Chapter 11

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Instantly, I was filled with shock. I know he's a player and a "bad boy," but I would take him as someone to cheat. I had caught up with Lacy after class so we could finish our conversation.

"I forgot that you guys had date." I say and she nods her head.

"Yeah, for almost 2 years."  Wow I couldn't see them ever together. They didn't look well together in my opinion.

"That's why you always glare at him." I started to understand everything now. She's always so cold with him. It's understandable now. She has every right to be cold with him.

"Yea, I have no respect for him anymore especially because he started to sleep around after we broke up. He disgusts me." She growls.

"I don't know what to think of him anymore." I was honestly so shocked.

"So do you have any plans with Cj tonight?"  Lacy changed the subject. She begins to fold the laundry on her bed. I watch as she crumbles the shirt up and tosses it into an open drawer.

"Yea I'm supposed to meet him in about 30 minutes." I say. He had planned a night out. I think we are going to dinner and then to the beach to watch the sunset. It sounded romantic and I hoped tonight we could redo our first kiss.

"Sweet, well you better go and get ready." Lacy basically pushes me out the door. Huh, she's acting strange all of the sudden. Like she regrets ever sharing her past with Mason with me. Maybe I shouldn't have continued to ask her about it.

I make my way back to my apartment. Let's hope that Mason decided to go to the Sarah girls room and I could just get ready in peace.

I open the door to be greeted by yelling. I look around to see Dylan and Mason playing a video game. Good, it shouldn't be to awkward with Dylan here.

Dylan's brown hair was sticking up and he had Cheetos surrounding him. He was literally a man child.

"Hey Alex." Dylan greets me. He keeps his focus on the TV.

I smile,"Hey, what are you doing here?" I question.

"Mason called me saying he need to talk about yo-" before he could finish, Mason put his hand over Dylan's mouth.

"He just came to play video games. I was feeling a bit lonely while you were gone so I called him over." Mason's eyes met mine for a second and then he looked down. I decided to ignore part of what he said.

"Oh okay then. Well I'm gonna go get ready." I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit. It was simple and wouldn't take me to long to out on. I had to hurry.

"Where you going?" Dylan asks.

"Date night with Cj." I answer. I love Dylan but, he can be really nosy and doesn't have a filter when he talks. He's one of those friends who you can tell as secret to and then he'll accidentally blurt it out a few minutes later.

"Oh yea, that's why he cancelled our guys night." Dylan sighs. Guys night? I've never heard of them doing a guys night.

"Guys night?" I ask.

"I know it sound girly but normally we all have one night where we play video games, eat junk food. It's pretty fun but tonight it was canceled. Oh well." Dylan shrugs.

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