Bonus Chapter

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*takes please before Alex and Mason's wedding*

"And cut!" I jump as the directors voice echos loudly through out the building. I watch as he intensely watches the scene back on the tiny screen. I admire the way he searches for mistakes or anything that makes the scene great. I hope to be in that spot one day.

"Oh! Alex, my favorite intern," James-the director- grins and points at the screen. "Come look. This will be great for you to see. Watch how the camera moves." He goes on to point out different things to me.

"Alright, we will take ten and then continue with the scene." James claps his hands and everyone goes to do their own thing.

"Alex, will you please help costume in the back while I set up the camera?" James asks and I of course move to do as he asks.

I was so lucky to get this internship. I'm fresh out of college and in a new city. I did not expect them to take me in. Especially when many others applied who are older and more qualified. I'm actually the youngest here. People kind of treat me like a child, even though I'm 22.

Right now I work in almost any station. From working with the actors to set design and other things. It's to help me have a better understanding of what goes on to create a movie or T.V. show.

"Alex, Rosè needs the red dress. Please get it ready." I was given a task as soon as I stepped foot in the tailor. I reach a clothing rack and look for the red dress.

"Alex, we need help with hair!"
"Alex, have you seen the black boots?"
"We need another make up artist! Alex, call one!"
"Alex! Alex!"

Sometimes things can get very exhausting and stressful. That's just part of the job.

I let out a huff as I shut my apartment door behind me. I let out a sigh as I took of my converse. My feet were killing me from walking around so much today. I turn on the dim light, not wanting to ruin the darkness of the flat.

I groggily walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass out of the cabinet and then fill it with water from the fridge. I walk over to the big window in our dining area. I lightly pull the red curtains away to reveal the view of New York City from above. I found it calming to look at the city at night. The lights coming from the buildings, and the cars- thankfully can't hear the honking- make the city look so lively at night.

I was in deep thought when i felt arms wrap around my waist. The smell of nice and familiar cologne hits my nose. A soft smile forms on my lips and let my back lean into the person behind me.

"How was your day?" Mason speaks behind me. He rests his chin on top of my head.

"It was okay. Long and stressful but it will be worth it in the long run. What about yours?"

"School was okay and work was long. We had what seemed like a whole baseball team come in today."

Mason was going to school for chiropractic which he finished and is now going back for sports medicine. He works in a chiropractic office right now. I'm honestly so proud of him.

"I'm so glad to be home. I missed you today. I missed holding you in my arms." I giggle as Mason moves to lean his chin on my shoulder. He can be so cute sometimes.

"Mason, we literally cuddled all night last night and this morning. I was almost late to the set because of you." He lifts his head and I turn around to face him. I place both my hands oh his cheeks and pull him close for a kiss. I'm so in love it hurts.

I begin to pull away but he pulls me back in. I move my arms  to wrap around his neck. He places his hands on my waist and pulls me closer. Our lips move in sync. I let out a small gasp as his hands move down to pick me up.

Moments like these make me realize that I made the right choice to move to New York. Once I finished school in California I was out. I wanted to be with Mason. The distance was hard. We were able to see each other on holidays but only being able to see each other for a week or two isn't enough.

When I told my parents I was going to move to New York they weren't the happiest but they warmed up to the idea when the realized that Shawn would be living in the same city.

I was so caught up in thought that I didn't even realize Mason had  carried me to our room. He lightly placed me down and followed. I take in a deep breath as he moves from my lips to my neck.

"You know," he speaks as he pulls away. "I love you. You really are the best thing that has happened to me. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met." I don't know if it was the atmosphere or me being a baby but I felt my eyes fill with tears. Mason's eyes widen.

"Oh no baby! I didn't mean to make you cry!" I holds himself up a bit and uses his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"I love you so much," I choke out. "You just hit me with that out of nowhere and I couldn't handle it." I sniffle.

"I feel like I don't say it enough," he begins to place kisses around my face and down my neck. He stops for a moment. "They didn't ruin the mood did it?" I let out a laugh at his face.

I shake my head and pull him into another long lasting kiss.

The next morning I woke up the only way I'd want to. My head laid on Masons chest and his arms wrapped around me. That is how you know it's a Saturday morning. No alarms. No leaving each other early. We could stay in bed all day if we wanted to.

"Babe, stop moving. I'm trying to cuddle." Mason groans as I shift to try and get more comfortable.

"Mason, as much as I love cuddling, I'm getting hungry."

"Five more minutes and then we will go make breakfast." He tighten his arms a bit.

I hum in agreement. "Alright, I figured we could make some waffles and have like a topping bar. So you can pick from different toppings. I bought whipped cream and some fruit yesterday." If i know anything about Mason, it is that he loved waffles.

The room falls silent for a moment. Did he fall back asleep?

"I think I'm going to marry you." I burst out laughing as his words come out.

I lean my head up to look at him. "Oh yeah? What made you decide that?" He smiles and leans down to kiss my forehead.

"I think it was the words waffles and topping bar."

"Hmm, well I'm looking forward to that day."

"Me too."

————————————————————Authors Note: Well, I hope this was a surprise for everyone asking for a bonus chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think! Maybe there will be more bonus chapters in the future. :) ❣️

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