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Prisoner- The Weeknd


I groan as I flutter my eyes open, I have the worst headache ever. Once I start to realise where I am all of the nights previous events come rushing back to me. I search my surroundings with a bright light blaring into my eyes. I am strapped to a chair in an empty 4 grey walled room, with blood splatters on the walls.

What am I doing here? What does Adam want from me? Where is Mr Rossi?

As my mind is frantically searching ideas on how to escape I hear the door click and creak open.

"Ah your awake." Adam steps through the door.

"What do you want from me!" I yell at him

"Now now yelling isn't going to get you very far." he tells me holding his hands behind his back.

"Why am I here? Where is Mr Rossi." I ask him with my voice shaking.

"Well you see sweetheart, Mr Rossi did some very painful and unforgivable things to me, and well I only wish to repay the favour with his prized possession, you." He tells me with a wicked smirk on his face.

I stare at him in disbelief as I feel my eyes stink from the tears starting to form. But I refuse to cry this man doesn't deserve my tears.

"I can assure you, you are wrong about me being his prized possession, he hates me and couldn't care less if you kill me." I tell him.

"Well that should make this easy then." he smirks again and my heart drops.

"Don't worry I'm only going to put you through a little bit of pain for now and then so the rest later once Mr Rossi responds with what I want from him." he says a little too joyful.

"Fuck you." I spit at him as he tries to make his way over to me.

"Now what should I do first?" He asks me grinning.

"You know Mr Rossi used this same type of knife when he tortured me?" He says to me filling with rage as he picks up a medium sized hand knife with jagged sides.

All I could do was stare at him terrified on what he could do to me. He picks up the knife and strides over to me. He crouches down right in front of me and speaks.

"This is only gonna hurt a lot." he smirks as he starts to cut my skin on my thigh make me gush blood. My screams echo the room as I'm in excruciating pain. I beg him to stop but he only cuts deeper. Then he lifts his knife and lightly trails it along my cheek cutting it slightly.

"Such a pretty face you have, to bad it is being wasted on that man." he spits. As he sets down the knife and right hooks the side of my stomach. I hunch over the chair in pain and groan. Then he steps back and pulls out his phone.

"Smile." he says snapping a picture of me as I raise my head to glare at him but I'm to weak to even meet his eyes. Then he leaves the room leaving me a bloody mess and in pain. For the first time I actually want to see Mr Rossi, to be held in his arms again.


I watch as my fiancé is pushed into a van being taken by Adam Wilson. I run as fast as I can after her but they already have sped off by the time I'm make it to the the curb. I raise my gun and shoot at the van a few times aiming at the windows and tires.

Fuck, I told Mr Hart I would protect his daughter and I have fucking failed twice. But I will never let it happen a third time, so I will do every thing in my power to get her back.

I immediately call all of my men and tell them to gather themselves and be ready to find my Julie.

I make it into my black Tesla and speed off trying to follow the direction the van went in but I get lost not knowing which way it went. I feel the anger bubbling inside of me as I grip the steering  wheel turning my knuckles white.

As I'm driving around and waiting for my men to call me for any traces, I receive a text from an unknown number. I glance at my phone and I immediately stop my car to stare at the image. My heart sinks as I see Julie covered in cuts and bruises. The anger inside of me increases and it turns into pure rage. I don't care how powerful this man is, when I find him he will be dead.

How dare he think he can hurt my future wife twice and get away with it. I pick up my phone and call one of my men.

"Any traces?" I ask annoyed and panicked wondering what else they could be doing to her.

"Unfortunately no but I feel like we are getting closer." he tells me.

"Well I have received a text from Adam do you think you could trace the number?" I ask hoping.

"Possibly, send it." he tells me. I quickly do an hope for the best.

"Sir I've found his location." he tells me the location and I run about 3 red lights trying to get there. I don't even care how unprepared I am to fight this man but I'll do whatever takes, to get my Julie back.


Ooo Levi being a hero doing whatever it takes to get his Julie back. Hope you liked the chapter!
Anyway bye sweeties ❤️

Word count: 961

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