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Bring me to life- Evanescence

This chapter might disturb some viewers, please be aware before reading.


I wake up to a tight feeling around my chest and I flutter my eyes open. I look down at myself and see I'm tied up in chains around my arms, chest and legs. I pull on the chains trying to free myself but it's no use. I have a dirty old rag in my mouth and I lift my head to search the room. Until my gaze lands on unconscious Julie. My heart speeds up as I stare at her. I can't believe I just got her into this mess.

I yell as loud as I can through the rag to try and wake Julie until it finally works. She lifts her head up and looks at me and then the chains. Her eyes go wide and I can see the tears start to form in her eyes. All I want to do is hug and comfort her and tell her it's all going to be okay but I can't.

I pull on the chains again in an attempt to get closer to her but fail miserably. Julie starts taking in quick shallow breaths as her eyes wonder the dirty small room. All I can do is stare at her wrapped in her chains too, we are facing each other sitting in wooden chairs a few metres apart.

I finally rip my gaze off her and try and search the room for a way out of here, all I can see is a tall door and one small light hanging from the ceiling which barley lights the room.

Then I hear the door turning and I panic I look at Julie and she's equally as scared. The door slowly creeps open and two men walk in. One looking like more of a body guard and the other looking more powerful.

I try to ask what do you want from us but it comes out a muffled mess.

The powerful man chuckles "what was that I can't quite hear you." He says while pulling a hand up to his ear to cup it. I blow out annoyed breaths and death stare him.

The body guard stands off to the back corner of the room and the man leans on the table against the wall flicking his eyes between us.

"Well aren't you quite a pretty one." He says while pushing himself off the table and over to my Julie. He lifts the tip of his knife under her chin to make her meet his hungry gaze. I yell don't touch her but again fail to be heard clearly.

He chuckles again and takes the rag out of Julie's mouth.

"What do you want from us!" Julie yells while she breaths heavily.

"Us? Oh baby I only want you." He says while grabbing her chin and moving his face inches from her. I clench my jaw at the sight and yank the chains again.

"W-why me?" Julie stutters confused.

"Well sweetheart, your fiancés father doesn't really seem to like you that much and he has instructed me to take care of you. Do you know what that means Julie?" He asks titling his head with an evil smirk on his lips. Julie shakes her head and a small tear falls down her face.

"Well it means that as long as you're off his plate and not in Levi's sight, you belong to me." He whispers the last part and I yell out of anger, but he doesn't even glance my way.

"Now whether that's to kill you or use you as my personal assistant, I'm not sure, should we give it a test run?" He asks as he lifts his lips into an evil smirk again.

"No please, please don't do this." She whispers shakily as more tears start to shed.

I yank on the chains again and yell at him to get away from her but instead he undoes her chains and yanks her up by the arm.

"What are you doing!" She yells as she fights his grip.

That's it baby keep fighting

Tears threaten to fall down my face as I see him bend her over on the hard table. He brings her hands behind her back and holds them there. She's fighting so hard against his grip but he slams her head down against the table.

"Stop moving!" He yells as he spreads her legs apart and starts to lift her dress above her waist.

"No please!" She screams again and tears are flowing down her cheeks as she hyper ventilates and all I can do is watch. I scream no as he starts to lift his hand to feel her ass.

I watch as he starts to unbuckle his belt and I'm breathing so heavy out of anger. As soon as I'm out of these chains I'm fucking killing him a slow and painful death.

As he slowly unzips his zipper his guard speaks up.

"Um sir there seems to be an emergency in one of your warehouses." He says while maintaining eye contact with him.

The man roll his eyes "Is it that urgent" he says while still having his hands on my Julie.

"I'm afraid so." The guard says again. The man steps back and lifts Julie's dress back down and sits her back down on the chair only tying her wrist restraints.

"Don't worry sweetheart I'll be back in no time to see what you'll be best for me." He says while kissing her cheek and leaving the room with the guard.

Now it's just us in the room and she starts heavily crying and small tears fall out of my eyes too.

"Levi I don't know what to do, as soon as he comes back he's going to rape me." She says through sobs. Then she suddenly pauses.

"Wait he only did my wrists maybe I can reach the keys on the table." She gestures to the pile of keys resting on the table. I nod really fast for her to try and she gets up from her seat.

She reaches as far as she can over the table and yanks the keys back.

"I did it!" She yells as she tries all the keys to unlock her chains, and finally one does. She breaks herself free and runs over to me. She undoes the chest chains and leg chains then she takes the rag out of my mouth as she undoes the wrists.

"Baby I'm so sorry you got into this, I'm so sorry he touched you, and I don't know what I would've done if he kept going all I would have had to do was watch." I say to her without taking my gaze away from her beautiful face.

She finally gets the wrist chains and I jump up grab her face and kiss her hard. My small tears stain her face and she lets the mix with hers.

I part "We need to get out of here and kill my father once and for all." I whisper resting my forehead against hers. She nods and I take her hand and the keys. I try all the keys and finally one opens the door.

I slowly open it and pop my head out checking to see if anyone's around. Seeing no one I make a run for it gripping Julie's hand hard not letting her ever let go of me.

We run around the mansion until we finally find a back door and we slip ourselves out. I see a row of cars and high jack the nearest one.

I speed out of the mansion gates and drive straight to the airport.


Wow. I'm sorry if this chapter disturbs some viewers but I hope you still enjoyed. And get ready for an exciting next chapter. Anyway bye sweets 😍

Word count: 1320

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