floor. I had it on my backpack."

"That was on the floor!"

 "I thought after being here a month, you would realize that I don't  have class on Mondays and I like to sleep in," Mason seethed. 

I became aware two weeks into my stay here. Mondays were Mason's days to get over the hangover he got over the weekend.It was a day of healing. Too bad I didn't care.

"I thought after living here for a month, you would realize I don't care," my voice dripped with fake sincerity.

He huffed and turned  away to face the wall. I listened closely as he mumbled a few words under his breath.  "Such a brat....So goddamn annoying..."

I had never met anyone like Mason before. He was easily annoyed which was a bit frustrating for me. Some days it was fun to mess with him and other days we would both end up in bad moods.  Mason also really liked his space. Growing up with three brothers, I was used to having as little space as possible. I was also used to helping them when they got hurt, which lead to one of mine and Masons bad mood days.

Last week, Mason had got into a fight with some guy over something he wouldn't tell me about. His knuckles were bruised and his bottom lip was split. There was a line of blood dripping from a cut in his eyebrow. I offered to help him clean up, but I guess that was wrong of me. 

"Are you sure you don't need help? I took first-aid training in high school," I followed him into the bathroom.

"Can you fuck off," He stopped in front of the bathroom door.  "I don't need or want your help."

"But, it may be easier to have someone else look at it." I said, "Sometimes we can't tell how bad out own wounds are."

"Fuck," he growled. "I can take care of myself, dammit. Get the fuck out."

I didn't get time to respond. He had slammed the door in my face. 


I quickly put my things away and grabbed my school bag. I was about to walk out the door when I figured I should tell  Mason goodbye. Of course I had to do it in a special way. 

"Mason, I'm leaving for class do you need anything before I go, " I made my voice sound as sweet as possible. The room goes quiet except for the soft snores coming from the somewhat short man. A smirk crossesd my face. 

Mason may need a bottle of water to help him with his hangover. I should get one for him. Reaching into the fridge I grabbed a bottle of water.  I made sure to find the coldest one. I swiftly moved over to his sleeping figure. I removed the cap and slowly tilted the bottle forward.  Mason's face twitched as a few drops land on his nose and forehead. With a sinister giggle, I let the rest of the water flow out.  I jumped back as Mason quickly shot up and rubbed the water from his eyes.

A growl admitted from his chest ,"what the hell, Alex!"  

"I thought it would help with the headache. I should be going now, don't want to be late for class," I winked at him before heading out. I could hear cursing as I shut the front door. 

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