Chapter 14

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"And how are you going to do that?"

He gets up and reaches his hand out to me. I hesitate and then put my hand in his. "Where are we going?"

"To talk to Lacy and get this all straightened out."

I get up and walk beside him. He held my hand tightly in his, like he was scared I was going to run away or melt from his grip.

He was really angry. His eyes were a much darker brown and his cheeks were turning red. I couldn't help but to admire him at this moment. It was kind of hot. I wasn't even going to stop myself from thinking that. It was true.

"If I somehow prove to you that I'm right in all of this," he pauses for a moment to catch his breath. "Then will you give me a chance? I'll prove to you that I'm not the man whore you think I am."

"Mason, I don't know. I literally just got out of a relationship. And you are my roommate. What if we break up? Of what if we just don't work out. Where is this coming from? What made you decided you liked me?"

He stayed silent. He wasn't going to answer my question.

Finally we arrived at Lacy's dorm. I hope she's home, I really want to know the truth.  I don't know what the outcome of all this will be but I need to know.

Mason knocks on the door forcefully. No one answers for a moment and then we finally hear the locks turning. My heart was beating so fast it started to hurt. I felt sick to my stomach.

Lacy opens the door. I'm guessing she just woke up, her hair is a mess and she's wearing pink pjs with cats on them.
She looks between me and Mason with a shocked expression and then she turns to Mason and glares.

"What are you doing here and why are your fingers intertwined?" She growls and points to our hands. I look down and instantly blush. I had forgotten that he had grabbed my hand.  Had we really walked the whole way here like that?

I went to let go but his grip tightened. " We need to talk." He pushes part her and brings me in the dorm. She lets out a huff and slams her door shut.

"Look Mason you can't just-"

"Why did you lie to her?" He growls. She looks confused at his anger towards her. Like he's never yelled at her like that before. I'm sure they've fought before. Why did she look so shocked and scared now?

"What are you talking about? I haven't lied to anyone," she scoffs. "Alex come on, he's obviously going crazy." She tries to pull our hands apart but I kept my grip on his hand.

"We did not date for 2 years and I was not the one who cheated." He was fuming mad. Lacy's eyes widen and guilt flashes through her eyes. I let out a breath. She lied. Her face said it all.

"I-I.." She looks at me and her eyes feel with tears. Soon they dried up and he face went blank.

"Did you lie to me lacy?" I finally spoke.

She shakes her head, she's trying to clear her thoughts. "Yes."

"Why?" I asked shocked. I can't believe my best friend lied to me.  I felt betrayed. What would she need to lie to me for? To make her look better?

Her hands form fists and she looks angry.  She comes closer to me and places her hands on my shoulders. My hand slips out of Masons as Lacy pushes me back. I luckily landed on her couch.

"Because Mason is mine! He will always be mine, even if I'm not his. I'm not letting anyone take him away from me. Especially a bitch like you. I've never liked you! Since you've got here, you have all of my guy friends falling for you. I was not going to let that happen with Mason. I made it sound like a he was a cheater so you wouldn't be interested in him." She yells. 

"He's my boyfriend and you can't have him! I love him! You couldn't never replace me! Just like you could never replace Hanna!" She screeches. The last thing she said was a low blow.

I was to shocked too say anything. All this time I thought she was my friend. In reality she didn't care about me at all. She just cared about keeping me from Mason.

"I am not yours Lacy. Alex is not a bitch, the only bitch here is you. " Mason helps me up from the couch. He places his arms around my waist.

"And guess what?" He smirks at her. "She has replaced you." Those were his last words before placing a soft peck on my lips and then pulling me out the door.

"I told you, I'm not a cheater." Mason says as he plops down on my bed beside me. I felt bad for not believing him.

"I'm really sorry. I just- she was supposed to be my best friend. Not some crazy chick who thinks I'm trying to steal her boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend." He corrects.

"Yea, this is all fucked up isn't it?" I groan and fall back into my pillow.

"It is, but it's not as bad as it seems. You still have me and I still have you." He gives me an award winning smile.

"I get the just getting out of a relationship thing. But is there anything holding you back from letting me sweep you off your feet?" Since when did he turn into such a romantic.

There is another thing holding me back.

"Sasha, Sarah, Sara, Kelly, Crystal, Teresa," this list goes on a for a few more seconds. "I don't want to be another name on that list.

He gives me a hurt look. But starts to nod. "I only brought half of those girls here because they begged me. Apparently I'm pretty popular around here. Hanging out with Mason Chains helps boost up your popularity."

So they were only using him for popularity. What is this, high school?

"You couldn't ever be another name on that list."

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