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"Oh my god!? What did I do last night- ow! My face!"

I was woken up by Mason yelling. If he yelled a little bit louder, he's going to get us caught. Couldn't he freak out a little bit more quietly? I figured I should calm him down before my dad or brothers decided to come down here.

Mason was at the end of my bed trying to call someone. However, the call must have failed because he huffed and slammed his phone into the bed. The purple blanket folds over and the phone is hidden underneath.

"Mason." He snapped his head to me. His eyes widen and he turns pale. I bet he felt bad.

"Alex, look I don't know how I got here! I don't remember anything. I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't cause you trouble or say anything embarrassing like last time." His cheeks redden at the memory of last time he was drunk in front of me. I giggle at his reaction.

Sitting up, I grab ahold of his arm to show him that I wanted him to come closer. He crawls over and sits next to me.

"What's so funny?" He questions.

"Erica and I brought you here last night. You were passed out that's why you don't remember." I explain.

Mason sighs in relief. "Good, I thought I somehow tracked you down. I thought I was a stalker for a moment!"

"I do have a question though," I hope he doesn't close me out when I ask him this. "Do you remember what happened to your face?" I trace my hand over my face to show where his cut was. Mason mimicked my actions and winced when his finger went over it.

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it." I knew he was going to do this.

"But I want to he-"

"Can we please not talk about it." He whines and throws his head back into my pillows.

"Fine, but at least let me get you something for it." As I started to get up, I could hear footsteps coming from the stairs. I let out a gasp and start looking around for a place he could hide.

Mason gives me a panicked look and tries to his under the blankets. "Mason, that is not going to work!" I hiss quietly.

"Where!?" He panicked. I looked around the room. I didn't have enough time to find a spot.

"Hey, Alex did I leave a pair of my shorts down here?" Thomas stood by the stairs looking down at his phone.

"No." Please don't look up, please don't look up!

"Can I look." He looks up from his phone. Damn! His eyes widen and he lifts his finger to point.

"Alex, who is the guy?" Thomas points to Mason and Mason looks at me.

"Um, Thomas this is my roommate Mason, Mason this is my brother Thomas." I introduce them. It was the only idea that I had.

Mason shyly waves to my brother. Thomas waves back confused. This was so awkward.
"That's cool and all, but why is he here?" He asks.

"Look, Thomas he needed a place to stay last night. Please don't tell mom and dad." I calmly beg. Thomas is known for telling on us.

"I wont. But you owe me." Thomas says before turning to walk up the stairs.

"Wait!"I call out. Thomas turns back. "Can you please get me the first-aid box."

"Now you double owe me." Thomas sighs and finally heads up the stairs.

I sigh in relief and fall back onto the bed. That could have been bad. Suddenly I felt the other side of the bed sink down. Mason had rolled over to lay next to me.

"You know, that is not how I pictured meeting someone from your family."Mason chuckles.

"Yea sorry, I should have locked the door that blocks down here." I apologize.
"Wait you've thought about meeting my family before?"

"More than once." He grins "I'm sorry too, I texted you last night when I was drunk. I passed out before I saw your address. That pretty much all I remember." 

"No it's fine. If you ever need me, you can call or text." I turn to my side and smile at him. As soon as I noticed how close we were, my cheeks heated up and my heart started to race. I hate the affect he has in me.

"Thanks Alex." Mason smiles back causing my heart to skip a beat.

Alex! Why are you acting like this all of the sudden? You've kissed this guy before and you see him everyday. You should not be acting so nervous! "Are you okay?" Mason snaps me out of my internal battle with myself.

"Yea why?"

"You just look really focused." He says.

"Oh I was just thinking about something." I answer.

"I have the first aid kit." A voice rings through the room. Thomas comes over to the end of the bed and just stares at us.

"Um thanks for the kit. You can just set it there." I point to my desk, however Thomas just throws it onto the bed. He gives me a confused look.

"Is there something you need?" I question.

"Are you sure he's just your roommate? Is he your boyfriend too?" Thomas asked. My eye widen and I feel myself grow hot. Ah, I am so embarrassed!

"N-no, he's only my roommate." I say.

"For now." I hear Mason mumble beside me. He tried to keep his voice low but I'm sure Thomas heard that.

"Okay, well you need to find a way to get him out of here. Dad is planning on a family outing and I told them I came down here to wake you so you could get ready." Thomas says.

"Oh great." I sigh.

"I'll try to stall him so you have more time to do whatever," Thomas looks up and thinks. "Wow, you owe me a lot!" He laughs and then runs out of the room.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up." I tell Mason as I open the first-aid kit. He winces as I clean the cut and then cover it with a bandaids.

"Thank You. It feels a lot better." Mason thanks me.

"No problem. Now follow me. I'm going to sneak you out the back door." I had thought of a plan. I would sneak him through the kitchen and out to the backyard where he can go through the fence to the front.

"How am I exactly supposed to go home? I didn't drive here I'm guessing."

"Uh, call Erica quickly!" I panicked.

As he called, I went upstairs to find out where my family members were. Most of my family was in the living room which is good. As long as they don't hear us in the kitchen.

"Alright, Erica is on her way." Mason whispers behind me. He must have followed me up the stairs.

"Okay let's get you out to the back for now."  I grab his hand and lead him up. We made it to the kitchen and out the back door.

"Okay just hang out there. I'm going to go get ready and I'll come out when I'm done."  Mason nods and heads out the door. When he walks out the door, it slams shut behind him.

"Who's in the kitchen?" My dads voice calls out.

"Uh, j-just me." I answer.

"Oh okay. Hurry up, we are leaving in 10 minutes!"

"Yes dad."

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