Chapter 6

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So you may be wondering how long it's been since Mason yelled a me. Well its only been a week and have things gotten better? Haha..No. Mason has been giving me the silent treatment and I don't dare try and talk to him first. I've tried to give him as much space as I can this week. I've spent more time at Daisy's cafe than in my own room.I think the barista knows me by face by now.

Sadly today I wouldn't be making me regular visit. I have a ten page essay do tomorrow and I haven't started it. My topic deals with the ideals of love and hate used in film. It wasn't the most fun topic especially since I've never been in love and I'm not sure if I've ever hated anyone either. 

I was focused. I made it to my third page but sadly wouldn't be able to finish. I jump back from my laptop at the sound of my front door slamming shut. I shrink back as Mason stumbles into the room. My eyes widen at the state he's in. His face is red, his hairs messed up and so are his clothes.

"Alex, you're home!" Mason slurs.

I keep quiet and watch intently as he moves around the room. He lets out a giggle when he accidentally runs into the couch. He was drunk already?

"Mason be careful." I speak calmly.

He smiles at me before coming over to sit next to me. My bed dips down under his weight. I tense as he puts his arm over me and pulls my head to his chest. I gag at the smell of strong liquor on his shirt. I pull my head back and look up at him. What was bothering him so much he had to get drunk this early? 

His brown eyes scanned over my face. I've never had someone this close to me before. His gaze scared me. He brings a hand up to my face and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. I gasp in surprise and try to move out of his grip. What was he doing? He can't just do things like this out of nowhere.

"Alex." He mumbles my name and begins leaning forward. I was frozen in place. His eyes never leaving mine as he moves in closer. His lips were close to brushing mine and his breath fanned across my face. Thankfully, the smell of alcohol pulled me out of whatever trance I was in. I can't let him kiss me. He's drunk and CJ and I have something going on.

"Why did you move? I wanted to kiss you!" Mason pouts like a little kid. I push myself up and off the my bed. I think we need a lot of space between us right now. Mason reaches up and tries to latch onto my arm. I back up out of his reach.

"You're drunk Mason. You don't really want this." He shakes his head quickly.

"I'm not drunk? I only had," he counts on his finger, "oh yeah, I'm probably drunk."

"I need you to get over to your bed," I didn't need him falling asleep in mine. "Do you think you can get up on your own?"He doesn't waste a second and gets up to. I help him a little bit as he makes his way over to his bed.

Being the good roommate I am, I get him a water bottle from the fridge and place it on his night stand."I got you a water. I don't need you being anymore of a grouch because your head hurts."

"Thanks beautiful. Can I get your number?" A big goofy smile comes across his face.

"Mason, you have my number already." I laugh.

"I do? Score!" That was the last thing he said before he passed out. 

Is it weird that Mason and I get along better when he's drunk? I'm not looking forward to when he's sober and mad at me again. Whatever, I have an essay to finish.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of a loud groan and the sound of my bathroom door getting slammed. Ah, Mason is feeling the after effects of last night.  I sit up and grab my phone from my bedside table. 

"Oh god, how much did I drink last night?" Mason groans as he comes out of the bathroom. I didn't know if he was directly talking to me but I took a chance and replied.

"You sure are friendly when you drink." I feel my face grow warm at my words. Oh god, if he asks what I mean things are going to be very awkward. Maybe I should have kept quiet.

He glares at me, "What are you talking about? Did I do something?"

"Nope, nothing."  He gives me a bored stare and crosses his arms.

"I obviously did something to provoke your comment.

I guess I can't get out of this. "You didn't seem to hate me as much as you do when you're sober."

"What does that even mean? Just tell me what I did so we can move on from this." He snapped. I watched as he got up from his bed and moved to the end of mine.  I stayed silent and tried to figure out how to word what I needed to say. Mason didn't like that and obviously started to get annoyed. 

"You're really annoying you know," he huffs, "you like to push my buttons don't."

"You tried to kiss me." I squeak cutting him off. Masons freezes and I watch as his body tenses up.

He didn't more or speak. Maybe I should make a joke?

"Jeez Mason, if you had a crush on me you could have told me!" I force out a laugh.

"Just because I tried to kiss you when I was drunk, doesn't mean I like you." Mason seethed.

"You can deny it all you want," I joke some more, "but I'm already taken, so sorry the feelings aren't mutual."

"What you're with CJ now? That kid moves fast." He chuckles.

What does he mean by that? "We've been on three dates. To me that's when relationships really start."

 "That kid falls in love way too fast," he shakes his head," well, I wish your relationship the best of luck. May you turn into his wife and not another ex this year."

I narrow my eyes at him. Mason held a stupid smirk on his face. What did he mean 'another ex this year?' Of course I know that CJ has had girlfriends before me , but he never mentioned having a girlfriend this year. Or girlfriends. I would ask him about it but it's way too early for the ex talk.

"Whatever Mason. You say I'm the annoying one but I'm pretty sure it's you." I growl at him. How did this turn into a conversation about my relationship?

"Babe, let's face it. You like when I annoy you. It's fun for you isn't it?" He smirks and leans closer to me. I push his shoulders so he couldn't come any closer.

"You wish Mason." I scoff and cross my arms. 

"Mhm, then you just like to argue. Does it turn you on to get me all rilled up? Thats why you snooped through my things. You wanted to make me angry."

My cheeks heat up at his words. I suddenly miss when he wasn't talking to me. 

"Ugh," I screamed, "you make me want to pull my hair out."

"Ooh, I can do it for you."

With that comment, I used as much force as I could to push him off the bed. He groans as his back comes in contact with the floor.

"You should join me down here. It's kind of nice. Don't you want to cuddle or-


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