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True Story- Ariana Grande


I have been here for a few days now and we haven't heard anything from my father. Everyday it's the same thing, I can come out of my room only to eat and then I'm sent straight back to be locked away suffocating in my own body odour.

I'm starting to get curious about Mr Rossi, I don't even know his name yet, or his age or basically anything. I'm living with a stranger, actually a bunch of strangers.

As I'm laying on my bed drowning in my own thoughts I hear a knock at the door.

"Mr Rossi wants to see you." the old hag tells me.

"Oh and he brought you some clothes, so you can get out of that awful dress." she tells me looking me up and down.

"K thanks." I blank her ignoring her hurtful comment.

She enters my room and drops bags of clothes on my floor and she starts to unpack them. She unpacks, dresses, shirts, skirts, pants, underwear and many clothing items all somehow in my size.

Then it hits me. There must be a reason Mr Rossi wants to see me, and there must be a reason I have just been given a whole wardrobe.

My father has agreed to marry me off.

I drop onto my bed, suddenly feeling weak and dizzy. I'm never getting out of here. My life goes to Mr Rossi. I can't let that happen. My mind races through thoughts and then I'm cut off.

"What are you still doing here! go see Mr Rossi!" the old hag yells at me. So I roll my eyes and grab a few pieces of clothes to wear and leave my room. One of the guards guide me to Mr Rossi's office and I slowly enter.

"Good news Julie" Mr Rossi tells me with a straight face.

"We are getting married." He says.

"No! I refuse to marry you! let me talk to my father! let me make a different arrangement!" I yell at him trying to get out of this situation.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen Julie." he says while sitting back in his chair.

"At least let me talk to my father, I just want to hear it from him." I stare at him with tears starting to prick me eyes.

"Fine, he's here anyway." he rolls his eyes and asks the guards to take me to him.

The guards lead me to a new part of Mr Rossi's mansion that I've never seen before. As the guards keep walking the scarier and darker it gets, the floors get dirtier and the walls get smaller. Why is my father over here?

finally we stop at a cell type thing and the guards open the big rusty door. I wait to see my father and when I do, I can't help but scream.

I stare at my father wide eyed, he is strapped to a chair with a busted lip, bruises and blood pouring from his face.

"Dad!" I yell and run toward him.

"What did they do to you!?" I yell again trying to make sure he is conscious.

"It's ok Julie, just please stay safe, I'm so sorry I have to do this to you. Just do as what Mr Rossi says and you'll be fine, don't get into trouble and please, please don't do anything stupid." he says to me like it's going to be the last time we see each other.

"I don't know what you mean father, are you seriously making me marry that man?" I ask him with my voice trembling.

"I'm so sorry Julie, but yes, it's the only way for you and I to stay safe, he will protect you better than I ever could." he tells me with starting to cough up blood.

"Oh no father you're really hurt, I'll go get help, I'll get you out of here I promise." I tell him worried. He can only nod as he used so much energy to tell me that I have to marry a sick and crazy man.

I stormed out of the room and ran straight past the guards and to Mr Rossi's office.

I slammed open the door and saw Mr Rossi just writing on a few papers looking like he didn't have a care in the world.

"How could you!?" I screamed at him.

"Why did you do that to him!? He is seriously hurt you need to help him or at least let him go!" I yelled again, But all he did was glance up at me then back down to his work.

"Why did you do that to him!?" I yelled once again more wanting answers.

"I did what I had to do to get what I wanted." he calmly says to me shrugging without even looking at me.

"But I see how upset you are and I'll send a doctor in, but just so you know, I don't play games." He says to me finally looking into my eyes. I storm out of the room to my room I can't bare to look at my father right now, I'm so angry at him but also extremely worried.

But what does 'I don't play games' mean what could my father have possibly done to deserve that.


Ooooo what a chapter, just so you guys know Mr Rossi does not play games.
anyway by my loves 😚

word count: 907

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