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Teenage dream- Olivia Rodrigo


I hate her already. Honestly I didn't think it would take that quick, but she made it easy. With her smart mouth and eye rolls, how do I not hate her. She gets on my nerves.

after she storms out the room Luca turns to me.

"What was that?" he asks me scrunching up his face.

"That is the women I will be marrying, splendid isn't she." I sit down with an angry sigh.

"I kinda like her, it doesn't hurt that she's hot." He says to me shrugging his shoulders.

"Shut the fuck up." I say to him angry, but I can't lie she is quite beautiful. With her long brown wavy hair and big blue eyes it's hard not to stare, but it doesn't make up for her attitude.

"So when is the wedding?" Luca asks me.

"In about 2 months, I want to get it over with as soon as possible." I tell him unfazed.

"Yeah I would want to marry her as soon as I could too." he jokes, hopefully he's joking.

I send him a glare and he stands up with his hands raised.

"Well I'm off, oh and can I make a move on her, I can see your not too fond." Luca says to me grinning.

"Touch her and I will slit your throat." I warn him rising up in anger.

"Chill Levi I was just kidding." he starts to chuckle as he leaves.

I plop back down at my desk and start working again, irritated from that interaction.


I storm out of Mr Rossi's office with steam coming out of my ears. Who the fuck does he think he is? I can't believe I have to marry that asshole.

I stomp my way back to my room, and as I am about to turn a corner I slam into something,

"Shit!" I yell as I fall the the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry pretty lady, what are you doing here?" the medium sized man asks me while holding out his hand for me to grab.
I hesitantly grab it having an off feeling about this man but I push that feeling aside.

"Sorry about that, I was just heading to my room, I'll be on my way now, bye." I say to him trying to be polite.

"Woah hold on, what's your name?" he asks me.

"Uhhh Julie, Julie Hart." I tell him scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Julie, I'm Adam Wilson, you can call me Adam." He kisses my hand and with an evil looking smirk on his lips.

"Nice to meet you too Adam but I really must be going." I try to let go of his hand but he holds on tighter.

"Now wait a minute, who are you exactly?" he asks.

"I already told you I'm Julie." I tell him starting to get irritated.

"I know that sweetheart but why are you in the Rossi mansion." he asks squeezing my hand tightly.

"I am Mr Rossi's.. future wife." I mumble annoyed having to admit that.

"But it's not real I was forced into the marriage" I say to him feeling embarrassed.

"Oh good to know, very good." he starts to smirk again and slowly loosens his grip on my hand. I stumble backwards and take off to my room. What the fuck is up with that guy? why is everyone here such weirdos.

I sigh and start getting ready for bed. I turn on the shower and let the hot steam fill the bathroom. Once I feel the water being hot enough I step in and let the water drench my hair. I can feel a splitting head ache coming on, I've had too much going on and my mind is going crazy, but I'm not going to crack so easily. I can't.

I step out the shower feeling dizzy from being in there for so long and I stumble across the room to change in some cozy pyjamas. I slip on a set and slide into bed.

Then I feel everything hit me once again. That sinking feeling of never being able to be free again, never being able to have my life of being a writer and never being able to marry someone I truly love. I feel the tears start to well in my eyes and I don't trap them there. They fall down my cheeks stinging the corners of my eyes. I've never cried so much in a week before, I'm a strong girl why am I becoming so weak.


Hey again, hope you liked this chapter. i wonder what is up with that Adam guy, seems sketchy huh. We'll keep reading to find out more. Love ya 💕

word count: 802 (sorry for the kinda short chapter)

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