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Chemtrails over the country club- Lana Del Ray


As soon as Levi and I hop in the car he's speeding out of the building and straight to the airport. Levi has made the decision to kill his father.

We run onto Levi's private jet and I lay my head back against the seat and let out a long heavy breath.

"Hey are you okay?" Levi asks me while reaching over to grab my hand.

I nod and look down at where our hands connect.

"You can talk to me you know? It was crazy what you went through." He says to me while lifting me out of the seat and onto his lap.

I still keep my eyes and head down while I curl into him. He wraps his arms around me and just holds me. Next thing I know tears are falling out of me eyes.

"It was so scary." I whisper into Levi's chest.

"I know baby" he says while stroking my back.

"W-what if he raped me?" I ask him through sobs.

"I would have tore him to shreds for ever laying a hand on you which I will still do after I kill my father." I says to me while grabbing my face and making me meet his eyes.

"I love you." I whisper without even thinking of what I was doing.

He stiffens and parts his lips, eyes wide and full of emotion.

"Say it again" he whispers with parted shocked lips.

"I love you" I whisper again as I slowly turn my lips up.

"I love you too." He whispers back as he presses his lips against mine. Our tongues dance together and our heavy breathing fills the space.

"I.love.you." He says in between kisses and I smile into the kiss.

We finally part and I lay my head back down on his chest and he wraps his arms around me again.

Soon enough we arrive in Italy and we are immediately running off the jet and into a car going to his father's place.

"Do you have a plan?" I ask him getting more and more anxious.

"Kinda" he shrugs.

I thin my lips and let out a long breath. Then I feel Levi's warm hands cup my cheeks.

"I promise nothing will happen to you." He whispers while staring into my eyes.

"But what if something happens to you?" I ask him more worried of his safety than mine.

"It won't." He leans in and kisses me again.

"I love you always remember that." He whispers to me while resting his forehead on mine. I nod and then the car comes to a stop.

"Ready?" He asks me gripping onto my hand. I nod.

"I need you to stay with me at all times okay? I have no one else to protect you. Here take this." He says while handing me a gun.

"Do you know how to use it?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Well this is the tigger and use this to unlock the safety, and use this to aim." He says to me while showing all of the parts of the gun. I take in every bit of information as I can and then we are existing the car.

Levi leads me into the building while holding up his gun. I'm directly behind him making sure to stay close to him.

"Come on this way, stay low." He whispers and I do as he says.

We make our way through some secret doors and hallways until we finally reach a large office door. Levi turns to me and puts a finger to his lips telling me to keep quiet and I nod in response.

Levi slowly creeks open the door and we are met with Levi's father sitting in his office chair looking unbothered.

"Why hello son." Levi's father says while looking up, first at Levi then at me.

"Ah and I see you've brought you fiancé, hm I thought I got rid of her?" He tilts his head examining me.

"How did you know about us?" I whisper confused.

"You see dear, I may or may not have had some insight on your pathetic little lives." Levi's father spits.

"What insights?" Levi questions.

"Maria dear, come out please." Levi's father flicks his hand and I stiffen as I see Maria. Sweet old caring Maria with an evil smirk on her face.

"M-Maria?" I stutter quietly.

Maria rolls her eyes "Thank god I don't have to keep up with this caring act, Julie honey you are so dreadfully annoying, and I never gave a single care about your life." Maria smirks.

"Yes, I had Maria spy on you two so I could see what truly went on, and as soon as Maria informed me that you were official, I knew I had to kidnap you and kill Julie." Levi's father says and I stare at Maria and him wide eyed.

"Unfortunately you failed at that task, is that a first?" Levi asks in a mocking tone.

"Nope, second, you were the first." He snaps back and stands.

Levi clenches his jaw irritated.

"Don't worry you've failed me too father." Levi grits out.

"Failed you?! Son, I made you!" Levi's father shouts.

"I don't care if you made me! Don't ever call me son again just like I'm never calling you my father, Lorenzo." Levi shouts breathing heavy.

"Well if I'm no longer your father, you mean nothing to me." Lorenzo says while whipping out his gun and firing shots at Levi.

"Get out of here Julie!" Levi shouts while pushing me out the door.

"No I'm not leaving you!" I yell back refusing to leave him.

As we shout Lorenzo shoots more bullets at me and Levi. Then Levi gets out his own gun and shoots back.

As Levi is shooting I get out my own gun and use it just how Levi told me too. I take a few shots at Lorenzo landing one in his right leg making him fall to the floor.

But that doesn't stop him, he continues shooting but now aiming at me. I dodge a few until one hits me shoulder. I scream at the pain and fall to the floor too.

"Julie!" Levi shouts seeing me fall.

"I'm fine! Kill him!" I scream not wanting this opportunity to be wasted for him. Levi does a double take of me before finally shooting Lorenzo right in the chest. Lorenzo immediately falls unconscious and I see Levi coming to me side.

"Julie, baby you'll be okay I promise." Levi says through choked tears. He lifts me up bridal style and runs my out of the building avoiding any bodyguards.

"I'm so sorry baby." Levi whispers while placing me in the car. I hold my shoulder trying to stop the blood but it keep flowing.

"It'll be okay." Levi keeps whispering over and over again almost to himself.

He drives us fast straight out of the building to the nearest hospital. As we are driving, running every red light I feel myself start to go unconscious and then everything went black.


Oh shit. A lot happened in the last two chapters hope you're doing ok.
Anyway by loves 😘

Word count: 1210

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