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Slow Down- Chase Atlantic


I wake up to the sound of my door being bust open and I immediately jump out of bed in fright.

Breathing heavily I look to see who just bust my door down and I see that old hag again.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask her irritated.

she gasps "I was coming to tell you to join Mr Rossi for breakfast! but I don't know if you deserve breakfast." she yells at me.

I really badly wanna cuss her out right now but I can hear my stomach screaming at me to eat something, so I bite my tongue and tell her to give me a few minutes to get ready. I put on the same dress from the club because these rich asses still can't be bothered getting me some real clothes.

Once I'm done I open the door and I see her waiting for me. She rolls her eyes at me and tells me to follow her. I've never wanted to hit someone so badly.

As I make my way downstairs I see a table full of men including Mr Rossi. As they start to hear me coming all of there eyes turn to me.

"Woah, I would love a taste of that!" one of the men yell and sticks there tongue out.
"Come here baby girl and sit on my lap, I  promise I don't bite..." another ugly man says to me.
I start to feel super uncomfortable, as I can feel all of there hungry and disgusting eyes on me. Until Mr Rossi had enough.

"All of you shut your goddamn mouths before I shoot in between all of your eyes!" Mr Rossi yells pissed. The whole table falls silent from embarrassment and fear.

I slowly make my way to the table and sit in the only free spot. Next to Mr Rossi and one of the men who asked me to sit on his lap. I sit in my seat scanning all of the men's faces all of them are okay looking but none of them come close to Mr Rossi. Mr Rossi looks like a Greek God with a chiseled face and piercing green eyes. I wonder how many women he's slept with? Wait why am I even thinking about that?

As I start to gather food onto my plate I feel a clammy hand rest on my thigh. My eyes shoot up to whose hand it is and it's that disgusting pervert who asked me to sit on his lap. He's got an evil grin on his face and he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Wanna come have some fun with me?" he's asks still with that smirk on his face.

I scrunch my face in angry and grab his hand twisting it making him cry out in pain.

"Fucking bitch!" he yells trying to pull his hand away.

"Touch me again and this will be your balls!" I yell in his face.

I let go and move my chair away from him and closer to Mr Rossi, but before I can even pick up my fork, blood is sprayed on me and I hear a gun shot ringing in my ear.

Mr Rossi just shot that pervert in the face.

I stare at him and the blood with wide eyes. He's got an angry look on his face an then he turns to me.

"If any and I mean any of my men touch you like that again you tell me okay, and I will end there miserable lives." He says to me without breaking eye contact. I slowly nod, shocked, I can't believe he killed one of his men for me. Why?

He finally looks away from me and looks at the rest of the men at the table, they all refuse to look at me or Mr Rossi and I don't blame them.

I get up to go wash the blood off of me and Mr Rossi follows, because he has a bit of blood on him too.

"I don't get why you did that for me." I tell him washing all the blood off me in one of his many bathrooms.

"He was a bad man, wasn't just for you." he tells me uninterested.

"Aha there I was thinking I was special." I joke.

"You're not." he tells me in full seriousness. Not gonna lie it kinda stung but what can you expect. I hope he knows I was joking though.

He left the bathroom and I slowly followed after.

We all ate breakfast in silence and I didn't mind, this whole situation is giving me a headache. After breakfast I was sent straight to me room again, sent to sit in boredom once again.


OMG HE SHOT SOMEONE FOR HERRR. that was hot. anyway hope you like it. Also i should be studying for a math exam but look where i am. Anyway
bye babes 😍🥵

word count: 827

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