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The morning- the Weeknd


I watch as Julie runs away after coming on my leg and I can't help but feel annoyed at my father. He's keeping me away from her and I hate him for it.

I can still feel the tingling sensation of where Julie just was on my thigh and I miss it already. Kissing her was addicting and I can't get enough. But watching her come undone was even more addicting and I want to see it again this time with me inside her. I want to feel her body underneath mine as I pound into her, I want to be the only one that can please her.

The thoughts of her don't help my dick at all since it was hard enough just seeing Julie in a bikini.

I slowly make my way out of the water and dry myself off. I need to be able to see Julie and make her feel as good as I just did but my idiot father is stopping me. I need to think of a plan soon.


Oh my god. What just happened. I just shamelessly fucked Levi's leg in a pool and I loved it. I loved being in his arms feeling safe and protected but also feeling so much pleasure. My heart aches knowing we can't be anything more and I don't think I can keep holding on.

I walk slowly with my head down to my room leaving a water trail behind me. I slam the door and change into dry clothes not bothering to shower. It's about 12pm so a nap couldn't hurt especially since I'm exhausted from the previous events.

I let my thoughts wonder mainly about Levi until I fall into a much needed sleep.


I slowly flutter my eyes open and groan as I sit up I check the time and see it's 9pm. I missed dinner but oh well I'm not that hungry anyway.

I hop out of bed feeling too energised and I decide to grab one of my favourite books. I plop back down onto my bed and begin to read.

I read for about 10 minutes until I hear an urgent knock at my door.

"Julie? love, please be awake." I hear Levi's frantic voice from behind the door.

I jump out of bed and open the door. Worried.

"Is everything ok-" I begin to say but I am cut off by Levi's lips smashing against mine.

I stumble backwards with him as our lips move against each other. We are both breathing hard due to wanting this so badly. Levi's hands are threaded through my hair and my hands slip underneath his shirt.

Levi pulls back to catch out breaths and we our both flustered and heavy breathing. Then he speaks.

"Julie I can't keep doing this. I need you. Who cares what my father's says, we won't let him find out." He breathes onto my lips as he rests his forehead against mine holding my head.

"Please tell me you need me like I need you." He speaks a little quieter.

I pause with my mind running wild, thoughts of my father and Levi run through my mind but my heart can't stop its feelings, so I break.

"Yes." I breath at a whisper.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, Levi's lips are back on mine. Deep and passionate, he doesn't take his time with me as he dominates my mouth. My hands reach up his shirt and start to take it off of him, we part only for a second to fully remove it. Then he does the same to me.

His hands roam my body without our lips parting and I moan when he reaches my breasts. He unhooks my bra and he lets his fall. He reaches his hand up and squeezes my left breast, releasing a moan from me.

He stops and lifts me up by my thighs, my legs instinctively wrap around his torso as he leads us to my bed. He softly places me down on my back  without breaking our kiss. I run my hands through his hair and he trails his hands down my sides to my pj shorts. He hooks a finger in my waist band and tugs down the shorts, leaving me in black laced panties.

He breaks the kiss and leans up on his hands and whispers to himself.

"So fucking beautiful." He whispers taking in my entire naked body.

His kisses a trail down my neck and my stomach slowly reaching my inner thighs. He places soft kisses and nips down my thighs making me shake with anticipation. He finally reaches my core and places a soft kiss before devouring it. He licks up my clit releasing a loud moan from me. I arch my back and thread my hands through his hair, trying to pull him closer.

"You taste so good." He vibrates against me making the feeling even better.

My toes begin to curl as I feel the knot grow bigger in my stomach. My head flings back and I let out a moan as I feel my release.

He kisses his way back up to my lips and places another soft kiss to them. He lifts his hand back up to my breasts again this time twirling the nipples in between his index and thumb. My head flings back and I groan.

"Please," I moan wanting more of him.

"Are you sure baby?" He asks me lifting his head up to meet my eyes.

"Yes, I need you, I've needed you for so long." I tell him saying all truth. A small smile falls over his lips and he kisses me again.

I trail my hands down his abs and find the zipper to his pants and tug them down with his boxers. His dick springs free and I can't help but stare.

He grabs a condom and rolls it on, his head falls in the crook of my neck as he lines his tip up with my entrance. He slowly pushes himself inside me and we moan together.

"Fuck baby you feel so good." He says while he fully pushes himself inside of me.

He gives me time to adjust before starting to thrust into me. I start grinding my hips into him meeting each thrust and I nearly explode from pleasure. The sound of skin slapping and our heavy breathing fill the room and its euphoric.

He lifts his head from my neck and meets my eyes. He flicks his green eyes in between my blue ones and I can't help but feel like this is so right. I think he feels it too because he crashes his lips against mine once more still thrusting into me at a medium pace. He glides his hand up my body and rests it on my neck gently squeezing the flesh.

Out tongues dance with each other as he grips my hips feeling his release. He starts thrusting into me faster making sure I cum first before he does and he succeeds.

"Levi" I moan as I fling my head back from the feeling of my release.

"Fuck baby." He groans and brings his head into the crook of my neck then I feel his cum fill the condom separating us.

We both slowly ride out our highs and our heavy breathing becomes normal. He discards of the condom and grabs a damp towel to clean me up.

Once we are cleaned up he brings me on to his chest and I fall asleep to the rhythm of his heart beating incredibly fast.


Holy shit. I wasn't expecting that going into this. Also I haven't really written a scene like that before so please don't be too harsh on critics 🙏
Anyway bye baby 😍

Word count: 1309

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