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"Where is it!" I scream as I look for my bag. My flight leaves in about an hour and I can't find one of my bags. I couldn't be late. If I missed my flight, my family would surely kill me. If I even made it to Florida!

"Alex, you should calm down." Mason sat on the couch looking at me. He's been watching my this whole time. Not offering me any help.

"No I need it!" I continue to look. I looked under the beds, in the closets, the bathroom, I even looked in the fridge. If that shows how desperate I was.

"I'm not cleaning this up." Mason says. I glare at him. Maybe the apartment wouldn't look like this if he would have helped me.

"What color was your bag again?" He asks.

"It's a blue bag with the word Pink on it." I explain.

"Oh this one?" I look to see him holding my bag. He has a smirk on his face.

"You've had it this whole time!" I exclaim. He laughs and nods his head. I snatch it out of his grip.

"Why didn't you give it me earlier?" I question.

He shrugs,"It was fun watching you tear apart the apartment." He laughs.

I groan in annoyance. He is so aggravating! I look around the room and make sure that I have all my things this time. As I was getting things together I remembered that Mason is from Florida too.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" I ask. His smile fades and he looks away from me.

"No." He answers. I felt bad for asking. Something must be wrong.

"I'm sorry for-"

"You are going to be late for your flight. You should go." He still doesn't look at me.

"Yea. I'll See you when I get back." He nods in response.

"I'm honestly going to miss you."

"Don't say that. You know you won't." He smiles.

I shrug and give him a small smile before grabbing my things and walking out of the apartment. I really was going to miss him.

Once I got to the airport I found out that my flight had been delayed for two hours. I about flipped my shit when I was told that. I stressed about being late when the plane it's self was late. I found a seat in a waiting area. I decided to play a game on my phone to pass time.

"No!" I yelled out loud when I died. Everyone around me looked at me unimpressed. My face heats up from embarrassment. It was a hard level.

"Sorry." I apologize. The lady next to me scoffs and turns the other way. What's her problem?

I decided to do something more quiet. I grabbed a book from my carry on. I planned on starting this on the plane but I guess this is a better time.

I had really gotten into my book when I was interrupted by a loud scream.

"I want to go see him!" A little girl screamed. Her mother was holding her hand and pulling her towards the seats. And when I say pulling her, I mean pulling her. I don't even the girls feet touched the ground.

"We can't go see him." Her mother growls and continues to walk. The little girl lets out a frustrated cry.

"Why you said we would! You said I would get to see him!" She cries. Her mother let's out a stressed sigh and stops walking. She turns around and gets to the same height as the little girl.

"You can't go see him. Crying isn't going to help." Her tone sounded like a warning. Wow, this woman is rude. Maybe she wouldn't cry if she explained to her why she can't go see whoever it is.

"You promised," She sobs."You promised I could go see my big brother!"

"Promises are meant to be broken. Now please go sit down Rosaline." Her mother sits down two chairs from me. The little girl sits down next me. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying. I wanted to give her a hug but that would be weird. Now that I got a close look at the girl, I felt like I've seen her before. She looked really familiar but I didn't know why.

I went back to reading my book. I didn't get far before I was interrupted again.

"What are you reading?" A little voice said next to me. I turned and the little girl was looking at me. I looked back at my book.

"Oh um, it's called The Maze Runner." I close the book and show her the cover.

"Is it good?" She asks.

"Yea it's one of my favorites." I say.

"Do you read a lot? I read a lot. I love reading!" She exclaims. I giggle a little bit. This little girl is adorable.

"I don't have enough time to read a lot but I read whenever I can." I smile.

"I'm Rosaline but you can call me Rosie." She puts out her hand.

"I'm Alex." I shake her hand.

"Alex? I have a friend back home named Alex. He's a boy though. A really cute boy!" Her cheeks turn pink.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I ask and her eyes widen.

"Ew no! Boys are gross." She scoffs causing me to laugh.

"He's just my best friend. Even though he picks on me sometimes." She frowns at the thoughts.

"That's what boys do."

"Are you going home for Christmas?" Rosaline changes the subject.

"Yea, are you?"

"Yea. I'm going back home to Florida to see my brothers and sisters. Well they aren't my real brothers and sisters. They are my foster brother and sisters. My real brother lives here." She frowns.

Her brother must be the guys she wanted to go see.

"Oh I'm going to Florida too." I decided to change the subject a little.

"Really! Maybe we can have a play date! You can come over and I'll show you my dolls!" She exclaims.

"Maybe." I laugh.

Finally my flight was called. I'm so ready to be home.

"Rose it's time to go." Her mother says.

"Okay," she answers. "Bye Alex!"

"Bye!" I wave at her.

I can hear her telling her mom about her making a new friend and how she wants to have me go over. I'll still couldn't think of how I know that girl.

I get all my things together and started heading towards the boarding. It took about 20 minutes until I was finally on the plane.

Finally I was heading home to Florida.

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