Chapter 15

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"Yes dad, I plan to come home on Christmas break." My dad had called me to see if I was going home in 2 weeks. He's excited for me to come home because I didn't go home for Thanksgiving.

They only give you a small amount off for Thanksgiving. Christmas you almost get a month off. Crazy, but I'm thankful for it.

"Alright sweetheart , I'm just making sure! We really miss you." He says. "I can't wait for you to help with the cooking this year. Takes a load off of me!" I laugh.

"You're just saying that because you ruined the mashed potatoes last year. Don't worry, I'll make sure to take them off your hands." I joke back. Hearing my dad laugh really made me miss home.

"I'll talk to you later Dad." I say. I had a lot to get done yet my dad continued to talk. I knew he missed me. I listened to him for another 5 minutes before he finally hung up.

I'm actually excited to go home. I really miss my family. I still remember the day I was heading to California. I cried so hard when my mom left me at the airport. I almost hoped of the plane and went back. I'm glad I didn't. I'm sure my mom would have pushed me back onto the plane anyway.

I walk back into the apartment.  I had walked out so I wouldn't distract Dylan from his paper. "Who was that on the phone?" Dylan asked. He had come over this afternoon. I offered him help on his term paper.

"My dad." Like I said before, Dylan is really nosey. He always asked me where I'm going, what I'm doing, and who I'm talking to. He's like another mom. I still love him though.

I went back to helping him with his paper. It was due in about two hours. It was a huge paper that he received news about like 2 weeks ago. He decided to start it today. I can't really say anything though. I procrastinate all the time.

"You misspelled restaurant. Like four times. And you need to capitalize that. Dylan are you even trying to write this?" He scoffs and glares at me.

"No I was hoping you'd give in a take over so I didn't have to do it." He says honestly with a hint of sarcasm. Man, he was really sassy today.

"I'm not writing your paper for you." I push his laptop closer to his lap. He shakes his head and pushes it back towards me. I push it again and he does the same. He could seriously be a big child sometimes.

"Why not? You've basically written the first two paragraphs." He points at the screen.

"You typed. I just gave you ideas. I am not writing this paper. I'm not even in the same English lit class as you."

"Alex, can't you do me this solid!"



"If you keep asking, I'm never going to help you again." I huff.

"It's not like you help a lot anyways!"


"I'm kidding!"

Mason walked in. He dropped his bag on the ground and walked over to the mini fridge.  He grabbed a water and then sits down by Dylan and I. He looks at the screen and then looks at me.

"How's the paper going?" He ask.

"It's going. Its actually almost done." I say.

"Good job Alex." He pats my head. "I hope you get an A."

"It's my paper though." Dylan pouts. "Don't you hope I get an A?"

"No, Alex is going to end up writing the paper. So it's her A." I laugh as Dylan groans and takes the laptop from me. He begins typing really fast. I hoped that whatever he was adding made sense.

"You need hurry. We're all going to a party tonight." Mason says as he hops up from his spot.  I look at him confused. I don't temper saying I was going to a party?

"A party?" I question. That sounds great and all, but it's a Tuesday night and I have class early tomorrow. It's one of my earliest lectures that I would really hate to miss it.

"Yea, we got invited to this guys party. The whole floor will be lit!" I choke on my own apt at the word that just came out of his mouth. Did he really just say that?

I look at Mason dumbfounded. Did he just say 'lit'? Mason chains just used a slang word. I literally can not get passed this. I started to laugh. I tried to control it but I couldn't help it.

"Sick Dude!" Dylan shouts. He quickly gets up and does a weird bro handshake with Mason. Once again I laugh. They looked like little boys and it was adorable.

I decided I wasn't going to go. Class is way more important then a party. I couldn't afford to miss a day. Especially being an undeclared major. I really need to start thinking about that.

"Well please be quiet when you get home." I say. Mason jumps at my words. And I mean jumped, he's now at the edge of my bed.

"What! You're not going?" Mason asks disappointed. Why would he want me to go anyways? I

I shake my head, " I have class."

He throws his head back and makes a weird noise. "Come on Alex! Be a rebel for once!" Mason whines. I have never seen Mason act so childish before. Actually yes I have. He's pretty childish when drunk.

"Yea just skip class. It's not like the Professors really cares if you're there or not." Dylan jumps in. Even if that is true.I still don't want to miss. It looks good on my part.

"Guys, it's not a good ide-"

"Alex, you are going!"





We argued for what seemed like forever. Finally one of us gave in.

"Fine! I'll go!" I yell in defeat.

"Alright, we will head over at 9:00pm." Mason claps his hands together and then leaves the apartment.

I look at Dylan. "Why couldn't you be on my side?"

He just shrugs in response. I sigh.

"let's finish this paper."

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