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Nervous- The neighbourhood


Levi just told me he's pushing back the wedding to November because of financial reasons? I don't believe that the actual reason because I know he has a shit ton of money. But I'm sure he has his reasons.

I lay in bed reading a book until I am interrupted by another knock.

"Come in" I tell the person behind the door.

Maria walks in.

"Hi sweetie, I know this may seem sudden but, Mr Rossi's father is here and he would like to meet you." She tells me and my eyes widen in shock.

"S-so he's here right now? Wanting to see me?" I ask Maria worried and confused.

"Yes, so hurry and get changed into something presentable." She tells me as she shuts the door.

I jump out of bed and sprint to the shower. I wash my body at record speed then I slip on a black dress which falls in the middle of my thighs. I slip on some black heels and put on some simple makeup.

Once I'm done I stare at myself in the mirror and exhale a shaky breath. From the stories I've heard about this man, he must not be good.

I exit my room and climb down the stairs careful not to trip in front of Mr Rossi.

As I ascend my way down, my eyes are finally greeted with some green eyes like Levi's but darker and more evil. Mr Rossi has also a similar hair colour to Levi but a few grey strands coming into his beard and head. He has a tall figure about the same height as Levi. He has little wrinkles and he barley looks a day over 50.

"Nice to meet you Mr Rossi." I tell him extending my hand.

He shakes it "likewise." He looks down at me without an inch of emotion.

As I'm looking at Mr Rossi I can feel Levi's burning gaze on me, I can tell he's uncomfortable with his father being around me.

"Let's sit down." He gestures to the table and all three of us sit down.

For a few minutes it's silent and now I can tell where Levi gets his awkward silence side from.
Until Mr Rossi pipes up.

"So Julie, tell me about yourself." Mr Rossi asks me resting his hands in a tight fist together on the table.

"Well I was going to college for a Bachelor of Arts to become a writer, but I don't go anymore. As you know I'm the daughter of Grayson Hart and Lydia Hart but my mother died when I was 13." I tell him not really knowing how to talk about myself.

"So you want to be a silly writer?" He asks me lifting one eyebrow.

"Well not a silly writer but a good one." I snap back at his statement.

"All writers are silly sweetheart, they make no money it's barely a real job." He scoffs.

"I have to disagree with you, writing is a beautiful and creative job, can I ask you sir do you like to read books?" I ask him starting to get irritated.

"Well yes I do." He nods.

"Mm and I wonder how would you be able to read those books if writers didn't exist?" I glare at him.

"You annoying girl, of course we need writers but being a writer in this family just isn't good enough! Good thing you won't be working anyway." He yells and flicks his wrist.

"Father enough!" Levi finally cuts in.

"She can be a writer if she wants to, she can work in any job she wants to and I will help and support her get there, now I do not appreciate you coming into my home and disrespecting my future wife like that!" Levi yells across the table and his father looks taken aback.

"You seriously can't be defending this silly girl over your own father?" He growls at Levi.

"That silly girl is my fiancé, and she is not silly but she's beautiful, kind and caring, unlike you!" He finally snaps at his father breathing hard and looking incredibly angry.

We both still at his words and his father speaks.

"I see what's going on, you've grown a liking to her." He tells Levi.

Levi stays silent and his father gets up screeching his chair and exists the front door, leaving me and Levi at the table in silence. We both stare at our plates going over the recent interaction until he gets up and leaves frustrated, leaving me at the table by myself.

I finally get up and slowly walk back to my room with my shoulders slumped.

I make my way to my room and take off my heels and slip out of my dress. I put on just an oversized t-shirt and tight booty shorts, I slip on some fluffy socks. As I'm about to wash my makeup off I hear a small knock at the door.

"Come in" I call out and the door opens revealing Levi.

"Look Julie I'm so sorry about my father tonight, he was rude but he was just angry and me so it took it out on you." He tells me taking small steps towards me until our toes are touching.

"It's okay really, I know he isn't a nice man and hearing the stories you told me about him I just could sit there and let him belittle me." I tell him staring in his green eyes.

"And you should never let him do that to you, thank you for sticking up for yourself, I don't think I could ever do it and you just gave me the strength too." He tells me flicking his eyes between mine.

"I'm glad I did, you should never let him disrespect you again either." I tell him turning my voice to a whisper.

We stand there staring at each other in admiration and awe until he breaks and steps back from me and heads to the door. He places his hand on the handle but stops.

He pulls his hand through his hair and speaks "Fuck it." He turns around and strides towards me.

I stumble a few steps back confused and with a million thoughts running through my head.
He cups my cheeks and places a light gentle kiss to my lips. I flutter my eyes closed and let him hold me.

He only moves his mouth once so his soft full lips could slide against mine gently pulling them apart. His movements are so gentle but desperate at the same time.

He slowly pulls away leaving a light smacking sound when his lips leave mine. He's breathing hard and I can feel his warm breath touching my skin with every exhale. Both of our lips are parted as he rests his forehead against mine.

I finally glance up to his eyes and see he is already watching me. I am met with those beautiful green eyes again with so much pain and confusion buried deep inside.

He is still holding my face until he finally lets go stumbling back. He practically runs out the room and once again leaves me with more thoughts than I started with.


Holy shit. That had me giggling and wriggling my toes even though I was the one writing it. Hope you like that juicy chapter.
Anyway bye sugar plump 😍

Word count: 1241

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