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Last night my dad had basically interrogated Mason. Everything from what schools he went to, to what his blood type was. I felt so bad. Not only did that happen last night, but my dad had invited Mason to breakfast this morning.

Mason had been texting me all night. Asking question to make sure he was read for today. Things like: how he should dress, how he should do his hair, is there a color my dad preferred, and if he should try to match with me. To say he was nervous was an understatement.

I had tried to calm him down and tell him he didn't have to try so hard. He went on to say how he wanted my family to like him.

"Mason, please. They'll like you. You don't have to go out of your way to impress them. If anything, just talk about baseball. They will surely love you." I had told him when he had called me early this morning.

"Oh great. Now I have to make sure I study all the scores from yesterday and this morning!" He shrieks into the speaker.


"I'm sorry! I'll stop! I've just never met parents before! Well I have, but it's wasn't like this!" He confessed.

"What do you mean, like this?"

"Does it matter?" He sounded a bit shy all the sudden.

"I guess not."

We hand continues to speak until he had arrived at my house. Now he stands in my doorway.

"Sorry, I'm early. Just trying to make a good impression." He speaks softly.

He looked absolute amazing. Hi brown hair was brushed nicely. Not a single hair stood out. He wore a nice black button up shirt and light jeans. I looks like he even washed his boots.

"You look beautiful." I look down at the short black dress. I tried to look nice as well. Not sure why, it's not like I have to impress my family. Even if they don't like me, they are stuck with me.

"Thank you. You look handsome as always." I give him a smile and he places a hand over his heart.

"I love you smile. It kills me."

"You are so cheesy."

"Only for you babe."  My heart skips a beat at the pet name. I liked it.

"Are you two just going to continue flirting in the doorway, or come eat with us?" Thomas' voice rang through the living room.

I take a deep breath and move out of the doorframe. "Well, come in." Im glad he's coming in from the front door this time and he's not drunk or passed out.

I let him in front of me and then grab a hold of his hand, leading him to the kitchen.  My family was sat at the table. The had left two chairs open, they were a crossed from each other. Do I let Mason sit between my dad and Shawn, or between my mom and Thomas. My mom and Thomas it is.

I point to his seat and then begin to sit in mine. Before I can even make it to the chair, Mason runs and pulls it out for me.  I take my seat and he helps me push it in. What a gentleman.

"Zack, please pass the pancakes and orange juice." My mother speaks. He does what she says. She places the food in between Mason and I.I help him get what he wants and the begin eating. 

"So Mason, you go to the same college as Alex? Are you a freshman as well?" Shawn stares at him. I think he was trying to intimidate him a little bit.

"That's right. I am actually a sophomore." He clears his throat. He was a bit uncomfortable.

"I see. Do you live on campus?" My Dad has now spoke up. Oh god. Please don't start interrogating him again. I thought he had enough last night.

"I rent an apartment on campus." He answers back.

"Yea, aren't you Alex roommate?" Thomas speaks up before shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth. I love my leg over to kick him under the table.

"You two are roommates? Is that even allowed?" My Dad raises his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, I tried to get a dorm but they were all full. They are also coed Dad. I'm not living in his apartment without the dean knowing if that's what you thought." I explained.

"Well, if it's not a problem with the school. Then I don't see a problem with it," my mother takes a sip of her orange juice. "I just hope you two are being careful and aren't-



My dad clears his throat and wiggles in his seat uncomfortably. I look at Mason to see he's trying so hard not to make eye contact with my dad or Shawn.

"I expect you to take care of my sister when you two get back." Shawn glares at him. I roll my eyes.

"Of course, I always take care of her."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Masons eyes widen at the question. "Oh, I didn't mean anything by it!"

"Shawn stop trying to intimidate him please." I beg and also kick him under the table.

"How did you get that cut?" Zack thankfully changed the subject. He rubs his forehead as if he has the cut himself. I was hoping no one would bring that up.

"Oh well, um, I was-

"He was playing baseball and tripped. He had hit his head on the base." The lie comes out of my mouth quickly. How did I think of that so fast.

"You play baseball?" Shawn asks.

"Not for a team or anything. My friends and I normally go out and play. But yeah, that's how I got this nasty cut. I should have tied my shoes before the game." He chuckles.

His eyes meet mine for a second. His eyes held relief and I think he was tiring to tell me thank you.

My brothers and Dad begin to ask him all sorts of baseball questions. I'm not sure if he was making all this up or if he was actually a baseball expert.


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