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Daylight- Taylor Swift 


I feel the light blaring into my eyes as I flutter them open. I fucking forgot to shut the curtains. Ughhhh.

I slowly lift myself out of bed and feel the plush carpet in between my toes. I decide to take a shower before I go down for breakfast.

After I shower I dress into a tank top and some grey sweatpants and let me long brown hair fall down my back. I normally like to do makeup but I haven't been bothered to even try recently.

I make my way downstairs and I see Mr Rossi sitting at the breakfast table typing away at his phone.

I sit down at the other end and pile my plate with food like usual.

"Remember you have an event with me tonight, I will send a dress up to you soon." he says to me without even glancing my way. I thought Mr Rossi was going to start being kinder to me now since after last night, but I guess not.

"Yup." I say to him popping the p.

He doesn't respond and continues to stare down at his phone, until it starts ringing. Without even a goodbye he gets up and leaves. Was an asshole when I first met him and still is an asshole now.

I stare back down at my food and I suddenly make a realisation. Ever since that first day I ate breakfast here with his men and the incident happened with that pervert, I've never had to eat breakfast or even see any of his men. Does he not allow them to see me? Is he protecting me?

I shake off the thoughts and finish eating my breakfast.

It's so boring here and I don't have anyone to even talk to. I can't talk to Mr Rossi and the only other person I even see is that maid, but we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe I should try be nicer to her and apologise, especially if I'm going to be living here the rest of my life.

I make my way to the kitchen in hopes of seeing that maid. Luckily she's there humming to herself cleaning the dishes from breakfast. When she's sees me enter she immediately stops humming and glares at me. I have the urge to yell and storm out but I don't.

"Hi, um I think we kinda got off on the wrong foot, so you think we could be civil or maybe Ben friends?" I ask her nervously.

She's hesitant " I'm not suppose to be friends with the people I work for" she replies looking down and kinda sad.

"Look I'm really sorry for how I've treated you, it was a totally new environment and I did not want to be here, well I still don't but may as well have someone to talk to" I ask.

She lifts her head and smiles. "That would be nice" she says to me showing the first bit of kindness I've felt in this place.

"Great! So what's your name, or what should I call you?" I ask.

"Everyone calls me Mrs Lopez, but call me Maria since we are friends now." she grins at me.

"Ok Maria, how long you been working here?" I ask curious to how old she actually is, she looks mid fifties or maybe even older.

"About twenty years darling." she says to me surprisingly happy.

"Do you like working here, is it awful." I ask feeling bad for her.

"It's actually not as bad as you think dear, Mr Rossi isn't as bad as you think, I've known him since he was a little boy, very sweet young man, but his father and mother got to him eventually." she says to me looking down upset.

"Got to him? What does that mean." I ask worried

"Oh nothing dear it's not my story to share, if he's comfortable he will tell you himself." She lightly smiles at me trying to avoid the question.
I nod and say goodbye to Maria and head upstairs to my room again.

At least I'll have someone to talk to now.


A few hours pass it's almost time for me to get ready. Then I hear a knock.

"Hi hun, I brought the dress for you to wear tonight." Maria greets me holding a long garment bag.

"perfect thanks Maria." I thank her.

"All good hun, would your like me to help you get ready?" She asks. I nod my head straight away needing the help.

"Ok take a shower and I'll be back in a few minutes." she tells me while exiting my room.

I run to my ensuite bathroom and flick on the hot water. I undress and hop into the burning shower. I use all of my favourite vanilla scents and wash my hair. Then I get out and dry myself and use a towel to get some water out of my hair.

I call on Maria to tell her I'm finished and she runs back upstairs.

"Ok let's do your hair first while it's still damp" she tells me smiling.

She does my hair in thick elegant curls and they look beautiful. Then she moves onto my makeup. She does a natural look with soft pink lipstick and lip gloss with a glittery pink eyeshadow.

"Ok let's get on your dress now" she tells me gesturing me to where the dress is hung up. I still haven't seen it so I hope it's nice.

I slowly unzip the bag and I am met with a long pink dress with a tight waist and loose around the legs with a long slit going up my leg, it's stunning and I can't wait to put it on.

I put on the tight fitting baby pink dress and I fall in love with it.
It hugs my body perfectly and for once in a while I actually feel pretty.

I slip on some matching white heels and step out the wardrobe to show Maria.

"Oh my gosh you look stunning darling!" She claps.

"Mr Rossi was right when he said he picked the perfect dress for you!" She shrieks again.

"Mr Rossi picked this for me?" I ask confused on how he did such a good job. She nods her head enthusiastically and then looks at her watch.

"Oh dear it's fine to go Mr Rossi is waiting for you downstairs" she tells me opening the door for me. So I make my way downstairs.


Hey guys hopes you liked that chapter! I can't wait to see what happens at the event! Anyway bye my loves 💕

Word count: 1109

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