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Heartbeat- Isabel LaRosa


I shoot awake breathing hard with sweat running down my back. I check the time and see that it's 9pm at night, must of took a long nap. It's completely pitch black in my room and the only small light I can see is coming from outside my door.

I run my hands through my hair and try regulating my breathing. Once I'm calm I notice how I'm practically drenched in sweat so I decide to take a quick shower before actually going to bed. I don't bother turning on the lights and head straight into the bathroom.

I hop in the shower and do my usual routine, except leaving my hair out the water since I washed it this morning. Once I'm done I wrap the towel around me and go put on some pjs, which are some silky pink shorts and a black baby tee.

When I just finished sliding my shirt down I hear my door open. I jump and turn to see who it is.


I can see his figure through the light of the door and I can just tell it's him. Then he shuts the door and comes over to me. I can't see him at all but I can feel his presence right in front of me.

My breathing stills as his chest touches mine. I let out a shaky breath when I feel his finger gently hook around my index finger. I feel his face hover above mine as he inches closer.

"Julie." He says barely at a whisper.

I don't respond all I can hear is the sound of my heavy breathing and my beating heart.

"Julie I don't want this type of relationship between us. I don't want you to ignore me and stay away from me-" he whispers and exhales a shaky breath until he continues.

"Because I want you. I want to get to know you. Understand what you love and hate. What makes you stay awake at 3am and what make your stomach fill with butterflies. I want to kiss, hug and comfort you. I want every inch of you, inside and out." He shakily whispers.

"N-no don't say that. Y-you can't say that-" I say moving my hand away from his, but he grasps it again.

"I want to feel your skin on fire. I want to make you feel pleasure from me. I want to know where and how to touch you, I want to memorise every inch of you." He breathes a fast breath.

"I just want you Julie." He finally finishes with an ache in his voice.

He reaches his hand up grazing my skin on my arm until he stops out my cheek lightly grazing it. All the oxygen leaves my body as his soft touch moves down my jaw and throat to my collarbone, where he slides two fingers along it.

He slowly moves his hand to the back of my neck and finally looks me in the eyes. His pleading eyes stare directly into me and my legs feel like jelly.

His other hand reaches up to brush some hair behind my ear, until he inches closer. Our lips grazing as he speaks again.

"Please don't push me away." He whispers before he presses his lips to mine.

He doesn't move his soft lips he just holds me-us there. I melt into him and I can't help but feel euphoric. Then he moves away and opens his eyes. I look into them and it's a different kind of expression. Lust.

"Fuck-" he whispers as he smashes his lips onto mine again.

He kisses my harder and deeper. Our lips move perfectly in sync with each other. We are both so desperate for this to happen and I can feel it in the kiss.

I love the taste of him, and all I can feel and think about is his lips on mine. He backs us into the wall to deepen the kiss and I lift my hands up to run through his hair and pull him closer.

Then he pulls back and rests his forehead on mine. We're both breathing hard and fast. I look up and see his swollen lips and I imagine what mine look like.

Before I know it his lips are back on mine. Deep and urgent, like he wants to take his time but can't get enough of me. He moves his kisses down my jaw, throat and collarbone.

I moan at the contact and squeeze my eyes shut. I start to feel dizzy and I cling onto him. He pulls at my shirt signalling he wants to take it off and I do. He kisses up my stomach and to the surface of my breasts leaving hickeys as he goes up.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest and then words flood my mind.

Stay away from my son

The words spoke and I still. Levi feels me stop and he looks up.

"Wait- no this can't happen. I'm sorry we can't." I softly push at his chest for him to step back but he doesn't budge.

"What do you mean Julie? I'm begging for you to tell me what's wrong." He stares into my worried eyes as he rests his hands on my waist.

"I-I just can't Levi okay!" I squish myself past him and pick up my shirt and place it over me.

"Julie please tell me what happened! You can't keep doing this to me!" He pleads as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Just please leave." I whisper and don't dare to meet his eyes.

He exhales and moves past me to exit out my door.

"Do you really want this?" He asks turning his head before leaving.

No. Of course I don't want this but I have no choice. So I lie.

"Y-yes, please go." I say with a crack in my voice.

He looks at the floor and leaves slamming the door behind him.

I fall to the floor, exhausted from all the lies I have to tell. It breaks my heart seeing Levi like this. And I hate myself for it.


Told you this chapter makes up for it. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I did.
Anyway bye babes 😘

Word count: 1065

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