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Betty- Taylor swift


I wake up with something heavy sprawled out across me. I lift one eye open and peer down. Levi has his head rested on my stomach and his arms wrapped around my waist, his muscles bulging while hugging me.

I stare down mesmerised and a faint smile crosses my lips. I hear him rustle and groan releasing his tight hold on me. I see his eyes flutter open and he flicks his green eyes up to me.

"Morning beautiful." He huskily says and I smile.

"Morning." I say back.

"As much as I love this position I think you're suffocating me." I laugh out of breath.

He chuckles sorry with a smile then rolls off of me, but takes me with him making me lay on his chest. He kisses my hair and takes a deep breath in.

"I want to give us a try Julie." He says to me and I  feel the vibrations through his chest.

"I do to." I whisper.

He whispers perfect and lifts me up to meet his lips. He holds my face as he presses his soft lips to mine. He finally lets go and we part.

"Breakfast?" He asks tilting his head with a smile.

I giggle "it's a date."

"No I promise our first date will be much better than me making you breakfast naked." He chuckles still holding onto me tightly.

"Sounds like a great first date to me." I shrug and grin looking up at him.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a beaming smile. He lifts me off of him and leaves to go to the kitchen with a kiss on my lips.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes until finally deciding to roll out of bed and shower. I can't stop smiling while I do my usual routine and I get even more excited when I smell pancakes.

I slip on a pair of booty shorts and a hoodie and skip downstairs.

I make my way to the kitchen and creep my head in to see what Levi's doing, and I can't contain my smile. He gracefully moves around the kitchen with his abs bare and massive grin splayed across his face. I admire him for a few more moments until I decide to make myself known.

"Hi beautiful, you like pancakes yeah?" He asks me while flipping a chocolate chip pancake over.

"I would be crazy not too." I giggle and sit down at the island chair. He grins at me and slaps two chocolate chip pancakes on my plate, with sides of fruit.

I stuff the pancakes in my mouth and I moan and roll my eyes back at the flavours melting on my tongue.

"Careful" he smirks while staring at me. I blush and continue eating the pancakes.

Once I'm done he takes my plate and starts doing the dishes.

"I have a lot of work to do today love, but tomorrow I was hoping you'd want to spend the day with me?" He asks me nervously. I grin finding it cute that he's nervous to ask.

"Of course I would love too." I say while hopping off the chair and planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and I start to turn away but he grabs my hips and slams his lips on mine. He kisses me softly but passionately and I can tell he's been waiting to kiss me like this for ages. Just like me.

He finally pulls back and kisses my forehead.

"I have to go now see you later love." He whispers on my forehead, I nod and he leaves the kitchen.

As soon as I see him gone I start jumping up and down silently screaming, the butterflies are erupting in my stomach and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

As I'm in my own little world I hear someone entered the kitchen.

"Someone's a little excited." Maria giggles while observing me "May I ask why?" She asks me while crossing her arms.

"Well... Levi and I have made it official! We are together now." I show a big toothy grin and Maria's eyes slowly light up. She runs up to me as fast as her old limps can go and squeezes me in a bone crushing hug.

"That's wonderful darling, I knew you too would soon end up falling for each other." He squeezes me and I squeeze her back.

She finally lets go and I can take in steady breath.

"I'm so happy Maria" I tell her at a whisper and she pulls a small smile to her lips.

"I'm so happy for you Julie" she whispers back holding my hands.


AWWWWW SO CUTE. I already love Levi and Julie. Also sorry for the kinda short chapter I just wanted this one to be a short and happy one. But there's more to come.
Anyway by darlings 😉

Word count: 820

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