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"We will be fine, I promise." I say as a give my dad one last hug.

"I know, I know. I just hate planes." My dad gives me a sad small smile. He's acting like he's the one who has to get on. He really does hate planes. It's a process to get him onto one.

"Tell mom and the boys I love them." My dad nods. My mom and brothers weren't able to come with us to the airport. They all ended up getting a bad cold. We had spent the last few days at the beach so they must have caught it from that.

"I will."

"Goodbye sir." Mason says as he reaches a hand to my dad. My dad nods his head and shakes Mason's hand. "You take care of my daughter." I roll my eyes at how cliche my dad sounded.

"I will."

My dad gives one last wave and then disappears into the crowed of people leaving.

"Have you got a hold of Erica?" I ask. She was supposed to be with us but we haven't been able to get a hold of her.

"Yeah, she's getting a later flight so it's just us." I nod in understanding.

I sigh as I finally get to sit in my seat on the plane. It took so long to get through security and checking.

"Damn you beat me to the window seat!" Mason pouts. He places his bags in the cubby above and then sits in the seat next to me. "I wanted the window seat."

"To bad!" I stick my tongue at him and then giggle at his face.

"You're in a weird mood today. Don't be childish." Mason laughs. I just shrug.

"Excuse me. Your bag is in my seat." We both turn to see a middle aged women at the end of the row of seats. She had big hair and her make up looked like something you would see on a Barbie doll.

"Sorry." Mason apologizes and then grabs his bag and places it between us.

The lady mumbles something and then sits in her seat. "Would you like some?" The lady grabs a bag of skittles from her bag.

"No thank you." Mason kindly declines.

"I thought you might say that. You seem like my type- I mean the type that stays away from sweets. You work out a lot? You're so fit." She bats her fake eyelashes and pushed up her- in guessing fake boobs- I look at her in disgust.

I felt a sudden rush of anger go through me. Who is this women? She can't just say things like that to a guy especially when his girlfriend is right here. Wait, am I jeal-No no. I am not, I just think that it's disrespectful.

I was starting to calm down but then I Mason let out a chuckle and his cheeks turned a little bit pink. Is he seriously enjoying that?

"Can you tell your friend to stop glaring at me." Her words make me snap back to reality.  I quickly turn and look out the window. I watch as the clouds pass my window. Florida looks so small from up here.

"You're so handsome. How about we go out after this plane land-"

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I say and quickly stand up.  I couldn't stand hearing this lady flirt with him. I couldn't stand that he wasn't doing anything to stop it. It was disrespectful and angered me.

As I try getting out of the row, I accidentally knock the skittles out of the women's hand. The land harshly at her feet and spill all over the floor.

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