Vol. 1 Chapter 9 - Persistence Tragical Story is a Big No

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I discovered four priests whining and moving something while filling the potion.

It was a man being carried on a stretcher.

I could only see his legs sticking out because he was so tall. At a glance, I recognized who it was.

‘It’s the man in the containment room.’

Through the small door, only the man’s chest was visible.

Normally, I could see his face through this tiny door.

“High Priest, he is not yet dead.”

I hadn’t seen his condition, but I knew he was still alive.

Everyone referred to him as The Berserker.

“He isn’t going to die.”

That was an odd tone. I lowered my voice and asked, my brow furrowed.

“Will he be going somewhere?”

When I asked him a follow-up question, he whispered as if he were telling me a secret.

“He intends to take part in the competition.”

He’s going to participate again…… in that condition?

The blood dripped from the fingers that had fallen outside the stretcher.

Given his current state, the man will be unable to participate again.

‘I don’t think he can even stand up.’

Contrary to my concerns, a thunderous roar erupted from outside the door through which the man was being carried out.

“That man is a monster.”

I sensed both reluctance and fear in the priest’s low voice.

“If we give him a knife, he’ll jump up like a ghost and slaughter his opponent.”


“He’s been playing like that, winning one after the other, then coming back. That’s why he’s known as The Berserker.”

Berserkers was a term that meant ancient warrior. It was never meant to be a living being.

The crowd applauded outside the closed door.

I’m not sure what’s going on, but it wasn’t a pleasant sound to hear.

“He’ll be the winner if he comes back alive just two more times.”

That, unfortunately, could not have been the case.

Aside from that guy, I know two other preliminary winners.

And what a dreadful bunch of winners they were.

That man never seemed to stand a chance against them, no matter what kind of magic he used.

“He’ll be able to join the Holy Knights if he wins. It is the winner’s privilege.”


“It’s a tremendous honor for a Toono.”

It is said that when Shannon obtained Valhail from the temple, he belonged to the Holy Knights.

‘Valhail is the winner of this martial arts competition.’

Even if he wins this game, he will still be the runner-up.

Is it then better for him?

It’s an honor to be listed among the Holy Knights, but he didn’t seem to want it in the first place.

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