Chapter 4

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I was rude woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. My heart skipped a beat as I was frightened by the sound.The Rugrat's theme song had just scared the shit out of me. I thought I told you to remind me to change that?  I groaned and grabbed the device off of my bedside table. Without checking who the caller was, I answered.

"Hello," I yawned.

"Rise and shine principessa!" CJ's joyous voice rushed through the speakers and into my ears. I pull the phone from my ear and cringe. He was loud and it was way too early for loud.

"You speak italian now," I pulled the phone away to look at the time, "Why are you calling at nine in the morning on a Saturday." Saturday's were for sleeping in until it was too late to consider it Saturday anymore.

"Didn't mean to wake you but I was thinking we could go get something for breakfast?Just you and me? If that's something you're up for," He sounded a bit nervous. Wait, was he asking me out this time? I felt my stomach turn in a good way. 

"I'd love to get breakfast with you CJ. Where were you thinking, " I kept my voice calm and tried not to show that I was a little excited. It's been so long since I've been on a date. Is this even a date? Was I getting ahead of myself?

"How about that small cafe down the road from the university? I think it's called Daisys. We could meet at eleven."

"Okay," I paused for a moment. "Is this a date?" I mentally cursed myself as the question passed. my lips. I shouldn't have asked that.

"I thought that was implied when I said it was just you and me," CJ's said with a hint go nervousness.

"Of course this is a date. I mean I've been dropping hints that I liked you for a while. I'm sorry it took me so long to ask you out."

"Apology not accepted. You kept me waiting." I joked

"I'm sorry m'lady. I'll make it up to you. I promise this date will blow you away," His voice was now serious.

"Alright, I'll keep you to that. I'll see you soon."

I was half tempted to roll over and fall back asleep but, then I would probably be late. I'm not one for being late either. I'm normally super early to things because being late makes me anxious. 

I forced myself to my feet and walk over to my closet to pick something out.  I glance over for a second and notice that Mason was still asleep.  I still hadn't had time to apologize to him. He kept himself busy so he wouldn't have to talk or be around me. I thought he was still being childish but I knew I had to be the one to speak first at some point. 

I arrived at the cafe at exactly eleven. I debated with myself if I should walk in right away or wait. I didn't want to seem to excited but I also didn't want to be late and seem interested.  

The building was cute.  It was tiny and painted an eggshell white with peach detailing. A big sign shaped and painted like a daisy hung above the door.  I stood outside for a moment to calm my nerves and to admire its beauty.  I tried to calm myself by thinking I had no reason to be nervous. 

It was  just CJ. The same guy who I've hang out with multiple times. We've been friends for moths. at this point. Just because this is a date, doesn't make him a different person or the situation any different from the other time we've hung out. I inhaled through my nose and then exhaled through my mouth. Once I mustered up enough courage, I opened the door and walked in.A bell rang as I stepped inside. I looked around the room and soaked in the bright yellow paint. Pictures of daisies covered the walls. Square, wooden tables lined the floor. 

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