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"Alex, What are you doing here?" Mason questioned. He began to walk outside on the porch with me. I don't know who's more shocked at the moment.

Before I could answer a little girl comes running to Mason's side. I recognized that it was Rosaline. "Alex! I'm glad that you-"

My mind started to wonder back to when Mason and I had that fight.

"I open the top drawer first. All that was in there was socks and a black bag. I was too scared to look inside the bag. I open the last drawer and find a watch. "Ah ha! Found it." I quickly trun off the watch and begin to place it back in the drawer.

I stop when I look down to find a photo album. I began to grab it when a thought popped into my head. 'This isn't mine. I shouldn't look at it, its probably personal.' I fought with myself for a while before my curiosity took the better of me. I snatched the book from its place. I flip through all the pages. I stopped when I came across a picture of Mason and some little girl hugging. He looked so happy.  I turned the page. I laugh at a picture of him and a little girl making silly faces.

"What are you doing?" I stop laughing and look over to see an angry Mason. "I was just uh, sorry." I didn't know what to say. He walked over to me and rips the book out of my grip. "Don't ever touch my things again." he yells."

She was the girl in the picture.

"Earth to Alex?" A hand waves in my face. I shake my head and come back to reality.

"Oh sorry. I was just thinking about something." I apologize. So now I know who that little girl was in the photo. It was Rosaline, his little sister.

"Well come in! I want to show you my room." Rosaline reaches through the door way and pulls me in. For a little girl, she is crazy strong. Mason follows closely behind.

She pulls me into a pink room with a bunk bed and a crib in one corner. "The top is my bed and the bottom is my foster sister Lilly's bed. The crib is for my other foster sister Penelope." She says. She continues to show me things around the room. She showed me her shoe collection, her Barbie collection, her stamp collection and her rock collection.

"Rosaline! It's lunch time!" A voice calls from downstairs. "Oh! I'll be back! Mason please keep Alex company while I'm gone." She says.

Mason nods. "I will."

She smiles and the leaves the room. Mason looks at me and chuckles. I give him a confused look in return.

"What are you laughing at?" I question.

"You know, when my sister said she had a new friend she wanted me to meet, I was suspecting someone this tall." He places his hand at his hip gesturing at a little kids height.

"Well, I'm this tall, sorry." I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm not complaining." He smiles down at me.

"If I would have stayed at the apartment I would have missed you." He says wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. My face instantly heats up.

"That's cute." I shyly say and look down.

Suddenly I feel my chin being lifted up. "Why are you acting shy all of the sudden?" He whispers. I shrug in response. Slowly Mason starts to lean forward. He was really going to kiss me when his little sister was downstairs. The more he leaned forward, the more I didn't care. My heart hammered in my chest and I reached up on my toes.

"Mason! Don't give my friend cooties!" Someone shrieks. The voice caused Mason and I to jump away from each other.

"Rosie, don't scare me like that!" Mason says grabbing his heart. Was he breathing hard from the scare or from almost kissing me?

"Sorry." She giggles and then looks at me. Her eyes widen and she turns to glare at her big brother.

"Alex, are you okay?" She comes over to my side. She tugs on my arm to pull me to eye level. She places the back of her hand on my cheek. "Your face is all red!"

"I'm fine!" I quickly answer. Mason chuckles and I glare at him. It was his fault and he knew it. I would even say he was proud of it.

"Mason, I think you gave Alex cooties. You made my friend sick!" Rosie barked. I had to hold in a laugh.

He puts his arms up in defense. "I didn't mean too." He tries to hold back his laughter.

"Sure you didn't. You stay here. I'll go get you some medicine." She runs out of the room.

"Your sister is adorable." I say.

"Yeah but she can be a little demon at times too." Mason laughs.

"Your mom must love kids. It's cool that she has taken in foster kids." I smile. Mason suddenly stiffens.

"She isn't my mom. She's my aunt. My mom passed away when I was 17 so three years ago." Mason says. "Rosie sometimes calls my aunt mom so I can see where you got confused."

I ignore that fact that I just found out he's two years older than me. We never really discussed age before. It was just assumed. Nice to know he's 20. I wasn't going to bring it up, we were discussing something more important.

"I'm sor-"

"We're home!" A voice calls from downstairs. I have heard this voice from somewhere. Soon you can hear foot steps coming from the stairs.

"Hey Mas- Alex?" I look to see Erica. Erica and I haven't really talked much this year. She's usually hanging out with Marcus and Lyndsey.

"Hey?" Erica and I both look at Mason.

"Erica is my cousin." He grumbles and then smiles. He must have been joking that he was annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me curiously.

"Oh, Rosaline invited me." I say. I notice how weird that sounds still.

She gives me a weird look and then nods."Okay then. Well I'll be in my room." She says before leaving the room.

Once she's out of the room, Rosie comes in."I'm back! I have the medicine!" She runs to my carefully. She has a large glass filled with ice water.

"Here you go!" She hands it to me.

"Oh thank you." I smile at her and take a drink. Instantly a sour taste takes over. It took all I had not to spit it out. I quickly drink it down.

"Um, what did you put in this?" I ask.

"Oh I got lemons and squeezed the juice into the water. Mom drinks lemon water all the time." She smiles. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah, I feel much better now." I hand her back the glass.

"Good. Now Mason," she gives him a serious look. "Please stay away from Alex."

Instead of looking at her to answer, he looks at me and smirks. "I'll try but no promises."

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