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Currently Mason and I were walking on the beach. His family had planned to go today since it was nice and they invited me along. Mason had told his aunt that he new me and that we were roommates back at school. I don't think she likes that idea very much.

It was a little chilly out so no one is swimming. I mean, as chilly as it can get for our part of Florida.

Mason and I somehow, snuck away so we could talk. It was hard to get out of Rosie's grip. She had her eyes on us the whole time before we somehow lost the group.

"It's weird how you ran into my sister." Mason speaks.

"Yeah, really weird." I agreed. Who knew that I would end up meeting the girl who I saw in the picture. "I can't believe I didn't recognize her from the picture right away."

"Well I did take the photo from you pretty quickly. You didn't have much time to look at it." Mason cringes at the memory. "I'm sorry that I freaked out on you."

"It's fine." I accept his apology. "But why did you freak out? What didn't you just tell me that it was your sister?" I ask curiosity.

"At that time there was a lot of problems going on with me and my family." He starts. "Before I got to California. I was a big partier. I went to one almost every night." Mason stops walking and turns to me.

"One night I went to a party and did something that caused a big fight between my family and I. My aunt kicked me out and I had to live with a friend. I also got my college money myself. I wasn't allowed to see my sister. It was just really bad. I freaked out when I saw you holding the photo album because I hadn't seen that thing in months. And it hurt to see that picture of my sister and I." He finished his story.

Mason looks like such a cold guy. You would never believe he had a soft spot unless you saw it for yourself. I don't really see how people label him as a "bad boy." Maybe it's because I actually haven't seen all of him yet. Maybe there's more I need to know.

"Alex? You there?" I'm pulled out of my thought by a hand waving in my face. I shake my head to clear it. "Yea sorry."

"That's the second time you spaced out on me." Mason chuckles. I instantly blush.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind." I apologize again.

"It's fine. Your thinking face is adorable anyway." He smiles and my cheeks burn even more.

"Come on let's keep walking." Mason starts walking a head of me. I quickly move to his side.

We walked a little farther until Mason stop abruptly. I looked at him confused. He was staring ahead. I turn away from him to look at what he was looking at.

In front of us was a group of about 4 guys. They were messing around, throwing sand and beer bottles all over the place. They looked like a drunken mess. 

All of the sudden a hand grabs mine causing me to jump. "Let's head back it's getting late." Mason started tugging me the other way.

"Mason who is-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence.

"Yo it's Mason!" A voice behind us screeches. We both slowly turn around. The group of guys was now in front of us.

"Mason Chains, is it really you man?" One of the guys asked. He squints his eyes and looks as if he's concentrating really hard.

"Yea it's me." Mason let's go of my hand and folds his arms of his chest. I take a step back and get as close to him as possible.

The guys who was concentrating smiles." Come here man, give me a hug!" He suddenly jumps and wraps his arms around him. Causing Mason to look disgusted. It had also pushed me back a little. His arm had come in contact with my stomach causing me to push back.

"And who's this pretty lady?" Another one of the guys speaks. He moves over to me. "

"Hello beautiful." He places a hand on my shoulder. I reach up and remove his hand. He holds it there heavily. He moves to lean closer to my neck. His long greasy hair brushes against my shoulder and I about vomit at the smell.

"Don't touch me." I snarl. I use all my strength to push him back. He stumbles a bit but is able to keep standing. I did not like these guys. Something felt off about them.

"Oh, she's a feisty one. Where did you find her Mason?" He smirks. I cringe at the way he was looking at me. Undressing me with his eyes.

"Leave her alone. Look we've got to go." Mason says pushing the guy away from us a little bit more and grabbing my hand. Instantly I felt a lot safer.

"Ah man. I thought we could catch up. Why do you have to leave so soon?" They guy who hugged Mason frowns. The other three just stood back and watched.

"Yeah why so soon? I really wanted to get to know the lady here." I shiver in disgust.

"It's non of your business." Mason growls. I was hoping it would scare the guys off but they just laughed.

"Ah Mason, still as secretive as always." One guy coos. "Fine but I expect you to call me so we can catch up." That was the last thing said before they walked off.

Mason huffs in annoyance. "Finally."

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Just some low life's I used to hang out with." He revealed. I can tell that he really does not like them.

"Is that who you used to party with?" Why did I asked that!

"Yeah. There was a lot more to partying. We got into a lot of trouble." I could tell he didn't want to go into much detail.

"Oh." I decided I wouldn't ask anymore about them. "We should get back now." Mason nods in agreement and we head back to his family.

Once we got back, we headed home right away. Rosie showed me a bunch of shells she picked up. They were all sorts of colors and shapes. She told me that she was going to start a big shell collection. She really likes collecting things.

"Alright. I have to go home now." I tell Rosie as I head towards the front door. She looks at me and pouts." Do you have to?"

"I have to get back to my family." I answer.

"But I don't want you to leave." She whines.

"I know but I promise I will be back soon." I hold up a pink finger gesturing at a pinky promise. Rosie then smiles and locks her pink with mine.

"Okay, just don't break your promise."

"I won't," I smile at her and then look behind her at Mason. "I'll talk to you later." I say. He nods and then waves goodbye. 

I finally reached my house. Judging by the cars in the driveway. Shawn was here but my parents were gone.

As I walk in the door, I am greeted by the twins and Shawn. They both looked mad.

"Alex Shawn was-"
"Thomas is stup-"
"Zack at all the cake-"

They all tried to talk at the same time and ended up arguing with each other. I roll my eyes and try to move passed them. I sigh. "It's good be home."

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