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Nonsense- Sabrina Carpenter


I sit in my room at my desk writing a few story ideas down I hear a quiet knock at the door.

"Come in" I say even quieter.

Then Luca walks in.

"Hey Julie." He says to me sitting down on my bed. I turn in my chair and look at him.

"Hey Luca." I say back curious as to why he's here.

"I think we've had a rocky start to our relationship and I would like to fix it. Since you will be marrying my best friend in less than two months that seems necessary." He smiles at me.

"Yeah agreed and I think that would be great." I smile back. I could use another friend in this place.

"So....Got the hots for Mr Rossi I see." He smirks at me.

"What?! N-no I don't, I hate him just as much as he hates me." I tell him astounded by his thoughts.

"Uh-huh and when I said he must not really like you that made you upset, right?" I asked titling his head knowing he is right.

"You're crazy, I have no romantic feelings for Mr Rossi at all." I tell Luca shrugging my shoulders and going back to what I was doing.

He sighs "That's what they all say." He says as he gets up to leave. He stops.

"Also it's Luca Romano, just if you were wondering" he tells me before he leaves.

"And how old are you Mr Romano?" I ask him still facing me back to him.

"Twenty three" he says as he shuts the door. Same age as Mr Rossi, must be childhood friends.  I continue writing at my desk the until wave of fatigue overcomes me and I do a massive yawn.

I get up from my desk and change into some pjs and slide into the big satin bed. I lay completely still in my bed for what felt like hours until I finally fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up with a loud yawn, I toss in my bed covering my head in pillows trying to block out any light. But once I'm awake I'm awake.

I groan as I sit up in bed, and then a thought came to me. Mr Rossi is leaving today, I better go say goodbye.

I hop out of bed and fix my messy hair and change into a more suitable outfit. I slap my feet across the floor and head downstairs. I see Luca but no Mr Rossi.

"Oh hey Luca, did he leave already?" I ask Luca as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah just then, he went upstairs to say goodbye but saw you asleep so he just left." Luca shrugs.

"Oh okay." I say under my breath as I look at the floor.

"Anyway, looks like it'll just be us for awhile, want some breakfast?" He asks me smiling.

I giggle "Sure." I come over and sit down and pile my plate with pancakes.

"So tell me about yourself Julie." He asks me as he intently watches me eat my pancakes. I finish my bite and I respond.

"Well as you know my names Julie hart, I am 21 years old, I did go to college to be a writer but you can see how that went. I am daughter of Grayson Hart and Lydia Hart, but my mother died when I was 13 and I became pretty distant with my father." I say to Luca starting to quiet my voice at the sad fact.

"Shit, I'm sorry about your mom was she nice?" He asked me concern over his face.

"Yeah the sweetest, honestly some don't know how she ended up with my father who is in the mafia." I chuckles and Luca did too.

"Enough about me, what about you?" I ask Luca cutting another piece off my pancake.

"Well Luca Romano, aged 23, the father of Jason Romano and the mother Crystal Romano, I was born into the mafia so it was always what I wanted to do." He says to me.

"How'd you meet Mr Rossi?" I ask him curious.

"We met at one of our dads events, since we were both the same age and had a similar background we got along pretty great. I guess we never stopped getting along even after our fathers had a disagreement." He tells me pausing at the word disagreement.

"You seem so nice and different to Mr Rossi, has anything happened to Mr Rossi?" I ask Luca worried and curious.

"Well, it's not exactly my story to tell but let's just say his parents weren't and aren't that good to him." Luca tells me looking down and then taking another sip of his coffee.

"Anyway enough of the sad mushy stuff let's do something fun." Luca grins widely at me and I scrunch my brows in confusion.


Luca decided to take me to the mall. He knows I haven't been out of the house in a normal environment in a while so he decided to take me here.

As soon as I enter the mall I jump up and down excitedly.

" I haven't been here in so long!" I jump up and down on Luca's shoulders.

"Okay, okay where do you wanna go first? And no running off I still need to protect you." He tells me.

"Yes uncle Luca..." I groan sarcastically. We both chuckle at the name and head into our first store.


"Ughhh are you done yet Julie?" He asks me as he holds my 10 shopping bags.

"Almost just one more place! Please..." I give Luca puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, where?" He asks me.

"Two words, two syllables. Ice cream." I sternly say to Luca as a smile spreads on his lips.

"You got it sugar." He nods at me and we head to the nearest ice cream parlour.

"Hi could I please get one chocolate chip and one cookies and cream?" I ask the lady at the front and she nods her head.

She hands us our ice cream and we exist the shop.

"Thanks so much for today Luca, really I had so much fun." I tell him while devouring my ice cream like my life depended on it.

"No problem sugar." He tells me smiling.

"We should probably go home now, Mr Rossi will kill me if he finds out that we were out this late." He tells me and I nod.

Luca shoves all of the bags into the car and we start to drive home.

"Where exactly is Mr Rossi's trip?" I ask Luca.

"In Italy" he tells me.

"Why?" I ask again.

"He's meeting his father." He tells me dropping his voice deeper. I stay silent for the rest of the ride knowing it's probably not a good topic to talk about.

We arrive home and I make Luca grab all of the bags and bring them up to my room.

"Night Luca" I tell him as he's about to leave.

"Night sugar." He says back as he softly closes the door.

I decide to take a shower and get into some comfy pjs. I slide into bed and lay flat on my back. Strangely enough my mind doesn't stop thinking about Mr Rossi. I hope he's okay and his father is okay too. As my mind runs I slowly drift off to sleep.


Awww how sweet is Luca. I hope you guys liked the chapter and Luca. So after the next chapter is the time jump so don't be mad.
Anyway bye sugar 😉

Word count: 1265

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