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^this song be hitting to hard for Levi^
Daddy issues- The neighbourhood


I arrived in Italy fresh in the morning and the Italian heat hit my nose and body all at once.

I am here to see my father and discuss further issues and roles in the future at our mafia. Which I am hoping he will decide if he will let me run the mafia when the time comes.

I get my bags and go straight to my hotel room. I take a shower and change into something more weather appropriate.

My first meeting with my father is tomorrow so I have the whole day to explore and roam my childhood country.

I decide to take a visit to my favourite sights and other monuments I remember seeing as a child, and it brings a small warmth to my cold chest. I was happy for a short amount of time when I was younger, until it all came crashing down on me when I hit aged 10 and all the mafia responsibilities came.

My father started training me as soon as I could ride a bike but it all got real at aged 10 when punishments came as well as rewards.

Aged 10 was when I started receiving my scars. Aged 10 was when I had to kill somebody for the first time.
Aged 10 was when I realised how hideous and cruel the world could be, and how I was only living in my father's world.

When my father would beat me my mother would stand and watch with an evil scowl on her face. She only married my father for money and my father only married her for children. So I never really knew what it was like to grow up in a household of love, because there was none in mine.

By the time I was done exploring, the sun started setting and I decide to head back into my hotel and be ready for my meeting in the morning.


I woke up early and got dressed to meet with my father after not seeing him in person for a few months. Last time I talked to him was when I told him about the engagement, besides it was his idea I should marry for an alliance anyway.

I walk into my fathers building and I am lead to an all too familiar room.

The guards let me in and I am met face to face with my father.

"Nice to see you again father." I tell him while reaching my hand out to shake his.

"Same to you son." He responds by shaking my hand too.

We sit down and he begins to talk.

"So how is your engagement going?" He asks me bring his hands together in a tight fist.

"Not too bad, the girl isn't as annoying as I thought." I tell him keeping my face neutral and professional.

"Very well, I am happy to hear that." He tells me sitting back into his chair.

"So I assume you are wondering about your position in my mafia." He tells me and I give him a nod.

"Well from what you've shown me so far I can't see a problem with you taking over. That is because you've provided the bare minimum. You've kept our business running, but what else have you done? Nothing outstanding son. I expect more from you. I trained you to go above and beyond! Like instead of doing what I asked I expect you to do double!" He tells me and I part my lips in shock. I have done nothing but perfection for this man and this is how he thinks.

"Truly disappointing son. I just don't think you'll ever be good enough. But you are my only choice so, I want to see bigger improvements, not just the bare minimum." He tells me as he leans closer to me so I'll get the point.

"Only thing I can say that I find better is marrying the girl, I know it must be horrid but it's getting the job done." He tells me going back to slouch in his chair.

"We are done here, we will finish our conversation in the meetings ahead." He flicks his wrist to the door and I angrily stand up and leave.

How could he possibly think that of me. After everything I do for him he still can't be pleased with me. No matter what I do. It's always been the same even since childhood.

I sigh and go back to my hotel exhausted from my fathers hurtful words. I shower and change and let my sleep take me.


Aw I hate Levi's father. His name is Lorenzo Rossi btw, I don't think I got a chance to mention it. Also there will be a time jump next chapter, so prepare.
Anyway by love 💗

Word count: 816

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