Chapter 3

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It had been two days since Mason came home with blood dripping down his face. He said nothing to me. He made sure to ignore all my questions and worries. At one point he got tired of me asking and went out the front door. Of course, I chased after him. Only for him to juke me out and head back inside, locking the door behind him. He had locked me out of our apartment! It took thirty minutes of me banging on the door for him to open it. He let me in but left right after. 

When he came back, the silent treatment had almost ended until I pissed him off again.

I sat on my bed and edited some pictures had recently taken during animation class. I realized that I wanted a bottle of water though that meant getting up from my bed. I noticed that Mason was sitting on the couch which was closest to the fridge.

"Hey, Mason, "I called. "Would you mind grabbing me a water from the fridge?"

Mason stood still in his place. Tapping away at his phone, eyes never leaving the screen. This meant he was still mad at me. Last night I came home to find another girl in the apartment. She looked me up and down as I entered the door, giving me the meanest glare I have ever saw.

"Can I help you," she questioned. 

"Where's Mason?"

She scoffed, "Why do you want to know where my BOYFRIEND is?"

"Boyfriend," I chuckled. "Right, well I wanted to ask him what he wanted for dinner."

Her eyes narrowed and she began to stand up from the couch. I noticed that the girl was quite taller than me which she thought was intimidating. Good thing my brothers (who all towered over me) made it a point to teach me to never be intimidated by anyone.

"You need to leave," she screeched. My jaw dropped in shock. She was not telling me to leave my own apartment.


"You need to leave my boyfriend's apartment, "She crossed her arms over her chest, "You are obviously an ex or something , coming in here like you own the place. Just get out."

I was so in shock that I couldn't let out the laugh that was sitting in my throat. She has no idea who I am. I was getting ready to say something when the front door opened. 

"Oh, hey, Alex-

"You need to get the fuck out of my apartment," I sneered at the girl. 

"What did I just walk into..." Mason whispered under his breath. 

"Your apartment? I am not leaving-

I cut the girl off, "If you don't leave, I will call campus security and have them kick your ass out."

The black haired girl looked between Mason and I. "She really lives here, Mason? You live with your ex?"

Mason nodded, "Yes...wait, my wha-

"Get out now!" I pointed to the door and the girl finally gave up. She was almost out the door when I spoke again. 

"That's your girlfriend right Mason, " I smirked.  "Whats her same?"

And just as I expected, Mason said nothing and the girl left with a look of annoyance and hurt on her face. I had no idea at that moment that I had pissed Mason off as well.


I watched closely as Mason suddenly shot up from the couch and walked into the kitchen area. He opened the black fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I smiled to myself as I waited for him to bring the bottle to me. My smile dropped as Mason opened the bottle, took a drink, and plopped back down onto the couch.I groaned ands up from my comfy spot on my bed. My feet now touched the carpet.

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