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"Alex,Hurry up!" Shawn screams from across the hall. "You are going to make us late for the Christmas party. That will upset grandma!"

I roll my eye."Calm down. I'll be done in a second!" Why does he always have to rush me? Doesn't he know that it takes time to get ready? It's like he expects me to wake up and be ready. Suddenly I hear foot steps behind me.

"Hurry or I will carry you down those stairs." He threatens. I almost let out a laugh but I knew that would make him do it.

It turn to look in my mirror. "Alright I'm finished." I grab a bag of presents I had and walk past Shawn. Once I reached downstairs, I noticed that Shawn wasn't behind me.

"Shawn, hurry up!" I mimic his voice and then laugh at myself.

"You are really annoying." Shawn trudges down the stair case. Quinn follows. I had almost forgot she was here. She's really quiet.

"Yeah, yeah. Now help me carry these gifts to the car." I place almost all of the gifts in his arms.  They were all really heavy. I had 3 small boxes for myself.

"Why did you give me all the heavy ones!" Shawn whines.

"Because you're stronger and I didn't want to carry them." I smirk.

"Ugh, do you treat your roommate like this?" He uses his leg and pushes up the boxes.

"Nope, him and I don't really go shopping together so." Now that I think about it, Mason does most of the shopping. I've only bought things for the apartment a couple of times. We are going to have to have a talk when we get back.

"Wait, him?" Shawn raises an eyebrow. My eyes widen and I freeze in my place. Uh oh, here comes protected older brother. I shouldn't have said that. It was too late to take it back now.

"Um yeah, the dorms were full and there was only one apartment left. His names Mason and he's really-"

"Is he nice to you?"

"Hey, it's rude to interrupt," I scold." And to answer your question. Yes, he is nice to me." Am I lying? I mean Mason is nice to me now, but before he was really mean. I'm not going to count it as lying, that was in the past.

"You aren't dating?" I blush at his question.


"Okay. You aren't allowed to have a boyfriend remember that." Shawn says.
"Now get in the car, we are seriously going to be late."

I slide into the passenger side. I guess it's not a good time to mention Cj. Shawn would surly mess him up since he technically cheated on me.

About 20 minutes later, we arrived at my grandma's house. There were a lot of cars parked in the drive way, meaning that my whole family was there.

"Hey, Shawn and Alexandria are here!" Someone shouts. I cringe as I hear them use my whole name. We hug and greet a bunch of family members as we make our way to the tree. I placed my gifts under it and back up so Shawn could put the rest down.

"Dinners ready!" I recognized my moms voice coming from the kitchen. Everyone races to go find a seat in the dining room.

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