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Margaret- Lana Del Ray


I exist the elevator feeling a mix of emotions including shock and confusion. One minute we were laughing and talking and the next she was pushing me away crying.

Something has definitely happened to her, and I'm not gonna sit back and let her push me away. I gave her and I space for two weeks and I've had enough. I'm not giving up so easily, I'm going to be marrying her in 4 months anyway.

I stride to where I was meant to be an hour ago and plop down into a seat.

"Ahh there he is." One of my men says out loud.

"Sorry about that, I had an elevator malfunction." I tell all of my men as they listen in intently.

"So any updates on Bianchi?" I ask all of them.

Mattheo Bianchi. The man who stole Julie from me and the man I wasn't sure if was still alive, but I wanted him dead.

"Well we've received a message saying he is in fact still alive." One of my computer hackers tells me.

"And do we know where he could possibly be?" I ask sitting up in my chair and resting my hands on the table.

"I'm afraid we are having trouble locating him, the man knows how to cover his tracks." He speaks again and I feel rage.

"Well do a better job at finding him! I want him dead and I'm going to be the one to do it!" I yell at all of the incapable men in front of me.

"You're all dismissed." I flick my wrist and they all get up to leave.

I slump back into my chair and sigh. What is up with you Julie?


Finally the elevator dings at my stop and I get off the floor and walk out with my head down. I feel awful for treating Levi like that but I have no choice.

I slowly walk to my room holding my towel and only in my bikini.

I slam the door and throw the towel on the floor. I flick on the shower and go under the head with my bikini still on. When I'm ready I take it off and layer my body with body wash. I then wash my hair. I get out the shower and blow dry my hair too.

I wrap the towel around me and walk over to my walk in closet. I pick out a pair or shorts and crop top, since it's quite hot today.

Once I'm ready and dressed I go downstairs to get some food. I make my way to the kitchen and see Maria again.

"Hey sweetie how was the pool?" She asks me cleaning.

"It was so lovely, I had a really good time." I tell her showing a fake smile.

"That's wonderful to hear, I expect to see you in there more often now." She smiles and continues cleaning.

"Yes definitely, can't let that pool go to waste." I giggle. A look down at my hands and go quiet and Maria can sense something is wrong.

"What wrong sweetheart?" She asks me stoping all her work to look at me.

"I-I wish I could tell you but I just can't." I say to her quietly and on the verge of a breakdown.
She walks over to me and puts her arms around me.

"I understand, but just know if you ever do want to tell me I'll be here to listen." She whispers into my hair and I rest my forehead against her shoulder.

"Thank you." I say back trying not to cry.

She holds me for a few minutes and I already feel better. I finally pull back from her and give her a gentle smile and she returns it. Then I leave the kitchen and go back to my room again.

I fall back onto my bed and spread my arms and legs out. I exhale a long shaky breath and lifted my eyes closed trying to gain some calmness. Before I know it I've fallen asleep.


Hey guys sorry about the short chapter but I promise the next one makes up for it.
Anyway by loves 😚

Word count: 702

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