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Is there someone else?- The Weeknd


I can't believe we did that. I can't believe I let myself come undone to her. As much as I want to regret it, I just can't seem too.

She felt so good under me. She made me feel so good without even taking our clothes off. I'm worried I'm starting to not hate her as much and I don't know how to react or control myself.

We've been sitting in silence for about 4 hours and we only have about 1 hour to go. The awkward silence is eating me alive but I don't know what to say, and I don't know if I want to say anything. Until I speak.

"I'm going to be leaving on a business trip for three weeks." I tell her.

"Oh okay when are you leaving?" She asks me.

"Tomorrow." I tell her, but it's a lie. I was originally planning on leaving in a few more days time but I have to get away from her, to clear my mind and come to my senses.

"Oh that's soon." She tells me turning her head to look out the window.

"I'm going to have Luca stay at our house while I'm gone, he's the only man I can trust you with." I tell her talking about my best friend Luca.

"Cool I like Luca." she says forming a smirk on her face.

"Don't get any ideas." I tell her annoyed at her recent statement.

"I like him as a friend, I was only flirting with him that one time to make you jealous." She lightly chuckles.

"And it worked." She turns to me and winks with a big toothy grin on her face. I can't help but bring a small smirk to my face too but instantly wipe it away with my hand.

Then the silence returns and I drive us back home.


The drive home started getting better when we talked a little and Mr Rossi told me he was going away for three weeks.

Once we arrived home Mr Rossi got straight out the car and slammed the door and practically ran inside. What was his problem?

I slowly climbed out the vehicle and also ran up to my room saying hi to some guards and Maria. As soon as I make it to my room I strip all of my clothes which include Mr Rossi's shirt, and I flick on the shower.

I moan as soon as the hot water stings my back the hotel water was barley reaching warm so this was bliss. I let the dirty smells all wash off of me as I washed my body in vanilla body wash. Then I washed my hair also using vanilla based products.

I shut off the shower and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel. I exit the shower to go put on some clothes until I smack into a large hard chest and I let out a squeal.

It's just Mr Rossi.

He takes in a sharp breathe and looks me up and down taking me in. He the clears his throat and speaks.

"Luca is here." He manages to breath out without taking his eyes off me.

"Ok I'll come say hi just give me a minute" I nervously tell him. He nods but doesn't move until he is snapped back into reality. He turns on his heels and walks out.


I dress myself in a pair of grey sweatpants and a crop top, effortlessly cute as always. I skip downstairs and see Mr Rossi and Luca talking and laughing.

Didn't think Mr Rossi could even maintain a laugh.

"Hey Luca!" I walk over to Luca and give him a side hug.

"Hey Julie, How are you? Is he being an asshole" Luca points to scowling Mr Rossi.

I chuckle "Yeah he's been the worst, still don't even know his name" I partially say sarcastically.

Luca stops "Wait you still don't even know his first name?" Luca asks me side glancing Mr Rossi.

"Nope this Ogre still won't tell me." I say while popping the p and pointing at Mr Rossi, who is now rolling his eyes.

"Damn cupcake thought he would crack by now, he must really not like you" Luca laughs and I force a smile feeling slightly hurt by his words.

"Okay enough, Luca and I need to talk" Mr Rossi cuts in sensing my sudden reaction. The both walk off and Luca gives me a wave goodbye. I also lift my hand and wave to him slightly easing my lips to form a crooked smile.

As soon as they are out of eyesight I let out a long shaky breath and head back up into my room.


I grabbed Luca by the shoulder and stomped down into my office.

"Sit" I told him, and he obliged.

"I know you are my best friend but I don't want you saying that stuff to Julie." I sternly told him fuming over the lie he told her.

"So what? You actually like her?" He asks me smirking curiously.

"No. And don't call her cupcake." I grumble annoyed at the silly nickname.

"Ok perfect I'll call her sugar plump instead" he grins.

"Don't you dare-" I start to say but he cuts me off in an erupt burst of laughter.

"Man you're too easy." he laughs but I keep a straight face.

"Don't worry Julie will be safe with me, and only a bit of nicknames here and there" he smiles.

"Good, I will kill you if anything happens to her." I say feeling an overwhelming sensation of protectiveness over her.

"Of course, but keep acting like that I might actually start to believe you like her" he chuckles and raises his eyebrows at me.

"Get out" I instruct him fed up with his humour.

Luca and I met when we were kids due to both of our fathers being very important in the mafia. And since then Luca and I have stayed friends, even best friends. Even though sometimes I can't stand him and his ridiculous humour, he still always has my back and I have his, and he always puts up with my constant mood swings and grunts. So I thank him for that.

Once Luca leaves I slump back into my chair and let out a long exhale. I have to fly to Italy and leave Julie here without my protection for three weeks tomorrow. I swear to God if even a scratch ends up on her body Luca and whoever caused it will have their heads hung up on my wall.


Hey guys hoped you liked the chapter. So basically the time jump will be soon and it will be the amount of time Levi is gone so you won't miss any hot steamy romance between the two.
Anyway bye babes 💕

Word count: 1150

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