Chapter 5

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CJ walked me back to my apartment at the end of our date. 

"I had a really great time," I let go of his hand as we reach my front door, "I can't wait for next Saturday."

He grins. "I can't wait either. I should be heading back to my dorm.I'll text yo later." Before I could say anything or process anything, CJ had planted a soft kiss to me cheek and walked away.I smile to myself as I head inside.

I have to say, it was fun hanging out with him. I've never been on a date like that before. I didn't feel too over whelmed or uncomfortable. He made it so easy. Talking to him was easy. Hell, everything with him was easy. 

My glow from earlier begins to fade when I see Mason and some girl I've never seen, sucking each others faces off.I thought he was done with that? He hadn't had a girl over since our argument.  I just roll my eyes and make my way past them into the bathroom. It's the only other room in the place. I'd rather sit in the bathroom for a  few than see my roommate make out with someone who wasn't even going to be around for long. I'd also rather not get in another argument about kicking some girl out.

After about half an hour and many many different iPhone games, I hear the front door slam shut and by slam shut I mean slammed shut to the point the floor shook. He must of told her that was a one time thing. I've seen the same scenario many times before. I crack the bathroom door open a little and peak out.

"Are you done?" I call out to Mason. 

"For now, my other chick will be here around four ." Mason answers. I open the door and walk out. I was irritated to the point I didn't care that he spoke to me.

"Pig." I mumble.I hope he wasn't serious about that.  

"So its okay for you to go have fun with CJ but I can't have fun with a girl?"

I scoff. "CJ and I went on a date. Thats different from hooking up with someone random."

"Whatever," he settled, "I'm hungry." He rolls on to his stomach and stuffs his face in his pillow.

"And I need to know this why? Theres a fridge not that far from you."  I point to the small kitchen.

"Lets go to McDonalds!" He hops up and joins me on the couch. I look at him as if he grew two heads. Did he just say "lets" as in the the short version of "let us?" Is he being serious right now? The Mason I know would never invite me to go anywhere with him.

"You and me?" There's no way he is asking me to go somewhere with him. Unless he's planning to kidnap and kill me. Though I feel like he would have done that by now if that was his plan. He could never get away with that anyway. 

"Yes." He looks at me blankly.

I snort. "No! I'm not going anywhere with you." 

"What come on. McDonald isn't even that far away. I'm trying to be nice!"

"I don't trust you. You don't do nice!"

"Let me be nice!"


We argued for a little bit before I gave in. I was persuaded at the thought of fries. I pout and follow him to the parking. He wins this round but this will be the only time. 

"When you get in don't touch anything alright? I don't need you messing up my interior." He stops me in front of a black mustang. My jaw drops. This was Masons car?  How on earth did he afford such a majestic car! It was absolutely beautiful.

"This is your car," I run my fingers softly over the hoo,. "Its beautiful," I felt as if I could cry. It was that stunning.I stared at the beautiful car for a few more minutes, until Mason interrupted me. 

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