Chapter 2

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I have never been one to whine and complain.  I usually go with the flow. However, Mason brings out different sides to me and non of them are good.

"Mason, it's three in the morning,"I cried out and throw my pillow at him. "Can't you turn off the game now! You've been at it since eight."

"Go to sleep," He muttered. 

"Wow, I wish I would have thought of that. It's almost like something is keeping me awake and it's my fault. You're right, I should go to sleep."

Mason ignored my sarcasm and said nothing which made my blood boil. 

"You are so infuriating! Shut it off!"

"Nah man, I'm not even tired bro. We could play a few more matches," Mason said to someone on the other end of his headset. He completely ignored me and I about had enough. Between being tired and Mason annoying me on purpose, I was about to explode.

I growled in annoyance, "You drive me crazy!" 

He chuckled at my frustration, "Oh, I do now?"

I grabbed my second pillow and placed it over my ears. I tried my hardest to tune him out but it seemed impossible with his screaming. He was loud and I was surprised that no-one had filed a noise complaint. The walls of the apartment weren't exactly thick. 


The later hours of the morning came way too quickly. I was sleeping lightly when my phone began to ring, waking me up from a restless slumber.  It was Lacy calling to see if I wanted to eat breakfast with the group. I would have turned her down if my stomach hadn't decided to have it's own symphony to let me know I was hungry. 

It was about half past seven when I reached the dining hall. I felt as if I had a hangover without having the fun night before. I just wanted to crawl back under my covers and hide away from the sun and the noises of the morning.

"Woah, what happened to you," Erica looked me up and down with wide eyes.  

I have to admit, I didn't really put much effort into my appearance. My hair was messy, I had no make up and my outfit screamed, 'I just crawled out of bed,' which I had.  Luckily, I had enough energy to brush my teeth. That was the most I could do. 

 My pointer finger landed on Mason who just struggled like he had no idea why I'd point at him. He still looked flawless as ever and it made me especially angry. No bags under his eyes though we only slept about four hours. 

"Someone decided to play video games all night. I asked him multiple times to shut it off."

"I couldn't leave my team hanging," Mason shrugged again. 

Lacy looked at me as if she heard the most annoying news ever and rolled her brown eyes.

"I'll go get you a coffee," Lacy stood up from her seat. "You look like you may drop at any second."I replied a quick thank you as she got up and left.

"Tell me you don't have any classes today," Marcus spoke. "

"Calculus,"I groaned. "Thats literally the worst class I could have for today.  Not only is the class boring and I'm extremely tired, but the professor absolutely hates me."

I had thought I was just being silly at first but I'm most definitely sure the professor hates me. Mr. Tie made it obvious that he wanted me to fail. When he's giving me F's on things that I know I worked hard on, its seemed likely. It couldn't possibly be that I am horrible at math....I should probably find someone to tutor me.

Lacy arrived with my coffee and I instantly began to sip on it.  As I drank my coffee, Cj started up a conversation about anything and everything. I think he was trying to keep me awake. Between the caffeine making it's way into my system and Cj's energetic vibe, I felt more awake.  Sadly, the moment was taken away when my phone began to ring in my pocket. The cringe ringtone blasts through the room and I quickly see who it is before answering. Once again, remind me to change that.

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