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I currently sat alone on a couch in the living room. Mason and Dylan had disappeared right when we got here. I'm not sure if they meant to leave me or if they just got pulled into the crowd.

This dorm smelled awful! There was a mixture of alcohol, cologne, sweat, and some other things. It's like no one has cleaned in days I really hate parties.If it wasn't for Mason annoying me and me being impatient, I wouldn't be here.

I should have just stood my ground. Why must I be so weak?

"Hey you!" A girl points at me. You could tell that she was really drunk because of the way she was standing. She tumbles her way over to me.

"Yes?" She leans way to close to me and I push her back a little. I didn't need a drunk girl to throw up on me.

"Why aren't you drinking? You should be drinking. Here!" She tosses me a bottle of water. I hold in a laugh.

"I think that's vodka or something." She shrugs and walks away. I placed the bottle of water on the table next to me. Even though that was a bottle of water, I have a rule that I follow when I go to parties.

Don't drink or eat anything. If you want to drink, bring your own.

So looks like I'm not going to have any fun tonight. I watch as everyone dances in the middle of the room. I'm surprised at how many people this one dorm could hold. The floor shook like crazy. I was scared it was going to cave any minute. I how there's no one in the dorm underneath. They are probably up here too.

The room started to feel heavy so I decided to go sit in the kitchen. As I walk in I see Dylan going to eat a chip. I quickly stop him.
"Don't eat that!" I slap it out of his hand.

"Hey why did you do that!?" He whines. I roll my eyes. We hadn't even been here that long and he was already buzzed.

"You don't ever eat the food here. Don't you know anything about college parties!?" Of course I could just be over exaggerating. College parties probably aren't as bad or malicious as I think.

"Really Alex, you need to really lighten up. No one did anything to this food. Watch," he places a chip in his mouth. "See nothing happen-" he didn't get to finish before he puked into the trash. Not sure if that was from the alcohol or if I was actually right about the food. Who knows how much Dylan has drank so far.

"I don't feel good." Dylan whines grabbing his stomach. "Can you take me home." He looks up at me. I took this as a chance to leave.

"Yea come on." I grab ahold of his arm but he shakes my grip.

"Carry me!" He throws his arms up like a child and then throws himself to the floor. My eyes widen. He wants me to carry him? This boy literally towers over me! He's like a giant!

"Dylan there is no way I'm going to carry you. Now get up." I give him my hand. He grabs it and pulls himself up. We begin to walk to the front door.

"Where are you going?" We turn around to see Mason. He looked really good tonight. His cheeks were red from the alcohol and his hair was still perfectly pushed up.

"Dylan isn't feeling well. I'm going to take him home." I say.

"Alright be careful." Mason kisses my forehead. My cheeks heat up as I notice the stares I am getting. These people are going to have the wrong idea.

"That was adorable." Dylan coos. I can feel my cheeks heat up even more if that's possible.

"Shut up. Let's get you home."

We reached Dylan's dorm. I helped him clean up and then I got ready to leave.

"Alright, I'll be back tomorrow-"

"Wait don't leave! We should have a sleepover!" He exclaims. He claps his hands together in excitement. He is such a child.

"I don't know-"

"Please I hate staying here alone and Cj is gone." He pouts. I sigh. I completely forgot they were roommates.

"Fine." I sit down next him on the couch. The room was quiet for a few minutes.

"You know Mason is right," he pauses for a second. "You are very pretty." He smiles. Mason told him that?

"Mason has said that?" I ask.

He nods. "Yea he told me that on the first day he met you. You know the day when he got mad because you were moving in. Honestly he wasn't really that mad. If anything he was happy about it." Dylan laughs.

"He wasn't really mad?" I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

He shakes his head wildly. "Nah, he just acted mad. He said he needed to distance himself from you. Said something about him not being able to ever have you? Oh I remember when you went out with Cj, Mason was so upset."

"He can never have me?"

"Yea. He says he can't take care of anyone. I think it has to do with his little sister." He says.

Little sister? Was that the girl in the picture I found?

"He may acted like he's big and bad but in reality, he's a little puppy." Dylan laughs. His laugh was so funny I laughed as well. Finally the room went silent again. I had thought that Dylan had fallen asleep.



"You're my best friend." He says. A smile forms on my lips.

"You're me best friend too Dylan."

"Good. Now I can beat up Mason if he hurts you. That's a best friends job right? To beat up boyfriends or girlfriend if they do something wrong?"

I laugh at his words. I honestly don't think he is going to remember any of this conversation when he wakes up. I look over to see that he is passed out. Finally, he needs to sleep before he tells me more secrets. I grab a blanket that was on the back of the couch and place it on Dylan.

"Goodnight Dyl." I whisper.

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