Chapter 7

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"I can't do this!" I cry out in frustration. I roll over to where my head was dangling off the couch and my legs hung over the back. I let my Calculus textbook fall to the ground. I've been at CJ's for the past hour trying to figure this lesson. He passed Calculus with a C last year so I figured he would be somewhat of a help.

"You'll get it," CJ pulls me back up to a sitting position, "let's go over these equations a few more times. It's a confusing topic."

I groan but pick my book up from the floor and find the page I was on. I don't understand. I study and study and yet I can't grasp the topic. I even went to my professors office hours and had him explain. I'm just not a math person I guess.

After about another hour of straight agony, I finally was able to finish the assignment. I have decided that I'm going to come to CJ for every assignment I have. If his help will at least help me pass with a C then I'll take it.

"See you're not that bad at Calculus. You just needed a little bit more practice. Soon you won't even need my help anymore." CJ highly pushes me in a playful manner.  I give him an 'are you serious' look and he starts laughing. 

"Maybe I'll help you again."

"CJ, it took me four hours to get to this point! I'm going to need you to pass this class. I can't do it on my own."

"Trust me," He places a hand on my knee. "You won't need me forever. You will succeed without me."

His face was serious and mine I'm sure looked confused.

"Okay, that sounded way too poetic for a conversation about math." I giggle and lean into his side.

"Well," he starts and grabs a controller from his coffee table. "Now that you have defeated the boss. Would you like to be rewarded with a movie and cuddles?" I hum in approval. After all the stress, a movie sounded nice.

"It can be anything but horror. " I say sternly. I wasn't in the mood to be scared. Calculus homework was scary enough.

"Alright, you pick then." He hands me the controller. I scan through all the sections that Netflix had to offer.  Nothing really caught my eye or screamed I needed to watch it. I didn't want to spend too much time looking for a movie so I just settled for some children's movie. 

I place the controller down and cuddle closer to CJ. He tightens his hold and brings me closer to his chest. My heart melts as he places a small kiss on the top of my head. I take his hand that wasn't around me and intertwined it with mine. I haven't cuddled with someone in a really long time and it felt nice.

If I'm being honest, the movie was a bit cliche but nonetheless cute. I enjoyed it but I'm not sure CJ did.

CJ yawns, "That was the worst movie I have ever seen."

I gasp and pull away from him trying to seem dramatic, "How can you say that?  It was so cute! The way the kid cared for the animals was heartwarming. You can't tell me you didn't think It was even a little bit cute."

"No, he named his pig bacon. How messed up is that and the way he fell in love with that farm girl, so cliche." I mean I did admit it was cliche earlier.

"Oh come on, you liked it a little. Just admit it. I saw you tearing up when his family was considering selling the farm. I thought I was going to have to find you a tissue box."

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, I liked it a little." He mumbles and pouts. I poke his puffed out cheeks and he retreats from me. I decided to mess with him a little.

"You're so cute. Who knew the star basketball player would like a cute little kids movie!" CJ glares at me.

"I'm not cute."

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