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"I'm home!" I call out as I walk through my front door. It was dead silent in the house. It was also really dark. You know what that means? They are throwing me a surprise welcome home party! They did that for my brother Shawn his first year in college.

I place my bags down and walk around the living room. Nothing has changed since I left. I make my way toward the kitchen. I walk in, not to find people hiding, but to find at note on the kitchen island. I swiftly pick it up.

We went to the store to get things for dinner. I'm making my special lasagna! I know it's your favorite! Anyway, we will be back in an hour.
Love, Mom

No surprise party. I laughed at myself and placed the note back in its place. I went back into the living room and picked up my bags. I walked down the stairs to my room. A couple years ago my dad turned the basement into my room. I used to have to share a room with Thomas and Zack. You know how bad it was to share a room with twin boys?

My room looked exactly how I left it except there were clothes on the ground. It would either be Zack or Thomas. I examined the T-shirts and shorts. Thomas has been sleeping in my room. I knew it was him because he wears sporty clothes and Zack wears more of dark "rocker" type clothing. And it couldn't be Shawn because he's away at college as well.

I quickly pick up the clothes and place them in a corner. I place my bags on my bed and start to unpack.

It didn't take me long before I was done unpacking. As soon as I was done, I decided to take a little nap. I laid down on my comfy bed. I have missed this bed so much. I slowly close my eyes.

"Alex are you home!" Someone shouts and slams the front door. I sigh and get up. So much for a nap. I fix my hair and head up the stairs. As soon as I made it up the stairs I was tackled.

"Alex we missed you!" The twins say at the same time.

"I missed you guys too but can you please get off, you're kind of crushing me." I breath out. They both quickly get off of me. A hand reaches down and I grab it.

"Thanks for helping me up," I look up. My breath hitches at the sight of my oldest brother. I didn't expect him to be home!

"Shawn! I didn't know you were coming home too!" I exclaim. My arms wrap around him so tight.

"Way to show favorites." Zack mumbles.

"Yea I kind of had to. They kick us out of the dorms during breaks so they can clean." He says. I look behind him to see a black haired girl. My brother looks behind me to see what I'm looking at.

"Oh this is Quinn, my girlfriend." He places her in front of him. I could tell that she was very shy because she stayed very close to him. She gave my a small yet uncomfortable smile.

"Hi! I'm Alex." I introduce myself. I reach it to shake her hand. She hesitates for a moment before shaking it.

"Hi, I'm Quinn." She smiles again and speaks lightly.

"Ugh, thanks for the help kids." I hear a deep voice come from the door. My dad walked in holding a couple of bags.

"Sorry we just wanted to see Alex." Zack apologizes. He quickly walks out to get some of the bags.

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