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"Alex, do you have any plans for today?" Shawn asks as he passes me a plate.

"None that I know of." I answer passing the plate the other way.

"Good then you can take Quinn out shopping." I freeze in my spot. I slowly look at Quinn who was looking at her boyfriend shocked.

It's not that I don't think it's gonna be bad or anything, but Quinn just seems so shy. We haven't even had a full conversation since shes been here. The only people she talks to are my brother and my mom. 

"Uh you know you don't have-" Quinn started to talk but my brother cut her off.

"I want my sister and girlfriend to be close. Can you please do this for me." Shawn whines. "Please."

"Sure. We can go to the mall for a while." I suggest. A few hours wouldn't hurt. 

"Okay that sounds good. I'll just go get ready." Quinn says to Shawn before getting up.

"Thank you for doing this. Quinn has been wanting to hangout with you. She's just too shy to ask. Plus this helps me." Shawn thanks me.

"Helps you? What do you mean?" I question.

He leans across the table closer to me. "Can you keep a secret." He whispers. I nod in response.

"I need your approval before I move along our relationship. I need to know that my sister and girlfriend can get along." He explains.

"Wait, what do you mean by "move along our relationship'?" I lift my eyebrow questionably.

"I plan to propose soon."  My eyes widen at his words. How long have they been together?

"What! But you guys haven't been dating that long!" I exclaim. He brings her home for the first time. What is he thinking?

"Actually," he rubs the back of his neck shyly. "Quinn and I have been together since junior year of high school. She went to a different school."

"You kept your relationships a secret! You told me you were scared of girls." I was completely shocked. How was he able to keep it a secret for that long?

"I lied." He shrugs.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"Keep your voice down!"

"No you kept a secret from me!"

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal!"

"Oh not a big deal, uhh you-"

"Um, I'm ready to go." We both freeze at the sound of Quinn voice.

"Great!" I turn to her and put on a smile. "I'll be in the car." I walk past her and head to get in the car.

I sigh once I sit down in the front seat. I can't help but feel betrayed that my brother kept a secret from me. We always tell each other everything. I have never kept a secret from him ever. I was pulled out of my thought by the passenger door opening and closing.

"You two weren't fighting because of me were you?" Quinn mumbles.

"No, we were just debating something that's all." I lie.

"Oh okay." She says. I know she knows I'm lying.

The beginning of the drive was really awkward. Neither of us said a word. I decided to turn on the radio so it wouldn't be so awkward. It worked a little bit. I tapped the beat of the song on the steering wheel. Then I began to sing along and so did Quinn. Suddenly we were both jamming out.

At the end of the song we both looked at each other and laughed. "That's my favorite song." Quinn laughs.

"Really me too!" I exclaim. She seems to know good music. That means we are destined to be friends.

Finally we reached the mall. It was so hard to find a parking spot. It took me about 20 minutes to find one. "Alright, what shop should we go into first?" I ask.

"I don't know I've never been here, you can pick." Quinn says. I look around for a good place to start. I spotted a really popular place. Jordy's Clothing. It a really popular women's clothing store.

"Let's go there." I point. Quinn nods in response and we walk that way.

"Welcome, let me know if you need any help." An employee greeted us as we walked in.

We walked around for a while but we didn't really find anything. I offered to pay for food so we went to the food court next.  We both got pizza and sat down at a table.

It was quiet at first. Neither of us wanted to talk really. Quinn stares at her pizza like it was the most interesting thing ever. I think she is trying to avoid eye contact with me. I felt awkward so I tried to think of a topic to talk about.

"So you like my brother." Ah stupid.

"Yep." She answers.

"That's cool I guess," Think Alex. "How did you two meet?"

"We had a mutual friend introduce us. We met at one of his baseball games." Quinn says as she pokes her pizza with a fork still not making eye contact.

"How did he ask you out?"

Suddenly, Quinn smiles and let's out a girly giggle. "He didn't ask me out, I asked him."

I was shocked. "Really but you're so shy!" She finally looks at me and laughs.

"I know, it took like 5 different people to talk me into it. I was so nervous." She laughs at the memory. " We were at a party and when I was talking to him I was shaking so bad I dropped my drink on his shoes."

We continued to talk about her and Shawn's  relationship. I can tell that she really loves him. I think they are perfect for each other. I feel like they are Soulmates. I shouldn't have freaked out on Shawn earlier.

An hour later we decided to go home. This time the car ride wasn't awkward. We actually talked the whole way home.

As soon as we walked in, Shawn greeted us. "Hey, you're back!" He pulls us both into a hug. " I hope you two had fun." He says and let's go.

"We did! I'll be right back." Quinn kisses Shawn's cheek before leaving the room.

Shawn looks at me. "So how was it? Do you like her?" He ask anxiously.

I smile at him. "Yea." I simply say. Shawn smiles and sighs in relief.

"Oh while you were gone, a guy showed up looking for you. His name was Mason and he told me to tell you to call him as soon as possible."

Why did I get chills at his last words? Is something wrong with Mason?

A/n: Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who enjoys and supports my book. It really means a lot to me. 😊 please continue to vote and comment!

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