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Iris- Goo Goo Dolls


I carry unconscious Julie into the hospital and scream at the top of my lungs to get a doctor to help my Julie.

They immediately take her out of my arms and wheel her into a room. I try to follow but they stop me.

"Sorry sir you can't go in there right now." The nurse tells me placing a hand on my chest.

"Move out of my way that's my wife!" I yell in her face needing to see Julie be okay.

"I'm sorry sir you're going to have to wait." She raises her voice but I still try to push past.

"If you do not cooperate we will have you removed from the building and you will not see her at all!" The nurse yells and I finally step down and let her lead me to the waiting room.

I sit there for what feels like hours until someone finally comes out.

"Are you Julie Rossi's husband?" The nurse asks me while holding a clipboard.

"Yes, Levi Rossi." I tell her nervous for the news I'm about to receive.

"Okay well she's stable but she did lose a lot of blood, she's still unconscious but if you wish to see her you can." The nurse tells me and I jump up and stride to her room.

I walk in and see my beautiful girl laying peacefully in her bed. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I restrain. She's safe. I tell myself.

I walk over and sit myself down in the chair next to her bed and stare at her beautiful face for another hour until her eyes finally flutter open.

"Levi?" She whispers.

"Yes baby I'm right here." I grab her hand and kiss it.

Her eyes widen "Are you okay, were you shot?!" She sits herself up but I push her back down.

"Love, I'm fine and you were the one who got shot." I tell her smiling at the care she has for me even though she's the one in the hospital bed.

She nods and relaxes back down into her bed.

"So how long till we can leave this place?" She asks me.

"Doctors said you can discharge tomorrow." I say to her holding her hand still.

She smiles and nods.

"And when we leave, I still have to take you to your surprise." I say to her smiling.

"Surprise? What surprise?" She asks me confused.

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." I grin at her and kiss her hand again.

"Anyway it's late you should get some sleep." I whisper to her.

"You should get some sleep too." She says back concerned.

"I will right next to you in this chair." I say pointing to the chair.

"Levi? You can't sleep in a chair." She says sternly to me.

"Watch me." I shrug and plant myself back down into the chair. Julie rolls her eyes and giggles.

"I love you." She whispers to me as she's about to fall asleep.

"Love you too baby." I whisper back as I watch her fall asleep. I stare at her for a few more minutes until I to fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of sheets rustling. I snap open my eyes the the pain in my back but I pretend I'm fine for Julie's sake.

"Morning beautiful, sleep well?" I ask her.

"I slept okay, but I can't even imagine how you slept." She giggles but still has a concerned look on her face.

"I slept like a baby." I say while reaching over, cupping her cheeks and kissing her.

She smiles. A beautiful toothy smile which makes her eyes flicker with light.

"You're so beautiful." I tell her honestly.

"Ha ha yeah I guess I look beautiful after I've just been shot." She sarcastically says.

I don't say anything just stare. Until I get up.

"I'm going to do check with the doctors on when you can get out of here, don't move." I say to her while walking to the door.

"Not like I can go any where." She snaps back and I laugh.

I ask the doctor when she can be discharged and he says in hour so she better start getting ready. I tell Julie this information and she jumps out of bed only groaning a little at the pain in her shoulder.

She gets dressed into new clothes I bought for her and we leave the hospital.

"Ready for the surprise?" I ask her.

"Born ready." She says back grinning.

"Okay there's only one place I want to take you before the surprise." I tell her opening the car door for her.

"Yeah and where's that?" She asks me.

"I can't tell you." I say back hopping into the drivers side.

"Of course you can't." She rolls her eyes and giggles.

I start the car and drive to the first destination. We arrive outside a tall forest with trees and bushes eloping the land. I take her hand and lead her out of the car through the forest.

"Take me here to murder me?" She asks joking.

"Why would I murder such a beautiful thing." I shrug my shoulders and start to walk a little faster even though the nerves are eating me alive.

I lead her through the forest and too a gazebo with lights flickered all around. I take her to the middle of the gazebo and almost burst with nerves.

"You might be wondering why I brought you here." I say to her holding both of her hands while facing her.

"Gonna murder me in a pretty setting?" She jokes again.

"No baby I'm not gonna murder you, some may even say the opposite." I say to her smiling. She tilts her head confused.

"Julie, when I first told you that we were getting engaged I never thought it would lead us here, and I don't think you did either." I smile at the memory of her yelling to not marry me.

"But after everything we've been through, like being told I couldn't actually be with you, we still made it here. In my arms, with a bullet wound." She giggles with small tears welling in her eyes.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I knew I was gonna eventually fall for you the minute I met you, your beautiful and kind heart drew me in and never spat me back out. That is why I love you and that is why I'm asking you." I let go of her hand and reach into my pocket and get down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" I ask her shaking and nearly dropping the ring. Her eyes widened and tears fall form her eyes.

"Yes, oh my god, yes!" She screams and I jump up and hug her. I place the ring on her finger and pull her in for a breath taking kiss. She pulls back.

"But technically weren't we already engaged?" She questions.

"Yes but I wanted to do it the proper way." I say before kissing her again.

"Now for the second destination if you want, we can get eloped or we can have a big beautiful wedding. It's all up to you baby." I whisper the last part.

"Both." She says smiling and I drive as fast as I can to make my fiancé my wife.


AWWWW they are getting married properly. Also I promise they do have a big wedding aswell but they just wanted to get married as soon as they could. Also sadly this story is starting to come to an end and I have had so much fun writing it. (Only one more chapter to go 😢)
Anyway bye darlings 😍

Word count: 1296

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