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Six years later:

"Can you stop moving? I am trying to tie this." Quinn pulls tighter on the stings causing me to wiggle again. I groan at the uncomfortable feeling.

"Why did you pick a dress that needs to be tied. " She groans in annoyance. "It's no fun for me and I can't imagine it's fun for you. I should have known you'd pick a difficult dress. I've known your for so long, I should have been prepared for this." She huffs and finished tying.

"Don't you just love being my Maid of Honor?" I laugh. "I picked you for a reason. You keep me in line. You always have!" I grin at her. She rolls her eyes and pulls me around to face her.

"Of course." She gives the dress a look and then nods in approval. " There, it is tied. Now grab your shoes."

I turn around and look around the room. Now, where did I put those shoes. I see a sliver box sitting on a white couch. That must be them. I make my way over, holding my dress up to me ankles so I would trip over it. Knowing my luck, I would trip and get the chocolate from our fountain all over it.

I grab the shoes and take a seat on the couch. I take a moment to catch my breath. Holding this dress is like a work out. It's actually quite heavy.

I place the white heels on my feet and stand up. I wobble for a moment trying to gain some balance. Why did I pick such large heels. I couldn't have picked normal pumps, no I had to be extra and get the ones with diamonds on the heel. I don't care if they kill me, at least I'll die pretty. "I hope I can walk-"

"Mommy!" A high pitch voice squeals. A child comes running in the room. Her long black hair waves behind her. She ran straight into Quinn's arms.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your dad?" She gives the littler girl a questionable look.

The child pouts. "It was boring. I wanted to come see you and Auntie." She whines. She turns her head to look at me and her eyes widen as she looks at my dress. "Hi Auntie Alex."

I give me niece a small wave. "Hi Dinah." She smiles and points at me. "Your dress is pretty! You're wearing a princess dress!"

"Thank you and it is a princess dress! I have decided to be a princess today!"

"You're always a princess! Can I wear that dress after you?" She pouts our her lip and gives me a pleading look.

"Maybe in about 20 years." I knew she wouldn't understand what I meant. She nods her head excitedly anyways.

"Alright Auntie has to finish getting ready. Why don't you go watch TV over there. " Quinn puts Dinah down and she runs over to the TV in the corner. Quinn smiles at her daughter. I could tell that she meant everything to her mom. She was her pride and joy. I couldn't wait to feel that someday. It's nowhere near soon, but I still couldn't wait for it. 

"You nervous?" Quinn says as she's passes me a bottle of water.

I nod my head quickly. I take the bottle and chug it down. " Yes, should I be nervous? Is it normal to feel this scared?"

"Of course it's normal!"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Everyone is nervous on their wedding days. You know I was terrified to marry your brother. I thought I was going to puke all over the alter." I scrunch my face up in disgust. She raises her eyebrows and shrugs at the same time. I was at their wedding. I probably would have been puking with her.

"That's gross. I'm glad you didn't end up doing that." I say honestly. She nods quickly and pats me softly on the back.

A bell rung giving the signal that it was time. My stomach churned. Oh god, I was literally going to throw up. I take in a deep breath and then slowly let it out. I got this. I had nothing to be nervous about.

"Alright lets get you to your wedding. Come on Dinah."  Quinn brings me to the front doors of the ballroom and to my father before leaving with Dinah to find her seat and make her way up to the line. My dad gave me a kiss on my forehead before latching our arms.

"You look beautiful Alexandria." My dada voice was shaky and his eyes filled with tears. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married."

"Oh Dad, please don't cry. You'll make me cry." I laugh. He wipes his tears away and tells me he's not crying. Soon a sweet melody filled my ears. It was time.

Our family members sat together and watched as I made my way up. They all smiled and I saw a few let happy tears fall down their cheeks.  I look to see all three of my brothers lined up as grooms men. Shawn gives me a thumbs up. Thomas and Zack just smile. If my mother hadn't threatened them to be on their best behavior, they probably would have done something else.

I finally made it up. Dylan, the best man,m of course, gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned my attention to the love of my life.

Mason looked at me as if I was the best thing he had ever seen in his life. I feel the tears that I had been holding back start happily falling down my cheeks.

"Baby, please don't cry." He whispers to me. His voice cracked a little. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs.

"I can't help it." I cough out a laugh. "I'm just so in love with you."

The speech was passed, Vows were read, I do's were said, and rings were placed on our fingers. And I cried through all of it. I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.

After the wedding we all ate dinner and danced the night away. It as 4:00 am before we returned home. That was probably a bad idea because we had our flight in 2 hours.

I grabbed the suitcase I had packed a couple days ago and grab some pajamas out. Before I could change arms wrapped around me in a back hug.

"We did it." Mason says and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, we did." I smile even though he couldn't see.

"You are seriously the most beautiful girl I have ever seen seen in my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

He begins placing wet, hot kiss down my neck and onto my jawline. "Mason." I whisper. He hums against my skin.

He removes his lips and turns me around to face him. He places his lips over mine and places his hands on the back of my thighs. He pulls away and lets me jump up to wrap my legs around waist. He attaches his lips to my neck again. He places my back against our bed and crawls over me.

"Mason. We don't have time for this." He paces one more kiss on my collarbone before laying down beside me. He pulls me close to his chest and rests his head on time of mine.

"Alexandria Hope Chains, I am madly in love with you."

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