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Lost in the fire- Gesaffelstein, The Weeknd


I groan and sit up, I can feel how puffy my eyes are from crying, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing last night and I don't think they will stop. I sit in bed for a while pondering what I'm going to do to get out of this awful marriage. Unfortunately nothing comes to me, me and my father's lives are at risk, and I just can't let anything happen to him worse than it already has. I'm not saying he was an amazing father but I still care for him and it hurts how much I do care.

I come to the conclusion that I need to find out more about this wedding and the person I'm marrying. I don't even know when the wedding is for gods sake.

I stumble out of bed and go to the massive wardrobe to get my changed. Once I'm ready I decide to head downstairs on my own account.

I slowly make my way down and I already see Mr Rossi at the table on his phone.

"Morning." I greet him trying to be polite even though it's killing me.

All I get is a grunt in response.


I roll my eyes and plop myself down at the other end of the table and start filling my plate.

"So when is the wedding?" I ask curious.

"2 months." he rudely responds without even looking up.
I immediately drop my plate.

"2 months!? That's so soon..." I yell but slowly lower my voice coming to the realisation of how soon I will be Mr Rossi's wife.

We sit and eat in silence for awhile while I try and process this new information. Until he breaks the silence.

"You will be attending an event with me tomorrow night as my new fiancé" he tells me uninterested.

"No way am I going to meet your fancy psycho friends." I scoff.

"Trust me they are not my friends, and this is not up for discussion, as my future wife you will do as I say." he responds finally looking up at me.

"So is that it? I'm like your pet?" I glare at him

"If you'd like to put it that way." he shrugs and looks back down at his phone.

I don't respond and instead lean back into my chair and cross my arms. He glances up at me.

"You look like a brat when you do that, like a spoiled child." He scoffs while he stares at me disgusted.

"And you look like an entitled asshole who thinks he can control what everyone says and does!" I yell back getting annoyed.

"Maybe that's because I can control what everyone says and does?" He says back calmer than I expected.

"Oh yeah? Try control me then, it isn't going to be easy." I glare back at him secretly hoping he wont except the challenge.

"Challenge accepted" he says to me while tilting his head and smirking.



"Challenge accepted" I say back at her knowing I have so much power it could destroy her and her father.

We stare at each other in silence for a moment until she gets up to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask rising out of my seat.

"To my room?" She tells me dripping with attitude.

I chuckle "Oh no you don't you're coming with me" I tell her.

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" She asks raising her eyebrows and rolling her eyes, before she knows it I have her pinned to the wall.

"Roll your eyes at me one more time and I'll give your father another visit" I threaten her, knowing that that's her weak spot. I slowly bring my hand up to her neck and give it a squeeze.

"And maybe, just maybe you'll be next." I whisper into the shell of her ear.

All she does is swallow and stare at me dripping with fear instead of attitude.

"N-no you won't, I'm your future wife." she tries to sound confident, but I can feel the fear radiating off her. I squeeze her neck one more time.

"Well let's not try and find out." I flick my eyes in between her blue ones and I can sense the dynamic change.

"Fuck you." she spits at me.

"In your dreams." I say to her while letting go of her neck, I can see the redness I leave and I don't feel and inch of guilt.

She races off upstairs and locks her bedroom door. I can't stand her.


I want to fucking kill him, I don't give a fuck how powerful he is I will kill him eventually and I won't feel an inch of guilt.

I sunk to the floor against my door and hold my head in my hands. I've barley been here for a week and I already feel exhausted from that man, how don't know if I'll be able to take being his wife, but as he showed me I don't have much of a choice.

I always felt a little scared of Mr Rossi but nothing compared to how he made me just feel. I've never felt so small and inconvenient before. I hated that feeling. I'm going to try and avoid it as much as I can but with Mr Rossi, I don't think that's possible.


Hi guys hoped you liked that chapter, and I'm looking forward to writing more like it (:
Anyway bye my loves 💕

Word count: 920

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