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"What am I going to do!" I exclaim as I pace around the room. I spent all week trying to pick one and I couldn't decide. I have a meeting with the dean soon.

"Calm down, you need to think." Mason gabs my arm and pulls me down to sit on the couch. I sigh and place my head in my hands. I should have been worrying more about my major than making friends. I waste too much time on people.

"Well that hurts," I look at Mason confused. "You said that out loud." I give a sympathetic look. I didn't mean him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean you. You could never be a waste of my time."I apologize. He hums in response.

"What is your favorite class?" Mason questions. He grabs my hands and intertwines our fingers.

I thought for a moment. What was my favorite class. Of course, I'm so indecisive I can't even pint point one. "I like all my art classes. Anything that has to do with creativity."

"Then be a liberal Arts major." He says it as if it's so simple. It probably is and I'm just overthinking the whole thing.

"But-" I stop, I really didn't have an argument. I was just being super indecisive.

"You're right. That still allows me to keep all my classes. I could even minor in English or something." I kiss his cheek as a thank you for helping me.

"You were focusing on the thought of being kicked out and not on the major. You just needed a little help that's all."He places a butterfly kiss on my knuckles. He such a good boyfriend. How did I get so lucky? I lean over and give him a small kiss.

"You better go tell the Dean before its too late." I mutter another thank you as I leave his side. I had to hurry. It was about 3:30 and the deans office hours close at 4:00.

"Oh, Hello Alexandria. You may sit." For the third time this year, I am in this office. This time I didn't feel nervous or panicked. I felt ready and excited.

"Hello, it's nice to see you again." I decided not to try and shake her hand this time. It just made me look stupid each time I tried.

"Have you decided on a major?" I nod in response to her question. She titles her class down to the tip of her nose. "Well tell me then."

" I decided to be a Liberal Arts major." She looks at me for a second before turning around and walking over to a filing cabinet. She pulls a drawer open and scans through it. When she doesn't find what shes looking for, she closes it and opens another. She pulls out a Manila folder, which I'm guessing held my information.

"You need to find your major on here and then fill out the rest of the form." She passes the form over to me. I grab a pen that had been in a cup and fill out the form. I got to the major options. I saw both the undeclared major and the Liberal Arta major. It felt good to see the undeclared major unmarked. I finished filling everything out and gave the paper back. I felt relieved. I felt like a real student at this school now.

"Great, your new scheduled will be give to you later this evening," I nod and begin to leave." I'm glad you were able to pick one. You are one of our top students and it would have been a shame to lose you." She smiles. And it wasn't a fake smile, it was real this time. I smile in return and continues my way out the door.

"Oh," she exclaims and the grabs a yellow folder. "Will you give this to Mason. Tell him everything he needs is in there." I take the folder from her. Why would he need his files?

"You're back! How did it go?" Mason greets me at the door. He holds it open to let me walk in front of him.

"Your girlfriend is now a Liberal Arts major!" He comes over an embraces me in a hug.

"I'm glad you get to stay here." I bury my face into his chest and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh, I almost forgot. She gave me a folder for you. She said it has all the things you needed." I hand him the folder. He looks at it and frowns.

"Can we go out tonight, you know to celebrate you picking a major?"

"Okay." I say confused. I hadn't thought it was that big of a deal.

We got a few hamburgers from a local burger shop and headed to the beach. The waves were calm and the sunset was pink and purple. It was really beautiful. Its always beautiful when we go to the beach. The beach is definitely our favorite date spot.

"You know, this reminds me of the first time we hung out. Except you're my boyfriend now and you're not yelling at me." I laugh.

"I'm sorry about that." Mason apologizes shyly.

"It's fine. That's in the past now. Plus I was really nosy." I felt like I was pushy when I talked to him the first time.

"And that's why I love you." My head snaps up at his words. I feel the muscles in my body tense. He stood there shocked. He was looking forward and did not move an inch. I didn't even move an inch. I couldn't tell who was in more shock.

After a few minutes, the shock was gone. All I felt now was love. Pure love. It was the most amazing thing.

"I-I Love you too." I choke out. Mason kept in his spot. Did he not here me?

"Mason, look at me. I said I love-

Before I could even finish, he had roughly placed his lips on mine. My hands automatically find their place in his hair, tugging softly. He lets out a groan and manages to pull me into his lap. My legs hung on both sides of his. He pulls me as close as possible and I felt as if I could melt right then and there.

This kiss felt new. It felt like we had never kissed before. It felt like it was a brand new start for us.

"I think we should stop now." Mason pulls away for a second to speak but connects his lips with mine again. I make an disagreeing noise. He pulled away and I pouted. I quickly changed my expressions when I saw the new, pained look on Masons face.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Had I done something wrong? Did he regret what he said?

Without saying anything, he passes me the folder I had been given earlier. I hesitantly take it from his hand. I had a really bad feeling about this. As I open it Mason looks the other way. He still held my waist and I was still in his lap. I slid the packet of papers out of the folder. I scanned over them and my heart dropped.

"What?" I murmur. I shake my head in disbelief. Why would he do this?

"I filled them out at the beginning of the year and they finally got passed." He said glumly.

"I can't believe it. I'm getting to stay and you are transferring." I whisper. My eyes burned with tears.

"I'm sorry Alex. I didn't know we would be together at the time I filled it out." He grabs my hand but I pull away.

"Was it because you got me as a roommate?" I glare at him harshly.

"What no! I just didn't think this school was right for me. I still don't." He confessed

"Where are you transferring to?" I question.

"New York." He answers. Where my brother goes?

My eyes widen. " That's almost 3,000 miles away!" He will be so far from me. It hurts me heart to think about it. I don't like the idea of not being able to wake up to him in the morning.

"We can do a long distance relationship. I can help you set up a Skype account. Or we could call each other everyday."

"Do you think we can handle that?" I ask honestly. We haven't been together long. We'd be apart much longer.

"I don't know."

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