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Hotel- Montell Fish


After Mr Rossi showered we ate pizza in silence, once we ate we both felt a little better and came to our senses a bit better since we were angry at each other again.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor." Mr Rossi tells me.

"Well neither am I." I snap back wanting to win the argument.

"Fine then looks like we are sleeping in the same bed." he tells me crawling into the small single bed.

"Fine." I say under my breathe annoyed.

I slip under the covers and fight to get most of the blanket.

"Stop moving." Mr Rossi tells me grabbing my waist.

"No." I tell him and wriggle again, this time against him.

Suddenly he is hovering above me, arms caging me in above my head. He is in between my legs and I can feel his bulge sticking straight into my core. He leans down and whispers into the shell of my ear.

"I said stop moving." he tells me and out of protest I grind myself into his bulge through his pants. He sucks in a short breath and I do it again.

"What are you doin-" he tries to speak but he cuts himself off with a groan. I try to grind into him again but he stops me by grabbing my hips.

Then he presses his length onto me, and I moan at the sudden contact. He repeats the same action over and over again, until we are grinding against each other. Both of our breathing quickens and grows harder as we move faster. His hands are on my hips guiding me onto him. I let out another moan as my head falls back. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck and I can feel his warm breath on me.

He slides one of his hands from my hip and up my leg holding my thigh against his torso. His rough pants against me have the best texture and I can't help myself from grinding faster into him for my release.

When I'm almost there I hear him let out a loud groan, signalling that he came. But he doesn't stop, he keeps up the same pace for my own release and it comes shortly after.

We lay there still, heavy breathing and in the same position. As I come down from my high I realise what we just did. I just had sex with my clothes on. With a man that I hate and marrying in less than two months.

"Fuck. Shit shit." Mr Rossi says in a panic as he gets up off me. He strides over to the bathroom and leaves me, a sweaty, confused mess. I then hear the shower turn on.

I lay down shocked and annoyed, determined to fall asleep before he comes out. Luckily I do.


I shuffle around in the small bed and I realise nobody else is in there with me. Then the events of last night come rushing back to me and I cringe and fill with embarrassment.

I wonder if he's gonna address what happened unlike last time.

I slowly sit up in bed still wearing his T-shirt and my dirty panties. I look around the room and notice nobody is there.

Did he leave without me?

What a fucking asshole. I can't believe he would leave just because of our little thing that happened last night. As I get up raging I start to pick up all my things and get ready to leave myself, until I hear a knock.

"Julie?" Mr Rossi calls outside the door.

"Yes?" I hesitantly say back.

He slowly opens the door and peaks his head in until revealing his whole figure.

"I uh brought breakfast" he nervously says to me and my eyes soften and the anger slowly leaves my body.

"Oh um thank you, I'm just gonna shower and I'll be right back out" I tell him awkwardly feeing the tension between us.

"Wait- we need to talk." he tells me looking at his shoes but slowly lifting his eyes to mine. I nod.

"About last night... I'm really sorry I did that." he tells me looking shameful.

"No you don't need to apologise it was my fault I kinda started it." I nervously laugh.

"Still, it won't happen again I promise." he tells me almost whispering. I still at what he says, oddly enough I don't really want it stop. I feel a wave of sadness overcome me but I don't let him see it. I pause for a bit but finally speak.

"Yes of course, I won't let it happen." I whisper. He silently nods and sets down the breakfast he bought. Then I hop into the shower.

As I step under the only just reaching warm water, I can't help but feel bothered about his statement. I snap out of my thoughts and shut the shower off. I put my red dress back on since it feels awkward wearing his clothes.

I step back out and his eyes are already on me.

"Aren't you uncomfortable in that?" He asks me scanning me head to toe.

"A little but it's no big deal." I tell him showing a polite smile.

"You know you can wear my shirt if you want, it doesn't have to be weird. I'd prefer it if you do." he tells me and I feel a little shocked at his words but nod in agreement and change into his shirt. Luckily it reaches about mid thigh and is much more comfy that that stupid dress.

After we eat breakfast we head back out to his car and start driving home. We both sit in awkward silence for about 5 hours and I almost wish we just drive the rest home last night so we could've avoided that whole situation.


Wow. Honestly don't know how to feel about that chapter. Btw there is gonna be a time jump soon so don't get mad at me.
Anyway by sweets 💕

Word count: 1009

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