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"Ugh! I can't stand you!" Thomas screams as he throws a pillow at Zacks face.

"I can't stand you either!" Zack says tackling Thomas to the ground. Zack throws a light punch and Thomas grabs ahold of his hair.

This is what I woke up to. Two teenagers screaming at each other. I sure do miss being home.

"Can you two grow up!" I explode. I get up and stand in between them. "Why are you even fighting?" Im sure it's over something small and petty.

"He's being annoying!" Thomas exclaims. I roll my eyes. Drama queens. I knew it couldn't be something serious.

"What's going on in here?" I turn around to see Shawn in the hallway eating an apple. He stared at the two boys throwing punches into the air. I'm doing a pretty good job of holding both of them back. I guess I've just had years of practice.

"Can you please deal with your brothers." I tilt my head from side to side to point them out. My hands were a little full at the moment. He stops and looks at them and then let looks at me. "They are your brothers too."

"Not when they act like this." I argue.

"Alright, I'll fix this but you have to throw this away." He tosses me the apple core. I catch it and cringe at how slimy it is. I quickly walk to the kitchen so I can get rid of it.

After a few minutes the yelling stopped. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it's noon. I guess it's too late to go back to sleep. So much for sleeping in this break.

"Alex! Can you please come here for a second." I hear my name being called from the kitchen. I'm assuming it's my mother.

"Coming!" I yell and head that way.

I walk in to see my mom sitting at the island reading a gossip magazine. My mom loves those. She really likes knowing all about the celebrity gossip. She acts as if she's friends with the celebrities.

"Yes?" She quickly shuts the magazine and looks at me. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of me. I could really tell she missed me. It almost made me feel bad for leaving.

"Could you go to the store for me?" She asks kindly.

"Sure just make me a list." I say. She nods and grabs a note pad out of a drawer. She begins to make a very long list. "You can take the boys with you if you want."

My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head. "No thanks. I've had enough of the boys for one day." She laughs, ripping the page and handing it to me.

I scan over the list and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "Why do you need baking supplies?" I ask curiously.

She shrugs. "Since you guys are never home, I don't really bake anymore. I miss it. Now that I have people home to eat it, I can bake again." Her eyes light up at the thought.

My mom did used to bake a lot. Everyday after school when I was in elementary, I would come home to freshly baked cookies or cupcakes. The cupcakes were always my favorite.

"Okay then I will get all of this stuff. Can I take your car?" She nods and grabs her keys out of her pocket, handing them to me.

As I make my way to the door, I hear someone coming up behind me. "Alex, take me with yo-"

"Nope!" I yell before I close the door behind me. I sigh in relief and get into the car.

I could tell from the parking lot that the place was packed. Last minute shoppers. Good thing I got all my Christmas presents back in California. That is the one thing I can thank Lacy for. It took me forever to find a parking spot.

"Welcome to the Shopping Center." An employee greeted me as I walked through the front doors. I smile and thanked them before I looked for the baking supply aisle. It didn't take me long to find it.

I was trying to find what I needed until Something grabbed on to me. "Alex!" A tiny voice exclaimed. I look down to see Rosaline.

"Hey!" I hug her. "I knew I would see you again."

"Guess what?" She says excitedly. I hum in response. "My brother is coming here tomorrow! He wasn't going to come home for Christmas! You have to meet him! Can you come over tomorrow please! Please!" She begged me.

"I don't know. I-" I felt weird. I'm a total stranger. I'm sure her mother isn't going to allow this.

"Please!" She begs. She gave me a puppy dog look. "Okay. I guess I can come meet h-" 

"Rosaline Mae! There you are. Don't you ever run from me again!" An angry woman comes over to us. Her mother. She seems to always be angry with her.

"Sorry. I just saw my friend and I had to come say hi. Guess what she's coming over tomorrow to meet my brother!" The little girl jumps with joy.

Her mother looks at me with a deep glare. Shit. "Who are you?"

"Oh! I'm Alex. Rosaline and I met at the airport." I put my hand out. She looks at my hand but does nothing. I slowly pull it back to my side. Well, this couldn't be more awkward.

"Hmm. Nice to meet you. So what's this about you coming over tomorrow?"

"Oh uh-"

"I want her to meet my brother. Please can she!" Rosaline pouts.

"Fine. I know you won't let this go." She sighs. She looks at me with no emotion. "What is your number?" I tell her it and she typed it in her phone.

"I'll text you the address. Come on Rosaline." Rosaline quickly gives me a hug and then follows behind her mom.

I didn't know what to do at the moment so I stood there confused. A few minutes later I came back to my senses and continued shopping.

"Mom, I'm home!" I screech as I make my way through the front door. I walk to the kitchen. Once again my mom is reading a magazine. "Oh thank you!" She says as she shuts the magazine.

"What took you so long at the store?" She questions. I told her about Rosaline and how I was going over to her house tomorrow. I still felt a little weird about the whole situation.

"She sounds adorable." My mom smiles. "Look at you making friends." I laugh.

The next day, I got a text from an Unknown number. "You can head here around noon. Here is the address."

So here I am standing on the porch of a very large house. It wasn't really a house, more of an apartment you would see in New York. It was made of red brick and had a small bay window. I checked the address to make sure I was at the right house. Yep, this is the place. I felt a little nervous. Why? I'm not sure.

I hesitate for a second and then ring the doorbell. A voice from inside shouts "I'll get it!" Soon the door opens. I choke at the person in front of me.

"Can I-"


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