Chapter 8

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"Thanks again for letting me stay with you." I give Cj a big smile as I take my place on his couch.

"Of course, anything for you."  He coos and sits down next to me.

"Do you have so spare blankets?" I ask.  It was getting late and I was already exhausted.

"You don't want to share my bed?"  My cheeks heat up as he tilts his head in confusion.

"I-I mean, I just thought."

"If you're uncomfortable, you can sleep on the couch. I'll go get you some blankets and a pillow okay?" He kisses my head before leaving the room.

He comes back with a big stack of blankets and one pillow on top. He placed them down beside me.

"I'll be in my room. If you change your mind, just come in whenever." He says before heading off to his room.

I check the time on my phone. 12:00am. I sigh. This is going to be one long night.  Maybe o should go sleep in his room? It beats sleeping on this couch. It wasn't the most comfy thing in the world.I go to put my phone down when it goes off.

Who would be texting me this late at night? I pick it back up and flip it over. My heart beats rapidly at the sight of the name on my screen. Masons name was written in big letters on my screen. I scoff at the words he had wrote.

"I'm sorry..Come back please."

A part of me thought the text was cute but I quickly shook that away. He was probably drunk. I ignore the text and sit back against the couch. My eyes felt heavy. I'd just rest them for a moment and then go join Cj.

I wake up to the sound of my 6 am, phone alarm. I quickly shoot up. and grab my phone form the side table. I must of forgot to turn my alarm off.

After turning it off, I stretch my arms and neck. I groan at how sore I was. I must have fallen asleep on the Never again, I will never sleep on this couch again.

It was still super early, I could possibly fall back asleep. This time it wasn't going to be the couch. I take in a deep breath before going to find Cj's room.

I finally woke up around 10. Cj was no where to be found.

Making my way to the living room, I spot Cj sitting on the couch watching some cartoon. Wow he's up early. I would see him as a guy to sleep until noon or later. I walk over and cuddle next to him. "Hey." He wraps his arms around me.

"Hey, you're up early." I yawn. "

Yeah, I'm not much of a late sleeper. And I'm one of those people who can't fall back asleep. Once I'm up, I'm up."

"No stop!" I laugh. We were wrestling but now, I'm on the ground with Cj on top of me, tickling me.  I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it only made the tickling worse.

"Never, your laugh is cute!" He continues.  After a while he stops but doesn't get off of me. "I win." He smirks.  I scoff and look up at him.

"Only because I was pinned." I pout. He was way bigger than me. This fight was unfair.

"Don't pout." Cj leans closer to me face. My eyes widen in surprise.

I laugh when he makes the same face. I then stop when I realize how close we really are.  His nose was basically touching mine. I stare into his eyes. Before I know it, he's leaning in even closer if that's even possible. He title his head to the side a little bit. Out of nowhere, he places his lips on mine. At first I sat there in shock.

Slowly, I begin to move along and follow him. It was slowly. Like really slow. I gasp as I feel him bite down on my bottom lip. He tangled his tongue with mine.

"Hey! Cj do you want to -oh am I interrupting something?" We look up to see Dylan. Cj quickly rolls off of me. My face heats up in embarrassment.

"A little bit." Cj glares at him. He turns his attention to me and helps me off the floor. I brush myself off and try to make myself look more presentable. "What do you want Dyl?" They start a conversation and I go over to the couch and sit.

The kiss, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either. It didn't feel like I was kissing Cj, my boyfriend. It felt more like I was kissing Cj, my friend. Maybe it's because it was our first kiss. That's probably it. It will be better once the relationship moves more along.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Cj. "Hey we are gonna go eat. Do you want to come?" He asks. I nod. We both go get dressed and then head out.


I finally arrived back home at 6:00p.m we had stayed out all day. I was with my boyfriend yet I felt like a third wheel. I love Dylan but he stole my boyfriend. I debated if I wanted to go to my apartment or go back to Cj's dorm. There was no way I was going to pass up my bed for that couch again. My bones would thank me later.

I unlock the door and quietly walk inside. Mason was passed out and snoring really loud. He looked so peaceful and nice in his sleep. To bad he wasn't like that out of it. He was mean and had a awful temper not thinking about him any long, I put down my things and get ready for bed. I know it's super early but I'm exhausted. Once I hit the soft pillow, I was out.

Note: I fixed the "boyfriends" typo lol!
July 12, 2021.

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