Chapter 12

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"Okay so I've called you all here to discuss something very important," Lacy had invited the whole group to her dorm to discuss something we all didn't know about. She walked back and forth, swaying her hips. She had a notebook and a pen in her hand.

"Which club are we going to tonight?" She asks in all seriousness. I look at her dumbfounded? This is the important thing she had to ask us? Seriously?

"That's why you called us all at, 8:00 am on a Saturday?" Dylan yawns. I agree, its way to early to be up. "I'd rather be sleeping right now."

"Yes. This is important!" She exclaims, throwing her arms in the air. Her brown hair flies all over the place. She looked crazy. "So where do you guys suggest we go?"

"How about The Blue Moon, its only 30 minutes away from here?" Mason suggests. I've never been there. I've actually never been to any clubs here. I've been here for a couple of months now yet I've never went out.

"I don't know, I don't really like that place." Lacy answers but writes it down on her notebook.

"Since when?" Erica looks at her with a confused expressions. "We used to go there all the time. It used to be your favorite or so I thought?"

"Since Mason suggested it." She says.

Everyone rolls their eyes. I get that she hates him for what he did but that is very childish. She needs to put that feeling aside when she's trying to make plans with her friends.

"We are going there whether you like it or not." Marcus steps in. This is the first time I've heard him talk honestly. We aren't that close and he's always busy with class.


"Ugh, I hate shopping." Lyndsey groans in annoyance as we walk around the dress stores. Lacy needed a new dress for tonight. Not sure why she couldn't have worn one of her old ones or one she bought the last time we went shopping.

I'm kind of excited for tonight. It will be nice to take a break from school and just let loose for once. I feel like I'm always stressed or angry about something so this should be good to get rid of all of that.

"What about this one?" Lacy ask. She was wearing a tight salmon colored dress. Its not my taste but it looks good on her.

"Get that one." Lyndsey says in a bored tone. She was playing on her phone. I don't even think she looked up at the dress.

"You're just saying that's so we can leave." She frowns. Lyndsey just shrugs and continues with whatever she's doing on her phone.

After about five more dresses, Lacy finally picked the salmon colored one. "So, you guys want to go get our nails done or something?" Erica suggests. We all agree.

I had saved up some cash that my mom had sent me to help out with groceries. Getting my nails done this once wouldn't hurt.

Finally we arrived back home. It was only 3:00pm so we still have 6 hours until we plan to leave. I had nothing to do so I went home to finish an homework I had so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow. I was completely focused until I heard the door open and close. I look up to see Mason.

"I thought you were hanging out with the girls?" Mason asks. He places what looks to be a baseball bag on the floor. I didn't know he played baseball?

"I've had enough shopping for today. I thought you were hanging out with the boys?" I copy his words.

He shrugs and then smirks. "I've had enough video games and catch for today."

It was quiet for a while. I was working and Mason was texting someone on his phone. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie until its time to go?" I was shocked. He really wants to watch a movie together. I had my outfit for tonight already picked out and it would only take a few minutes to do my hair and make up so why not.

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