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One of The Girls- The Weeknd, Lily rose Depp


I wake up with a headache and I can tell I'm hungover, I look around confused where I am.

Did I go to Ava's?

Until all of the events from last night start coming back to me. I sit up in a panic and I take a better look at where I am.

I'm laying in a big queen size bed in a massive room with a bathroom attached to it. I frantically look around trying to figure out how to get out of here until I hear a faint knock.

I don't say anything and then a women in her middle ages walks in.

"Where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you!" I scream at the woman. She jumps back in shock and hold a hand to her chest.

"That is no way to talk to someone! you do not deserve to have any of your questions answered by me!" the women yells back at me. she's dressed in a maids uniform so I assume she works here.

"You are to meet Mr Rossi in precisely 10 minutes, now shower and make yourself look presentable, you despicable girl." the woman spits at me narrowing her eyes in my direction.

All I do is flip her off as she slams the door. Who is this Mr Rossi? what does he want from me.

After thinking over what I should do I decide to just follow the orders I've been given, because if not it could cost me my life.

I reluctantly take a shower and try to clean up my appearance, I am still in my club dress and do not have any clothes to change into so I guess i'm meeting Mr Rossi in this, who ever he is.

After 10 minutes the door barges open and 2 guards are standing in the door way.
They don't say a word, they just grab my biceps and drag me, pulling me out the door.

"Hey! get off of me! what are you doi-" I yell as I am dragged into an office.

I am greeted by a man with dirty blonde hair, with piercing green eyes staring at me, maybe around ages 22-23 and I can just tell he's really fucking tall even though he is sitting down.

"Welcome Miss Hart." Mr Rossi says to me and I instantly recognise his voice. I scrunch my eyebrows together in realisation, he was the guy behind me at the club and I think he realises I recognise him because he smirks.

"It's Julie." I say to him sternly, I hate being called Miss Hart, it sounds so... formal.

"Very well Julie, you might be wondering why you're here, yes?" he asks me, and I swear to god he's staring into my soul.

I slowly nod my head lost for words.

"Well let's just say it involves your father." he tells me. I pull a confused face and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why does it involve him, what happened? what have you done to him?" I ask slowly raising my voice near the end of my question.

"Well it's not necessarily what we've done to him yet. I don't know if you know this but your father is apart of the mafia and I am looking for an alliance with him." He tells me, with a serious tone.

"And what does that have anything to do with me?" I ask him annoyed.

"You see to form an alliance the easiest way is to marry someone from another mafia and well you seem to be my only option." he tells me without breaking eye contact.

"What!" I yell as I jump up from my chair.

"You want me to marry you? so you can have an alliance with my father? which I in fact did not know he was apart of the fucking mafia!" I yell, but then I feel hands on my shoulder pushing me back into my chair.

"Yes, and since your father has not yet agreed for me to marry you, I am using you as a way to make him agree, so I am holding you hostage until he decides, and if it's a yes, I will marry you and you will live here, but if it's a no, I will simply end your life, got it?" He tells me getting slightly annoyed.

I stare at him in disbelief and confusion. How could my father do this to me, not tell me that he was apart of the mafia and hide all of this from me.

"So have you contacted him?" I ask Mr Rossi as I start to feel tears prick in my eyes.

"Yes, and we are still waiting for a response." Mr Rossi tells me.

I start to feel my mouth go dry and my eyes go blurry. What is happening? This can't be real, my father wouldn't do this to me... would he?

"No!" I jump from my chair again and scream at him.

"I am not marrying you, and I never will!" I yell in Mr Rossi's face, and before I know it he is standing over me and gripping my chin forcing me to look into his eyes.

I was right he is tall

"You will be mine one day Julie, whether you like it or not." Mr Rossi says to me while our faces are a few inches apart. I feel my heart stuttering, I'm not sure if it's from fear or not but I don't like it.

He lets go of me and tells his guards to lock me in my room. I go without resisting, I can't deal with this new information, I'm so confused, angry and most of all hurt. How could me father do this to me?

The guards push me into my room and I fall to the floor and bawl my eyes out. I'm not a big cryer but I couldn't hold it in. What am I going to do, there's no way I can get out of this. It's either Marry that evil man or die.

I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see what my father says, or if he'll even say anything, I don't even know if he cares for me that much anyways.


What do you guys think of Levi/Mr Rossi, but don't judge too soon, you'll see him a bit differently very soon....
please comment what you think, i really hope you like the story so far.
anyway bye lovies 😘

word count: 1101

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