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Call out my name- The Weeknd


Should I have done that? Probably not. But did I regret it? Fuck no.

I loved the feel of her soft lips on mine. I swear her face fit perfectly in my hands. I didn't regret a single thing except my father bullying her about wanting to be a writer.

I can't believe he thought he could enter my home and say those words to her.

I only did come into Julie's room for the intention of apologising, I never thought I would leave flustered and a fast heart rate.

I stumble my way to my room and shower and change into just a pair of grey sweatpants. I get in bed and lay on my back staring at the roof only imagining Julie's deep blue eyes. Until I eventually fall asleep.


I groan as I feel the light blaring into my eyes. I sit up and rub my eyes trying to hide any light from getting into them. I blink a few times and let myself adjust then I decide to get up.

As I get up to get dressed Julie flashes into my mind again. Her soft lips, skin and curves all flood my mind and I can feel my heartbeat going faster already. A small smile spreads across my face just at the thought of being able to see her again.

I make my way downstairs to see Julie again and my eyes are immediately drawn to her as I see her small figure sitting at the table. I sit down and greet her.

"Hi Julie, how was your sleep?" I ask her staring at her soft features.

"Yeah okay." She responds quietly while looking down at her food, moving the fork around the plate.

"Are you okay?" I ask her sensing something wrong.

"Yes I'm fine leave me alone." She says while getting up from her seat. I stare at her in confusion as she walks off. So I follow her.

"Julie tell me what's wrong." I sternly say to her grabbing her waist to spin her around.

"Let go of me." She slaps my hands away continues walking to her room.

"Look I'm sorry about the kiss, I didn't know it would upset you this much." I soften my face feeling guilty for kissing her.

She doesn't respond and slams her bedroom door. I let out a long breath and slowly walk into my office. I slump down into my chair and bury my face in my hands.

I'm such an idiot.



As I watched Levi practically run out of my room after kissing me I feel my cheeks redden.

I can't contain the grin that spreads across my face and the butterflies that flutter around my stomach.

I have to tell Maria.

I sprint down stairs to go see Maria until I smack into a rock solid chest. I hesitantly look up and see Mr Rossi. He has an angry scowl on his face and I take in a sharp breath when I see him.

"Julie." He says my name like it's a warning.

"Mr Rossi." I say back showing that he doesn't intimidate me even though he does.

"I need you to listen to me very carefully." He says while stepping back and looking into my eyes.

"I don't want you getting any closer to Levi. You are messing up my business and relationship with him. Now if you disobey my rules I will have no choice but to cut him off from me and all of my businesses leaving him stranded and stuck with you. Got it?" He says to me without stuttering.

I part my lips and stare at him in shock. He's threatening me, and I'm afraid I have no choice. I can't do that to Levi, he's needs to be apart of his dad's business and even if that means cutting off anything with me.

I look at my feet and nod.

"Good. Correct choice, now stay away from my son, you may live in this house but no than a few words to him a day." He tells me and I nod again.

He spins on his heels and leaves, leaving me stunned and upset.

I run up to my room forgetting about telling Maria anything. The tears start to fall from my eyes as the realisation hits me. I can't even talk to Levi anymore.

I decide to take a long shower until the water turns cold. I slip on some pjs and slide under the covers of my bed. I bury my head into my pillow and let the tears flow. Until I cry myself to sleep.


After I ran up to my room after rejecting Levi's questions and apologies, tears threaten to fall from my face but I hold them at least till I'm out of sight of Levi.

I slam my door and sink to my feet against the door. I drop my head back leaning it against the door trying to hold the tears which are pricking my eyes. I must have hurt Levi really bad, his face when I asked him to let go of me made my heart shatter.

But it's for the best. He can live without me.


Omg I fucking hate Lorenzo how could he destroy their relationship like that 😢
I hope you liked the juicy chapter.
Anyway bye baby 🥴

Word count: 904

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