Chapter 10

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Since last night, things have been super awkward. Mason makes sure not to look me in the eye when we pass each other. God I wish this apartment was bigger.  If I had my own space, I could escape from the heavy feeling in the air.

I waited by the bathroom door. Mason has been in there for a long time. He's probably trying to avoid me. I don't blame him, he did almost kiss one of his best friends girlfriends.

Whatever attraction is between us, needs to quickly disappear. Things like what happened last night cannot happen again. Maybe I should try and find my own apartment? Who am I kidding, I could never afford my own.

"The bathrooms yours." The bathroom door slowly pushes open and Mason walks passed me.

"Thanks."I quickly say and run into the bathroom. Okay, now I can start getting ready. 'Shit.' I mentally curse. I left my make up bag out there. Should I just not wear make up today?

Look at me, I'm an adult and I'm scared to go face a guy. I shouldn't be scared to talk to him. I shouldn't be making this as awkward as I am. I am a mature woman and if I want my make up bag then I am going to go get it! I don't care if it makes Mason uncomfortable to be in the same room as me. I am going-

"Umm Alex." There's a soft knock on the door. My heart hammers in my chest. So much for my little speech earlier." You forgot your make up bag. I brought it over."

"Okay. Let me open the door." Slowly I reach for the handle. Come on Alex, you are being stupid. I man up and quickly open the door.  There stood Mason. His head was hung low and he held the bag between his pointer finger and his thumb. He didn't say anything. The awkwardness was suffocating.

"Can I have the makeup bag?" I speak. 
As if he finally realized what he was doing, he quickly hands me the bag and walks away.  He didn't even spare a second to say anything or look at me. Is this how it's going to be for the rest of the year?

"So what did you need to talk about?" Lacy says, handing me my coffee. I decided to tell her what happened between Mason and I.
She like my best friend so I hope she understands that I would never cheat on Cj and that this whole thing was just a heat of the moment problem that won't ever happen again.

"So something kind of happened last night." My voice was quiet. I stir my coffee as I speak. I needed something to focus on other than her.

She raised her eyebrow."You didn't kill some one, did you? Because if you did, I'm not going to be a good helper. I don't know good places to his bodies or own a shovel so you're on your own. She jokes.

I giggle and shake my head. "What no, it wasn't that bad." She lets or a fake sigh of relief.

"Okay, then what was it?" Lacy takes a drink of her coffee. "It can't be too bad then right?"

"Mason and I almost kissed." Instantly, her eyes widen and she spits out her coffee.  I gasp as the burning hot coffee falls onto my arm. I quickly grab napkins and wipe it off of me and the table. I pick up my now soggy muffin and wrap it in the napkins.

"You what? Alex you have a boyfriend!" She hiss and then gives me a disapproving look. I was hoping she wouldn't react like that and would just let me speak.

"I know, that's why I pushed him away!" At first I was going to but then I realized what mistake I was just about to make. Oh god, if I sai that out loud, it still would sound bad.

"Oh good. I didn't think you would want to kiss him." She sighs in relief. She places the empty coffee cup in the bin next to us.

"Trust me, I don't want to kiss him." Who was I saying that to? Her or me?

"Even if something happened between you two, Your relationship wouldn't last." Lacy shrugs. She looks at her new manicure and then looks back at me. "But if you hire Cj, I'll have to kill you." I hope she was joking this time.

"Wait, What do you mean?" Could she mean all his pointless hook ups of his bad temper?

"Mason isn't good in relationships." She simply says. "You know, you've probably seen how many girls he brings him. He's a man how Alex. He could never settle for just one." She suddenly growls.

"I have but how do you know he brings a lot of girls home?" I didn't think he was like that through high school. I figured he's one of those too busy with sports, type of guy.

"Because, when we dated.He cheated on me." It feels as if the wind is knocked out of my by her words.

Mason is a cheater? I know he dated a lot, but I would never take him as one to be that low. If you're unhappy, then leave.

"Look, I need to get to CHEM. I'll see you later." Before I could say goodbye, she was already outside the door. Leaving me to process what she just said.

"Alright, today I want you all to make a chocolate cake. You can make it however you want and add whatever you want, it just has to have chocolate. It will count as 30% of your grade. I will be judging them later today."

As I tried to pay attention I'm culinary class, I couldn't help but think about Mason. I don't know why it bothered me so much that he cheated on Lacy. I don't know why it bothered me so much that he dated Lacy.

"Alex!" I jump at the sound of my name. "Did you not hear me? I said begin! Stop starting around and get started!"

"Yes ma'am."

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