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"O-okay." I answer. Shawn raises his eyebrow. "Alex, are you okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh yea, why?" I take in a deep breath. I just had a bad feeling.

"You're pale,"He says as he places a hand on my forehead. "You're not warm, is it because of that Mason guy?"

I ignore his question." I'll be downstairs." I quickly go before he can ask anymore questions. Once I got downstairs I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Mason's number.  It rang a few times and then went to voice mail. I hung up a called back again. Once again it went to voice mail.

"I thought you wanted me to call you." I say to myself. I place my phone on my side table and lay down on my bed.  I kept trying to think of what could possible be going on with Mason. I worried even more as I began thinking of random scenarios.

I decide to try and call him once more. I roll over to grab my phone when it starts going off. I snatch it from its spot. Without looking at who it is I answer it,"Mason!?"

"Alex." His voice sounded sad and shaky.

"Are you crying? Mason what's going on?" I question.

"Can you come to my Aunts house. It would just be us please." His voice cracked causing my chest to squeeze.

"Yea, yea I'll be there in a couple minutes." I get up and start heading up the stairs.

"Okay then I'll see you in a little." He says. I nod and then realize that he can't see me. "Yea. See you soon."

When I was pulling up to the house I noticed that only one car was in the driveway. Mason must be home by himself.  I hop out of the car and walk to the front door. I heavily knock. In seconds, the door opened.

Mason stood in front of me. He had tear stains down his face and he looked so tired. With out saying anything he walks out of the way so I could go inside. I walked pass him into the house.  Once I was inside he shut the door and looked down.

"Mason, what happened?" I move closer to him. He didn't answer. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, his face hidden in the crook of my neck. He let out a painful sob causing me to hug him harder then he was hugging me.

"What's going on?" I whisper softly, trying to calm him down a little.

"Can we please just stay like this for a little longer. I don't want to talk about it right now. I nod in response. We stood in each other's embrace for what seemed like forever. I was a little sad when he pulled away.

"Let's go to my room and talk." Mason grabs my hand and leads the way. Once we get into the room Mason pulls me to his bed and sits us down. He never let go of my hand. His bed was soft and I felt like I could lay back and fall asleep.

"Promise you won't hate me after this." Mason whispers, looking down at out intertwined hands.

"I promise."

"This is going to be a lot to take in." Mason babbled.

"It's okay. Go ahead." I nod.

"A lot of memories have been brought up to me. Memories, that I don't want to remember," he pauses for a second. "In a high school, I made a lot of dumb choices. At first I was a straight A student but that quickly changed. I wanted to have the popularity. I wanted the "bad boy" status. So I joined in the wrong crowd. My grades slipped and I started smoking and drinking everyday."

I never knew that he smoked or drank that much. I didn't know that he was like that in high school. I'm starting to realize that I actually don't know too much about him.

"It got bad really fast. I started to get into fights and trouble with the law. I messed up my relationship with my Aunt and sister.  I messed up a lot of things. I don't even know how I got into college." He sighs.

"I was the same through my first few months of College. I skipped class to go to parties or clubs. I honestly didn't care. But something changed that." He says.

"What made you change?"


"Me? Why?" I ask confused and shocked.

Mason shrugs, "I honestly don't know. But
Thank you. Without you I probably would have been kicked out of school and heading towards the wrong path." Mason smiles  a half smile.

"That's not what I heard. I was told you were the start student. The dean was happy to talk about you when I went in there the first day."

"She probably only said that so you wouldn't leave the campus and try and find somewhere else to stay."

"Well, I don't know what I'm saying this for but you're welcome." I smile back. I felt my eyes burn and I blinked quickly.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Mason says and then rubs his thumb over my cheek.

"Oh no, I didn't even realize I was crying." I wipe my face.

"Go out with me."

I quickly look at Mason shocked. "What?"

"Will you go out with me tonight?" He asks formally. My breath gets stuck in my throat.

"Um," why do I feel nervous all of the sudden. Do I even have to ask that anymore? I know why I'm nervous.

"Please." Mason leans closer, his nose almost touching mine. I couldn't speak so I just nod. 

"Great! Let's go now!" He says as he stands up and pulls me up with him. His excitement causes me to giggle.

I'm happy that Mason feels better. Now it doesn't even seem like just a few minutes ago he was hug me while crying.

"We will just take my car." Mason says. I follow him to his car and get in. As soon as the car started to drive, I started to feel less nervous and more excited.

A/N: Hey, sorry I didn't update last weekend.   I was a a little busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. You kind of got to learn more about Mason. What do you think? Let me know! Bye 😊✌🏻️

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